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Proceedings of the Castle Aching Parish Council, 1905

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1 hour ago, Nearholmer said:

Without wishing to be picky, this ‘FA Cup Final’ question must boil down to how one defines ‘railway engineer’, in that several prominent teams were formed originally as ‘railway works’ teams, so almost certainly had railway craftsmen on the strength.


There was Newton Heath LYR FC though I don't think they reached the FA Cup Final under that name.

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4 hours ago, Compound2632 said:

There was Newton Heath LYR FC though I don't think they reached the FA Cup Final under that name.

My stepson-to-be, who is a life long Red, is looking to transfer to Newton Heath depot and informed me of its sporting heritage only the other weekend.

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On 20/05/2021 at 14:36, Adam88 said:

Don't forget that today, the 20th of May, is Eliza Doolittle Day.


... followed four days later by Empire Day (or Commonwealth Day in more recent times) being Queen Victoria's birthday.

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Grytpype-Thynne: Good evening. Have a picture of Queen Victoria.
Neddie Seagoon: No thanks, I'm trying to give them up.


Spike Milligan, The International Christmas Pudding (The Goon Show, Series 6 Episode 9, first broadcast 15 Nov 1955).

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14 minutes ago, Nearholmer said:

He must be in the air this evening. I just used half an hour watching a short tribute to his comedy on YouTube. It’s not his birthday is it?


The "Go-On" Show can be heard this Tuesday (and most others too) on R4Ex.

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In the news .... Apparently Australians are being eaten alive in their beds by mice, for which my profound sympathies (to the Australians, not the mice, obviously), Belarus has an Evil Dictator (my friends in Poland have been hosting a trail of political refugees this week; they're not taking the 'plane, apparently), and God seems to be moving in a particularly mysterious way in that He is currently working through the Egregious Cummings to shine a light in dark places.  Exactly the sort of incompetence I had inferred watching HMG from the outside is now confirmed by someone who was on the inside.  Which reminds me, I must 'phone my GP and get my Confirmation Bias looked at.


In the meantime, I received the second jab a couple of hours ago, and am only slightly dizzy!




Or will be in a fortnight or so. 




Edited by Edwardian
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7 minutes ago, Edwardian said:

In the meantime, I received the second jab a couple of hours ago, and am only slightly dizzy!


I'm not sure whether the dizziness is a side affect (effect? I always have trouble with that) in the conventional sense, or a sort of euphoria about acquiring a degree of immunity, but I had a few hours of it starting almost exactly 24hrs after Jab 2. 


Did you catch the bit where Cummings damned the whole system because it gave the UK a choice between BJ and JC as leaders? I was expecting him to carry on and say "......... when the only fit person in the universe to lead is me.", but he stopped himself. The bit I find oddest is that I agree with a great deal that he says, I rate him as a very clever chap, but think he's the most arrogant person I've seen in years (beside The Hon Mem for C18th, possibly).

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15 minutes ago, Edwardian said:

Apparently Australians are being eaten alive in their beds by mice, for which my profound sympathies (to the Australians, not the mice, obviously)

You should see the size of the traps I've got to set.


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12 minutes ago, Nearholmer said:


I'm not sure whether the dizziness is a side affect (effect? I always have trouble with that) in the conventional sense, or a sort of euphoria about acquiring a degree of immunity, but I had a few hours of it starting almost exactly 24hrs after Jab 2. 


Did you catch the bit where Cummings damned the whole system because it gave the UK a choice between BJ and JC as leaders? I was expecting him to carry on and say "......... when the only fit person in the universe to lead is me.", but he stopped himself. The bit I find oddest is that I agree with a great deal that he says, I rate him as a very clever chap, but think he's the most arrogant person I've seen in years (beside The Hon Mem for C18th, possibly).


Yes, Cummings is in a position to know and he's dealing with specifics. 


He might be partisan, but it is awfully hard to discount all the detail (some potentially verifiable in due course) as made up, and even a portion of it is fairly damning.


As to his comments about our system, the party divisions no longer reflect the division of opinions and, IMHO, both major parties failed when faced with the 2016 B----T agonies. He does have a point.  The answer, I am increasingly coming round to, is probably a form of preferential voting.  And I suspect that this is becoming an imperative if we are to keep faith in democracy.


Too often, lately, it's felt like those lines of Coward: "It's clear as crystal from Bridlington to Bristol that we can't save democracy and we don't much care ..."




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46 minutes ago, Nearholmer said:

Did you catch the bit where Cummings damned the whole system because it gave the UK a choice between BJ and JC as leaders? I was expecting him to carry on and say "......... when the only fit person in the universe to lead is me.", but he stopped himself.


As I recall, he went on to mention the bit about youngsters  monkeys being led by donkeys, or some such?  In any event, he also included himself in the mix, by admitting he wasn't the best person to be a leader either.   So he managed to eat 'umble pie too. He also admitted that Boris had been dumped in an unenviable position to start with, and any government in any country had similar issues around trying to find out what the right thing to do was?

[Didn't help when the WHO got bogged down with dogma early one either]

After this cup of tea, I'll call into a well known new site and see what other revelations he will be exposing?


Or maybe not, as it has stopped raining here, and my leek & potato soup is about cooked.


An interesting point from my view concerns all the thousands who seem to be rushing off to Spain or thereabouts? {No, I care not if they all have to go into immigration camps to be quarantined on return either!]....but if they've all had their jabberjabs [ 2-jabs is my new name as well]...how are the poor indigenous spaniards going to view all these apparently immune brits flaunting their immunity everywhere, when the poor spaniards are stuck with infection after infection??

Knowing brit behaviour, our representatives will doubtless do their utmost to rub it all in?


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2 minutes ago, Edwardian said:

the party divisions no longer reflect the division of opinions


My reading is that the current division of opinion goes something like this:


Consumerists - We're doing alright, in fact some of us are doing very alright indeed, although many of us are working our fingers to the bone, and deeply stressed out in order to keep doing alright. We don't care a tinker's cus who or what is in power, provided that it doesn't in the teensiest way threaten our material wellbeing, and that includes doing anything meaningful to achieve environmental sustainability, however much we make the right noises about that, and it certainly includes anything that might redistribute any of the money we work so bl@@dy hard for in the direction of those feckless, lazy Wannabe Consumerists.


Wannabe Consumerists  - We've been shafted over the past thirty or forty years, the jobs that gave us money, purpose and dignity disappeared, we can barely afford to rub two ha'pennies together, and are effectively shut-out from Consumerism. We can mostly get work, but the pay is bl@@dy awful, and we have to work all the hours god sends, and there's zero chance of "bettering ourselves", so why bother, and why should our kids bother either. We don't care a tinker's cus who or what is in power, provided it gives us at least some chance of becoming proper Consumerists, 'cos they look like they're having a good time, the greedy b@st@rds.


The Optimistic Party - we believe passionately that change is necessary, and that we can make it happen!! After that, we fracture into a host of single-issue sub-parties, each shouting demands, but unable to put forward a cogent and appealing alternative to consumerism, besides which most of us are still very young, and hope fervently to become Consumerists once we've got kids of our own.


The Bitter Old S@ds' Party - we used to be in The Optimistic Party, we believe with ever-diminishing passion (because we can no longer muster much passion about anything) that change is necessary, but that we cannot make it happen. We dislike all the other groups for different reasons. We do care a lot about who or what is in charge, but long ago worked out that there isn't much we can do about it beyond grumbling loudly, so don't bother. 


It might be a lot more honest if new political parties were created that properly represented these viewpoints.

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You forgot the ''Nasty Bitter Old Sods?''

Like the ''Bitter Old sods'' but determined to upset and undermine every initiative promoted by the other 4 parties, simply because we they can?

I believe it was the latter that influenced the brexit vote.  I also believe it was the latter who generally bring every other politicians' downfall, simply because they can...and not because it might or might not be the best thing to do, or in anybody's best interests?

'StroppyGitz' is probably a better name for this socio-economic group?

So, a primary membership trait has to be, to understand what is in everybody's best interests, and ensure the exact opposite happens via the ballot box.


Luddites ,perhaps?


I got vaccinated just to annoy everybody else!

Edited by alastairq
just to annoy everyone. Not for any other particular reason..
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2 hours ago, Nearholmer said:


Not sure. I think that possibly all four parties have paramilitary wings, all of which run vicious campaigns of self-destruction.


Someone once described the Republican Tea Party movement as "UKIP with guns"

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