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  • RMweb Gold

Hi everybody,


The following link was posted in a thread on here and I thought it was surprising that nobody commented on it! He is/was making a German Engine shed/machine shop with turntable and associated works including all the machinery inside, as well as things like pallet trucks, all produced on his 3d printer. I have spent a couple of days on the forum and am only at page 23 of 59!




The stuff he has produced with an FDM printer is totally mind blowing. Yes you do need Google Translate to get the benefit of the forum posts. It is a real shame that I have only just found this as it will change the way I use my FDM printer now, and also he was giving away STL files for free but at the moment as I say I am on page 23 of the topic and I think he may be selling the files now.


The quality he is getting is almost up to Injection Molding and is easily as good as resin printers. He was a professional CAD specialist so knows his stuff.


There are tips on how to produce grids just using the settings in Cura (warning the screen shots are obviusly still in German) for supports as well as changing the settings to not print walls and just the infill that then gives you a square or diamond mesh:blink:.



Edited by simonmcp
Trying to get link to work
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Love the whole lot, but especially his machine tools.  He should do one of his FDM printer!

I dread to think how many man-hours has he must have put into that.

He's certainly got his money's worth out of that two grand - and the thousand Euros for the CAD package.

But his expertise is obviously worth a lot more.  


Sorry Simon but posting 23 on the link clearly says he's not publishing his STL files or CAD


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That truly is brilliant CAD work and a mammoth effort but gotta say ,looking at say the pics in post 60 on page 3, if I got the vertical banding like that on prints from my resin printer I'd be posting  on here asking if anyone knew what  was causing it. 

Edited by monkeysarefun
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13 hours ago, dpgibbons said:

What costs two grand today will cost two hundred soon enough. Clearly CAD is the future of this hobby.




The printer you really want will always cost £2k. The printer you can afford may get to be as good as today's £2k machine in time and with many generations of improvements. 

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