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Apparently empty status updates

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  • RMweb Gold

When a member posts a status update that consists only of photos the recent status messages panel on the home page shows an apparently empty message.


When there are several of these from the same member it begins to look deliberately annoying. In the recent case I don't think it was deliberate but it certainly annoyed me.


A small problem for the admin team to think about.


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5 minutes ago, Mallard60022 said:

I can't even post a SU at present; don't know why as I've checked settings etc . 


The slider switch in Account Settings > Edit Profile had been switched to Off. I've enabled it now for you.

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Sadly, I've taken to ignoring status updates as sometimes it's like scrolling through someone's photo gallery.

I'm off to Benidorm for a week so I'll upload all my holiday snaps as a status update when I return. You have been warned. Prepare to be very, very bored. If this was 1975, I'd be round your house uninvited with a box of slides and a slide projector.

There. I moaned. Lack of coffee this morning and a particularly naughty puppy hasn't helped.


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