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Classsix T

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Rum do's wrt The Outer Worlds at my local Asda. They're saying that they haven't placed orders for it and even if it charts, they might not get any! Admittedly, it's a small town, but...you what?!

This is (kinda) Fallout. In space. You've heard of Fallout, right? 


So, options. If I want a physical copy, order thru Argos, Amazon etc. Or give it a couple of weeks before bored teen cast-offs dribble into the pre-owned market.

Alternatively, just download the bu99er off the PS Store I guess? (which actually I hadn't even considered an option until I started writing this post! Isn't it strange that purchasing a physical copy of a new title is still my default mindset, despite happily downloading PSN subscription titles as they take my fancy every month? It must be an age thing that in return for paying cash money for something I want something tactile to show for it.

Dozy old fart I am, pay digital cash get digital media. Job done!) 


...and they wonder why online selling is destroying traditional retail!



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3 minutes ago, Reorte said:

Sad, I much prefer physical stuff (no comments!) where possible.


Anyway, I finished The Outer Worlds yesterday. Nice game, although somewhat overhyped IMO.


What's your take then friend beyond that brief synopsis. Dunno why I'm asking, I'll buy it anyway, lol.



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To be honest I can't think of a great deal to say in a general waffle on about it sense (I wouldn't make a good reviewer!) Someone else I was talking to about it said he felt it was a little rough around the edges, which I think was fair enough. There's a lot of starting at an almost unmoving face in conversations, but on the plus side clearly a lot of effort had been put into coming up with characters and writing for them. Combat and looting stuff got a bit samey, to the point where I stopped checking what I'd picked up; I was swimming in ammo by the end of the game (which may depend upon how much use you make of machine guns). I'm not sure I'd agree with all the Fallout comparisons - if I was to pick any I'd say Borderlands (which has also been suggested often enough) crossed with Mass Effect, although it didn't engage me as much. That's all rather negative-sounding, which is probably rather unfair. If there's DLC and / or sequels, which seems highly likely I'll eagerly look forward to them.


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Cool. Comparisons to Fallout have been made because the guys at Obsidian were responsible for that franchise's beginnings. Which is largely irrelevant seeing as I haven't played any, probably just as well given what Bethesda has since done to it!

Either way, it still seems like a good bet I'll be glad I've bought it.



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  • RMweb Premium
9 hours ago, MJI said:

I quite liked Fallout New Vegas apart from the horrific frame rate on PS3


The biggest problem I had with New Vegas (on PC) is that it was very unstable, and I hadn't even modded it.

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Reorte said:


The biggest problem I had with New Vegas (on PC) is that it was very unstable, and I hadn't even modded it.


At times on PS3 it was under 1fps

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I've been playing FX3 pinball recently, some very good tables although some of the older ones need the physics model updating to match the newer ones, but good fun and new tables are only a few quid for a collection of half a dozen or so - more if on a Steam offer. If you like pinball - (which I do, having owned tables, and spent a lot of time playing lots for real, not a Pinball Wizard but me and my then girlfriend used to go to Blackpool several times during the summer when pinball was popular and tables abounded in all the arcades) - you will like FX3. Having only just linked in my steam account I am currently 3213th in the world - but that will improve over the next few weeks.

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Whilst I'm absolutely fine paying hard working Devs their just rewards for their work, I was somewhat surprised that The Outer Worlds on PS Store was at the full whack price of a penny shy of fifty notes. I'm not tight, but can't justify paying more for some noughts and ones delivered via a telephone line, than a bluray disc in a box making it halfway across the globe!

Argos finally got their copies regionally though so the preferred new option is click n collect in store for £42.99.


However, with Jedi: Fallen Order out on Friday 15th, time - and cash - for TOW will be a squeeze. Problems, problems! 




That was Sunday, two days later Argos have no copies, anywhere! 

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Recently playing Spyro reignited trilogy as spyro 1 was one of my childhood games. I’m not going to lie gulp in spyro 2 is one of the hardest bosses in a game I’ve ever played. Even my partner was laughing at the fact I was stuck on a boss in basically a kids game when I can blast through pretty much anything in games. But it’s very rare that I play a remake that keeps the magic from childhood like this game does. 

Big James 

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Just found this topic, had a quick read through.


When I've got time and I'm not slaving over a hot baseboard I'm usually on the PC tackling one of Paradox's GSG (Grand Strategy Games), usually Stellaris or Europa Universalis IV (listed in descending order of my competence), or in 'City Builder' mode on Cities Skylines or Surviving Mars...


A couple of shots of a Cities: Skylines build:




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Well friends, October/November has been something of a bust gaming wise, though probably for the best...fiscally. So I can like, buy food and that. 


I won't reiterate exactly what my plans were, suffice it to say (because of the unique way C6T is funded) I can't see me ripping the cellophane off a box before Nov 20th! So that's Surge 2, The Outer Worlds, NFS Heat and (ghnnngh) Jedi: Fallen Order on postponement.


On the plus side, the PS3 and the PS4 now share the same PSN account, something I'd been putting off for fear of loosing titles I'd downloaded to the older machine. That in itself is a tale I shan't bore you with beyond the recommendation of not purchasing hardware whilst wearing beer goggles when the account is flush then setting it up with a non existant email address (it's .com mate, .co.uk don't exist) and not writing down the password.

I edited the main username of the PS3 to add a "2" and created a new user with the same details as the PS4 account, all good. They're now seamlessly merged accounts and I haven't lost any of the PS3 titles or add ons I've paid for directly. What I have lost is any of the games via subscription (no great shakes frankly), the trophies (boo hoo) and the irksome bit is the save files. However, if I log in as user2, I should be able to have another round of Mass Effect using the partitioned saves for user2. 

I suspect my save files for Deus Ex Human Revolution are gone though because I foolishly agreed to let it save my games on their servers...stupid.


For someone just turned 47, I dare say that's not the worst old giffer/technology clash to have ever happened!



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If it’s any consolation I was very underwhelmed by The Outer Worlds. Nothing really wrong with it as such, it just didn’t grab me and get me hooked. I just found it a bit, meh.


Ive recently been playing my way through destiny 1 with a view to downloading destiny 2 as the bulk of that game is free to play. I have to say it plays so much better than I remembered, I had a lot of fun with it.

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Copy that Clagsniffer, but I dare say we're all drawn in to some extent to promises of gaming pleasure by pre-release gushing by devs and enthusiastic journalism. 

I have no idea at all whether I'll like The Outer Worlds, but on paper, it looks a good bet. I'll have to wait and see... 



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Red Dead Redemption 2 downloading... estimate 2 days... Perhaps I should've waited until Wednesday, ready for the weekend.


I do miss the nice and simple and sensible world of walking in to a shop and handing over some cash...


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22 minutes ago, Reorte said:

Red Dead Redemption 2 downloading... estimate 2 days... Perhaps I should've waited until Wednesday, ready for the weekend.


I do miss the nice and simple and sensible world of walking in to a shop and handing over some cash...


I did ask up-thread Chief...I just hope you enjoy it as much as us console "peasants" did. A YEAR AGO! (snigger!) 



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Some thoughts about Destiny.


I was getting addicted to grinding, just to get high level, but now it is difficult as certain tasks have to be done rather than generally play the game.


However I do have a huge pile of materials.


I have now decided to not bother with a lot of weeklies as they drop stuff not really worth having, and now have the following aims this season.


So not bothering with Crucible, Strikes, Weekly planet. Not bothering about 3 characters doing all weapon bounties everyday.


However I do like Gambit.


1) Get all the Gambit Prime armour, got 2 complete and 4 partial Notorious sets. Got 4 out 5 Warlock Sentry yesterday.

2) Gambit Prime triumphs.

3) The lore. OK new Moon stuff and Marasenna.

4) Get the Shattered Throne bow.

5) Finish Moon Hunter.

6) Do Moon Warlock.


I also need to do more on the Leviathan. Reckoning?


But I reckon not chasing over 950 will make it more fun.

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Forgot to mention that PS Store has a "double discount" sale on including Train Sim World and various of the bolt-on DLCs including the WSR and Pennines routes. Deal is on until Nov 22nd. 




Standard Mass Effect Andromeda £3.59, that's a lot of game for very little money!

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  • RMweb Premium
14 hours ago, big jim said:

Shame the offer isn’t on in the Microsoft store, wouldn’t mind some more DLC for trainsim on the Xbox but it’s not been reduced for a while 


I'm ideally waiting for some steam routes for that before I buy it, although an unmodernised (i.e. non-electric, semaphore signalled) one in the 80s that I'm familiar with might do it. If there's a sale on and I can pick up the Transpennine route cheap I may give it a try.

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Just had another look at the TSW stuff on offer at PS Store as it happens, their pricing strategy seems odd for the DLC if the struck through prices are to be believed as the rrp. You pay twenty five knicker for the full game and have to pay that again if you want Trans Pennine? Sheesh, and more still if you fancy the Whistler/Gronk bolt on... 


(why advertise something that's unavailable..?!)

Baring in mind, for the UK rail enthusiast alone, there's an almost infinite amount of stuff you could chuck into this game, I can't help thinking the prices are short term cash grabbing. But they must know savvy gamers will wait for discounts? 




I'm also perhaps showing my ignorance that having paid for a Wizzo, you can only use it on the West Somerset DLC? But the main game has the GWML, so why can't we have Western Champion on railtour duty out of Paddington? 

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