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Hope this is appropriate for this section, but I'm looking for recommendations of retailers who have a really good selection of second hand N gauge, particularly modern image?


I'm aware of the two big box-shifters, and have checked my local model shops (around Leeds) but just wondering if there are any others I should contact.


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  • RMweb Premium

Ron Lines does shows as well, I have bought a few things from him over the years, very reasonable prices.


Avoid Hattons who are more concerned about the box than the contents and charge silly prices though and as for Ebay, that has become an absolute shambles of late with prices going sky high thanks to high demand fuelled by bidders with more money than sense.

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Contikits is good and I've never had a problem with anything bought from there.  The couple running it seem to do so in their spare time so I wouldn't expect instant responses.  They used to sell British stock through exhibitions and other by web site but currently everything is on the website.

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