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Railway & Modelling Obituaries

John Forman (HRCA / TCS / MKMRS)

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It is with regret that we record the passing on Sunday evening (7th) of John Forman, a long-standing member of The Hornby Railway Collectors Association, the Train Collectors Society and Milton Keynes Model Railway Society  after a short illness at Bedford Hospital.


John was not just a train collector but an operator too and was one of the first to attend local exhibitions with vintage tinplate, long before it became a ‘must have’ at such events. He was well known on the exhibition circuit with his displays of both Hornby O Gauge tinplate and his Lego layouts which always proved popular with trains and monorails operating amongst the buildings he had built from thousands of the legendary coloured bricks. His ‘loose lay’ layouts were seen at many exhibitions across the home counties as well as HRCA and TCS events at which he was ably supported by his wife Pauline. John’s planning for such events was meticulous, he knew where every scenic accessory had to be placed to ensure that there was plenty for visitors to see and discuss.


John also collected every available variant of the O gauge tinplate Mettoy A4 Class locomotives and contributed many articles to train collecting publications. He also edited the MKMRS club magazine for many years. John was a founder member of Kempston Model Railway Club and had set up the West Anglia Train Circle some years ago.


John was a regular exhibitor at the Bedford Vintage Train Group who meet at Houghton Conquest although these events have not taken place since February 2020 due to the ongoing Covid situation. Sadly, we were unable to meet at the MKMRS club rooms either or to be able to update him on Spurs scores when they were playing on club nights, John had also been a qualified local football referee and was a long-time supporter of Bedford Town FC. My first encounter with him was on a football field in Kempston playing in minor league game for the Bletchley BB team. Fortunately I behaved myself and it was not long after that I met him again on the exhibition circuit.


John also operated a permanent layout at home where he was able to share his passion for O gauge tinplate with his grandchildren. Our condolences to his wife Pauline, son Darren, daughter Dawn and their respective families.


John’s enthusiasm was infectious and his knowledge of older marques exceptional.


John, you will be greatly missed by us all.


RIP friend

Edited by 1E BoY
  • Friendly/supportive 14
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Sorry to hear of this - first met John when I joined Kempston Model Railway Club as a junior in the mid 80's and even after I stopped going to the club regularly I always seemed to bump into him at various local shows over the following 30 odd years.


He was a thoroughly decent bloke and I send my condolences to his family and loved ones.

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