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Hi to all .  i have tried to make a good effort to tidy up my storeage of locos wagons scrap box bits . it needs it as the Mrs keeps telling me ! well you know what happens  as you start  pulling bits out  .  crumbs i forgot i had that  etc etc . and i found two old boxfiles  laying around . then i came across my buildings i had saved from my failed china clay  layout . all hope of tidy ing were forgotten and bits and bobbs were gathered up  . A harr i thought what about if i tried to recycle them . so i have made a quick mock up . to go along the lines of (A)  a nother micro china clay layout . take no notice of the loco  its just one i happen to grab at the time . or (B)  a fertlilizer depo  may be .  so i will get weave ing and see what happens   sorry . pics not brilliant as light today is gloomy . all the best  ..




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi  i am still juggle ing around  a bit with this possible  project  as i still would like to use a boxfile for it . last few evenings  i have spent time move ing the  buildings  i doint think i will use the warehouse  i have as its not a good fit  . the original  warehouse was the only bit i didnt manage to save from the layout it came from . allso the fiddle yard . i would  like to use another box file as there will now be no points used  . i need to build a sector plate but am a bit stumped on this , you  see plenty of boxfile layouts but how people have done there fiddle yards come traversers  come sector plates in box files is a bit thin . i had a lot of problems  with the levels from one box file to the other  on my kenwards colliery  layout and ended up scrapping the box file idea  for that . . also  i have set the buildings at more of a angle  rather that straight line which seems to help a bit  . anyway its  all still a collection  of bits  for now so i will keep you posted  . all the best to all




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  • RMweb Gold

Living in Cornwall I have been, back in the 90's, for a guided tour of the Clay Dries. One memory from that trip was of track embedded in concrete that 'disappeared' into a building but not through a doorway. It seems they just built a new building right on top of the old track, might be an interesting feature to include.

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Fear not  david Kenwards colliery  is still alive  and well .  its was the  1st attemp  at a china clay  layout that got  scrapped  . the base board from  that  got recycled  in to my scottish  micro  .

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On 20/01/2021 at 10:27, kevo said:

Hi Simon yes that would make a interesting  feature .  In the original  layout before it got scrapped I placed all the track in concrete and will  with this one  .



Loved this layout!

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Thanks Chris  it was a shame i had so much trouble with the traverser  other wise it would have been ok . any way i have saved nearly 90% of the buildings . and my boxfile version  will allmost  look the same  fingers crossed .

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  • RMweb Gold
On 20/01/2021 at 10:27, kevo said:

all the track in concrete and will  with this one


How have you done the in-filling with concrete here - it's looking good and I'm about to (relatively speaking) embark on infilling most of my layouts track with concrete / tar / cobbles (TBC).




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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Kev, I too struggle with sectors and traversers and all that. What I have decided to do in my boxfile project is keep it REALLY simple, and just manually slide a 3mm foam board cut-out that’s sandwiched between other foam board cut-outs (or 3mm ply, or even cardboard). It’ll be two thirds the width of the box file, so you just slide it from one side to the other. I’m relying on friction to keep it in place. It’ll be VERY basic, but we will see how it goes. It will be a few weeks before I get mine built (still trying to work out what I need to order for it) but I hope you can get my idea. Cheers!

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I  have made a bit of a start yester day by glue ing some small hardboard backing sheets on to the inside of the boxfile  and i was lucky enough to have  a small strip of sky backing sheet left over  which has been glued  on . next  will be a rebuild of  clay dries wharehouse . so a couple of pics to show progress . 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Ralf   really sorry i was just about to do a small up date and have seen . you asked me about concrete in filling  . on the original layout all i used is sheet plastic card then sprayed with grey primer and then i just scribe lines to divied  the joins in the concrete , add a dash  of static grass  along the cracks etc . progress has been a bit slow  even on some thing as small as this . bits i have done  is the concrete walling and bridge  on the run off and i have been think ing  about  replace ing the clay dries whare house  with  a more like the orignal  one on the 1st  layout . just have to  see  on that . as the one in place now is a old scratch build goods shed  which was for another project  . but it would save time if i did keep it . i doint think it looks to out of place . in thease  pics is the mock up for the new one if i go ahead , 






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well . i have gone ahead  with the  new mock up instead of use ing the made up shed . mainly because i had made it originaly  for another project . which is still a possible later build . i have clad the sides with corrogated plastic card  and placed the surport brackets on for the over hang of the warehouse  come dries  roof  which i have yet to tackel  next . Think ing about things  i have more or less started building this  project in a back to front manner , normanly i would have laid down the track  down 1st  then planned  the buildings  around the track  plan . but as its a recycled build the buildings i all ready had . and there will only be two sideings so should be ok :O




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a small update   The roof on the dries warehouse is now on  so now most of the buildings are complete  . the slurry silo needs boxing in at the base and some pipe work to finish off  . then i can get on with laying the track well the two sideings  . the loco is just what i had to hand  but i didnt think it looked to out of place . 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all  just a small update  on  progress i have now  made out the track plan  . it was going to  be just two tracks to work of a sector plate  . but i didnt have  much luck knocking one together. i even cut down a old  left hand point to  save on lenth so i could cram in a 3rd sideing but as the sector plate came to nothing  that got scrapped . i needed a quick soultion  then it came to me why not use the traverser i made for my kenwards colliery . i have had to re adjust  the hight of the box file to bring it up to the same level  but it looks like it will work . well i know more when i get round to  laying the track in place . and i used a  small rad point which still gives me that 3rd sideing  . which is  just long enough to get a small wagon on . and with 2 tracks on the traverser  it should add to a good bit of shunting  . allso i thought about use ing a peco loco lift i can place on the tracks on the traverser run a shunter and two wagons on  loco in the middle  turn the whole train   to add even more shunting moves . any way hopefully this week end i will get track down and wired up and some thing running .



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  • RMweb Gold

You’re very wise to design the box file around the traverser. I’m having terrible trouble trying to get a smooth track connection between my box files and the fiddle-box.  Keep the updates coming please! 


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Hi andrew   doint give up  you will sort something out . i do  understand how much of  a problem  that can be  . if you have a flick through my kenwards colliery  boxfile layout  your see  that my 1st go at a box file layout  and traverser got scraped  as no matter what i tried i could not get the levels  right . i ended up re building the whole layout in MDF  and hard board . but kept the boxfile size . you can allso see from the pic above  of the traverser its a real hotch potch of mdf hardboard and plastic L shaped  strip  made up as i went along . if i build any new  boxfile size layouts i will use this same traverser  saves another headache :D

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  • RMweb Gold

Cheers! I’ve ripped out the current connections and have decided on a ‘bridging’ piece of track. Will update the thread when it’s done, but will check out your colliery boxfile in the meantime. I’ve also decided that when the time comes for a serious code 75/electrofrog layout comes, it’ll be on proper baseboards - and the traverser will be built first :laugh_mini:

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andrew  here is a few pics just to show what i had to do in the end to bring the boxfile  up to the traverser level  its not a very tidy site  to look at . also a couple of pics showing the construction  of the traverser  its no more than a tray  with sides  really  , but i still had to lay a very  thin layer of card strip  under the the track to add fine adjustment  . hope its of help :)





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  • 1 month later...

Hi all  bit of a up date on my recycle project. one of  the things i did need to tackel  was the concrete  infill  . all i did  was use some off cuts  of cardboard   to bring the surfice  up to track level   it ended up a bit like a jigsaw . to make sure all the bits went back in the right places i numbered  the backs of the card   on top of the cardboard  i cut the same shape out of plastic card  . all this was given a coat of grey primmer  , the hardest bit was the in lay for the point  but after one or two misshaps  i got it right . 




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this shows  the  concrete  infill  after  a coat of grey  primmer,  and all glued back down . . one thing i did remenber  from other layouts i had built when doing concrete  inlays . is to check by running a loco  to make sure all runs smoothly at most stages . next i gave the concrete  a couple of washes of greys and whites . till i had the look i was looking for . then to add a touch of shaddo  i finished off with weathering powders use ing white  and grey and a hint of  dark earth  . all blendid  or smudged  with my finger .  i even  the ECC  landrover  has had a tone ing down . 





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