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Anybody actually modeling in this heat?

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Know the feeling, I've got to get a layout under construction to a passably presentable stage.

I was helping a friend out at the Beaconsfield show yesterday and it was a real effort to keep going.



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Yep - I drag myself outta the pit to take my 'pup' (<-) for a walk at 6am for an hour, then spend a couple of hours in the shed 'till it gets too hot, usually when the thermometer touches about 80 degrees F, but I have to keep the door closed, at the moment it's just under the 'ton'.

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I was helping a friend out at the Beaconsfield show yesterday and it was a real effort to keep going.




I have done a couple of shows at this time of year in the past, not to pleasant when it's really hot.

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The only plus I’ve found is that glue and paint dry faster. 


Good point, I use PVA glue to seal speakers in their enclosures it's easy at the moment because the PVA isn't to runny it is tacky.

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  • RMweb Premium


Spent a hour or so in the back garden yesterday, before 9:30 am, armed with my airbrush, repainting an Oxford Diecast Rover P6 for a work colleague and finishing weathering on a couple of locos.

Today Ive fitted a sound chip to 47625 and tested it.

Being a garden railway, this time of year and this weather is bliss - apart from when you have to replace buckled or broken track - which isn't often.

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Over here in the GWN we have also been having a heat wave with rather high humidex readings (equivalent to 45C).  This is where the basement comes in useful.  In fact I would have to say I have done nearly as much modelling in the basement in the summer as I do over the winter.

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  • RMweb Gold

I can only do my modelling prior to 10am, after that the sun appears over the hills across the valley and the temperature on the terrace rapidly gets to 40 degrees and more, doesn't help that it is a glazed area. As it will only get hotter, unlike the UK, things won't improve.

As well as problems others mentioned above with glue and paint, sweat dripping on the models doesn't help!



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I don't deal well with extremes of temperature, so when I get

home from work I just want to relax in front of a fan!

I've found the best thing is a modelling tray I can have on my

lap while I'm relaxing. 


Currently I'm chopping up 0 gauge coaches to create different

diagrams, I started with Big Big coaches to create (closer to)

correct length TSO & SO units, then got keen and made a BF.


Whilst waiting for more coaches, to attempt a BSO & a BF, I've

been attacking the Lima coaches, first off was a Miniature Buffet,

currently doing a Restaurant Buffet, to be followed by FO & SO,

last on the list will be a Sleeping Car (maybe even a Bullion Van)


Basically, I think I'm saying, that I appear to have done a bit more

than usual, because I can't be bothered to battle the heat in the

railway room!

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"Wearing said attire or actually modelling it?"


Well, I haven't actually done any of that twirling on a catwalk business, but im expecting a call from the editor of Vogue, about a shoot of me watering the plants, or similar, at any time.

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  • RMweb Gold

Used last weekend to good effect to do some ballasting. Having the PVA soaked ballast dry out within a day is pretty much a record.....


But this weekend has been way too hot for any useful modelling.....

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This is when I feel I really ought to do some modelling, especially painting things, gluing scenery or ballasting, but just can't be bothered.

I have had some running sessions though, & discovered my very first warped rail due to heat expansion the other day, on a Peco O point. Fortunately locos & stock still seem to run through it ok.

In the "nearly counts as modelling" category, I Opened The Box of my new Dapol O Scale 8750 Pannier the other day, & replaced the number plates with ones for my chosen engine; there has since followed some interesting research into the prototype which has shown that more will be required for strict accuracy than just a number change!! :nono: :stinker: :D

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As much as I would love to. The loft is to hot up to work up there and with a house full of kids down stairs I can’t even do any wagon building so right now all I can do is work in the evening, but my work arrangements in the evening has ground that time to a halt to.


Big James

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I've been working on painting a 5" gauge NER Class E (later LNER J71). She'll be in full T Worsdell NER lined green livery. Lots of lining still to do, along with work on the cab (which is why the roof isn't attached properly on the far side, and the paintwork stops just shy of the cab on the left side. She was a bit of a state when I got her - have a look at the rear for an idea!




Sadly she'll never run, being a shelf queen, but I'm finding an issue with this scale - no lining transfers! Everything is being carefully marked out and lined by hand. Rather a change from what I'm used to! Some of the used-up masking tape can be seen off to the left. I'm just glad Phoenix do 50ml tins of the green and claret! I'm used to 00, such as the J72 seen on the windowsill, looking rather small...

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  • RMweb Premium

I've got a fan in the workshop, with the door & window open and blind down over the window [cord snapped so it doesn't roll up anyway] it's not too hot and cooler than the garden.


I repaired a 014 Ruston LAT and reassembled the Fowler 04-0DM for Coxheath Sidings which has had its wheels, rods & body painted & dirtied.


That's probably it for the week as work is busy and other attractions next weekend.



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  • RMweb Premium

Not modelling, but I have been braving the heat of my shed to break down the current layout in preparation for a shed swap.

The wife want to put our guinea pigs into my shed, which will allow me to fix up and enlarge the shed they are currently in. I can't extend the width, but will have an extra 4 feet of length to work with once it's done, along with the provision for full width baseboards up each side. Bascically instead of a shed adaption that i currently have, I will have a custom built and fitted out train shed

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