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Hi all . have ing seen max's highland layout Portmahomack summer 1978  i remember back to two scottish highland small layouts i built a few years back  and was so impressed with max's  i just had to have a go my self  .its a bit of a coppy cat one in its early mock up stages  but see what you think . cheers all 





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Hi luke thanks glad you like it . i have got a lot of tweek ing to do on it yet . one thing i am not sure  about if the station building needs  lowering by 1and half cm looks a bit to tall to me . not haveing  any figures to hand at the mo makes it hard to judge and i am not a scale ruler type of modeller by any means . the base board is my recycled china clay layout that bit the dust when problems with the traverser killed it off . Then about  3 ins were swan  of the end and it became  a american  based  grain layout. all the buildings were made and thats when i saw max's  layout and thats how it came to be . what you see now . the scenic side of the layout is only 50 cm long by 26 cm wide  there are no points all three tracks converge under the road bridge  and a single track sector plate deals with the switch ing of the tracks . i would have  liked to have included one of the lovely highland signal boxes like max has used  but there is not enough lenth on the platform . i do need to squeez a smiphore  signal in at the end of the platform . i like the Dapol ones i doint think they do a scottish  lattice type one and i doint really want to do a kit one  . only thing i can come up with is a SR region one and place a finial  on top  might get away with that . 

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Thanks  good idea  on that i did find a pic of some ones layout  a o gauge one that had a small wall  do you mean something like that  . or i may try a higer wall on the platform side  that may look better . 


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Hi all . managed to get some more work done  . i have now lowered  the station  building so hopefuly it looks more to size than towering above the loco . and i have added a side wall as peak experiernce mention would help inprove the looks because of its small size. allso  i have been able to paint the side walls platform etc  in colours  that blend in with its highland setting . its still in the mock up stage things  like inner waitng room and parcels office  have been placed on the platform  but it looks more like a shed to me so i may change that  . offered up a phone box and a small platform bench just to get a feel till happy . my park royal rail bus arrived this week that will take care of the passenger taffic tilll i can build up some  more motive power like a 121 class . any way loads more to do will post more as progress goes on 








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Hi max . glad you like it . next bit will be to tackel the roof . not sure if i will go for a slate tiles  or corogated  roof  yet . and inside the station the waiting parcels office may change . I had built  a very similar station on a layout some 8 years ago i think that had a corogated roof i have found a pic of it  . the class 26 blocks the view  abit . funny how you miss old layouts as it got sold on . 


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Looking good - right up my street this. Nice to see the 4 wheeler railbus, shame they weren't successful as may have kept some smaller branches open to passengers rather than just freight. 

Edited by SeanG
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all . just a few bits i have been beaver ing away at over the last week . progress on the road bridge  got a bit bogged down as i couldnt make up my mind on how it should look . so with a mix of Wills Vari-Girder spans and some Jarvis Stone walling  i have putt this together . it of course neeeds blending in with20200624_205940.jpg.9ff283c59179e42308f823ca7f657f28.jpg paint and grass tuffs at he sides of the road but so far i like it  . All so i have started on the station roof so far its just resting on the top till ime sure that its ok but i do need to cutt some sky lights in the slates  as it sure is dark in there . The other thing i have done is to block in the gap from the end of the waitng room to the bottom of the front boarding . Think it looks more solid like that . i have inc a before and after pic to show what i mean .  So thats whats i have been up to of late . But next i need  to tackel  some sort of platform signal  not sure what yet i really want  to use a nice semaphore . but platform length is short so even with a rail car jutting out the station the driver would have it nearly in his face . so ile look at a colour light as well  . which could even be mounted on the bridge above the track . all food for thought .  







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Hi jim  thank you . pleased you like it yes it is a bit cramped for space some bits have been chopped off as it has been two other layouts before it got to this stage . the PCB  is the  the plug in  scoket  for my  NCE power cab controller its just resting there till i find some where to mount the panel i might have to make a box up or something . thats when i get round to tidy ing it all up  . when the layout is near finished i will make a front panel up to give it that old TV look  or fish tank look if you know what i mean . 

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6 hours ago, kevo said:

Hi all . just a few bits i have been beaver ing away at over the last week . progress on the road bridge  got a bit bogged down as i couldnt make up my mind on how it should look . so with a mix of Wills Vari-Girder spans and some Jarvis Stone walling  i have putt this together . it of course neeeds blending in with20200624_205940.jpg.9ff283c59179e42308f823ca7f657f28.jpg paint and grass tuffs at he sides of the road but so far i like it  . All so i have started on the station roof so far its just resting on the top till ime sure that its ok but i do need to cutt some sky lights in the slates  as it sure is dark in there . The other thing i have done is to block in the gap from the end of the waitng room to the bottom of the front boarding . Think it looks more solid like that . i have inc a before and after pic to show what i mean .  So thats whats i have been up to of late . But next i need  to tackel  some sort of platform signal  not sure what yet i really want  to use a nice semaphore . but platform length is short so even with a rail car jutting out the station the driver would have it nearly in his face . so ile look at a colour light as well  . which could even be mounted on the bridge above the track . all food for thought .  







Looking great kevo! You may be giving me ideas of a far north line micro...

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Kevo, I like the look of this. Scottish train operation has always been interesting IMHO as you can run prototypically short trains which lends itself to micro layouts in particular.


Can I ask about your uncoupling? Looking at your kadee magnets, have you cut them in half? They look shorter than mine. How did you do this successful? And with a shorter length, do you find they still work as well?



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Hi  multigauge  . yes my  Kadee  magnets have been cut. in half  i used a dremel with a cutting disc  . its a bit fiddley  to do and smelly  once u get cutting . i  am not sure where i 1st saw this  but i have had success with it  . but  it all depends on setting  the uncuplers  up  right.  ive ended scrapping some layouts because of the nightmare of it all due to this  . i allways use a kadee height gauge. and use ing half the size magnets i have found its got to be on a good stright bit of track  . hope that helps . 

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Cheers  mark  glad you like it . yes i like the class 24's  as well  mine is a E BAY  one brought from pro weather ing . i have a few locos from him . i do like wather ing my own normaly  but for quickness i brought this one to get my BR loco stock up to a few as i had sold most of mine off  a few years back  . i have got to get a decoder for it as at the mo its only DC . 

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Well i have had a bit of a sett back regards motive power wise with my class 24 . as i said i was going to put a D CC decoder in it . yesterday i removed the body shell only to find it has no 8 pin socket  . i have owned this loco over a month  it was shown in the add as dcc ready i tested it on anolog  and never give it a thought  . so it looks like i will have to hard wire it in which considering  how much i paid for it ime none to pleased . so in the mean time only other loco available  to me is my irish railways 141 class so doint be alarmed  if this apears from now on.  i havent  given up on a scotish theam its just till i can sort things out . :huh:

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Hi @kevo

Really liking the look of this micro project :)
Yes, definitely better since lowering that roof - it looks more prototypical, and more "in proportion" IMHO

I understand your frustration at the loco not being as described.... :(
But don't despair totally - there are online videos on YouTube which can help explain how to fit decoders into non DCC ready locos
such as this one, for example 


Funnily enough, I have been reading (yet again) through my old copy of Paul Karau's book on GWR Branchline terminus stations
And I briefly toyed with the idea of a micro layout based on one of the locations such as Mortonhampstead, which has a similar type of roof
I was particularly taken with the concept of the cattle dock being opposite the station building in this case
To me, it screamed "view-blocker" and operating potential - especially, I thought, if I could place the goods shed part of the way along the platform,
as a view-blocker on the other side of the small scene.....

Unfortunately, I'll never get this idea built.... I've already got too many layouts, and way too many ideas I'd like to build ;)
Best of luck with this one - I'm interested to see this one progress

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Hi Marc   thank you for the info regards fitting decoder i will have a look at that . i have managed a hard wire job on a loco a few year ago  but it was sheer luck it worked so a refresher vid will not go a miss i think i have seen some of Jenny  Kirk's vids before really good she is dam clever . marc your idea for your micro sounds really good . and yes i am the same all ways tons of layouts on the back burner .i have had faulse starts before espicialy  with my version of John spencers Ruyton road its a small EM gauge layout there are some vids on u tube of it it could easy  be turned into a scottish type layout . it has  a dissused cattle doc etc . PS here is my irish loco i said about that will take over track running trials for uncoupleing etc . cheers 




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17 hours ago, kevo said:

Hi Marc   thank you for the info regards fitting decoder i will have a look at that . ......

.i have had faulse starts before espicialy  with my version of John spencers Ruyton road its a small EM gauge layout there are some vids on u tube of it it could easy  be turned into a scottish type layout . it has  a dissused cattle doc etc . PS here is my irish loco i said about that will take over track running trials for uncoupleing etc . cheers 


Hi @kevo 
Hope you fit the decoder without hitch. Just thinking - might be worth contacting the seller of the loco anyway. Just explain that you've only just recently opened it up & discovered it wasn't DCC ready.... worth a try at least? Send them a photo - perhaps they didn't know? Explain you're not expecting a full refund, but perhaps they can give a partial refund....

Anyhow - funny you should mention John Spencer's "Ruyton Road" - don't know if you're aware? But I'm the current owner :)
It was on seeing it for the first time (twenty odd years back!) that was the turning point for me, and I have modelled small & micro layouts ever since.....
It remains a design icon, and a "classic layout" in the eyes of many. I've been restoring & modifying it


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