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Mansfield - a slow burner…


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Been doing all sorts since my last post. Of significance I roped Duncan into helping me measure the station at Mansfield. This so he can CAD it up for me to scratch build, when time allows.


Ive jumped in at the deep end with the airbrush. The items in the image are the platforms, and also the Railway Laser Lines diesel shed. This shed will look very new, as on my layout the area it will live will look as if it’s just been completed - compared to the steam shed, which hopefully will look very grotty.


I’ve learned the hard way, twice, that the paint colour on the tin might not be the ‘actual’ colour it turns out to be, for various reasons. Oh well…



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Rather than trust the colour blobs on the tops of the tins, I had a spare hour and created a colour palette to work out the shades for different bits of the diesel shed.


There will be a little shade altering of some of the paints to create some contrasts, but I’ve a fair idea now which paint will g where. The steel colour for the ‘steel’ supports might need matting down a bit, but I’ll apply a coat and see how it comes out.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Further diesel shed progress. It’s probably 1/3rd of the way there. The detail is very nice. This shed will have only been ‘open’ a week or so. I’m modelling it as v new, so the steam shed not far away will look very rough in comparison. 




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Looks nice.

But for the base, are you sure the pits stretched the full length of the building?

In sheds I've visited, there was a walkway inside the building at both ends, to give staff easy access without having to go outside.

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8 minutes ago, JeffP said:

Looks nice.

But for the base, are you sure the pits stretched the full length of the building?

In sheds I've visited, there was a walkway inside the building at both ends, to give staff easy access without having to go outside.



Thanks for your suggestion. I'll take a look at some of the photo's I'm using for this shed, and put a walkway in accordingly. The two inspection pits were fitted for another shed that was longer, so I will need to fill some of the pits in anyway, rather than rip the track up. Once the 'concrete' centre is extened between the rails and painted accordingly, no-one will know 😉

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  • 2 weeks later...

Post op recovery, so 1st time back in the railway room today. I’ve been musing over whether the supplied Railway Laser Lines diesel shed corrugated tin is fine enough, so had a tinker with the Redutex equivalent(someone whispered this option in my ear😉) It looks more authentic and less ‘bulky’, don’t you think?


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On 18/09/2023 at 07:59, JeffP said:

Looks nice.

But for the base, are you sure the pits stretched the full length of the building?

In sheds I've visited, there was a walkway inside the building at both ends, to give staff easy access without having to go outside.

Here you go. Need to do some cosmetics, but the walkways either end are sorted. Just waiting for some more materials, to then sort the corrugated elements of the shed. 


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These images show the Redutex corrugated tin, backed onto 0.25mm plasticard. Total depth is 0.74mm. The supplied card roof is 0.71mm. This means I can now add the roof frames, and the relief etc will be right. 

I now need to paint the inside and edges of the roof.


I also need a more permanent solution to the temporary set up I have to create in my garage for any air brushing that can be done not in the railway room. The solution is a bench in the garage. 

Once my op recovery is more sorted, the bench in the garage will be sorted. 



Edited by Andy_C
Spelling correction :-)
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Today was brush painting a few bits, and looking at signalling. Specifically the signalling around the sidings. My good friend is sending me some reading next week on the subject of signalling, but I’ll need to work out routes in and out of the yard, and to what extent I need semaphore and ground signals. 

I’ll be using a mixture of Dapol motorised semaphore signals, but I’ll also need some gantry ones. Ground signals are a different topic. I need to find decent looking ones. I’m not sure about the PD Marsh ones. The research continues. 

blue rectangles indicate semaphores. The white squares indicate initial thoughts on where ground disc signals will go. Nothing set in stone yet.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Ballasting, ballasting and more ballasting. I’ve bunged up the point rod holes on the sidings side of the layout, so can’t run anything until ballasting on that side is complete. I’ve used the Woodland Scenics B73 fine buff - it looks ok as a base, but will need some weathering. 

The steam shed has fine sand down, but that will end up very dark and sooted up.


My plan is to finish ballasting what I can, and then I can start learning some scenics stuff whilst starting painting the track and ballasting the station/goods shed side.


Ill post some photos once I’m happy the layout doesn’t just look like I’ve set a grenade off next to it!

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  • 1 month later...

Slowly and steadily continued ballasting for the last few weeks, apart from a week away in Cyprus working. I'll actually be at a stage where I can restore power to the layout this week, all be it I still need to fit some Dapol signals and ballast round them.


The photos are fairly self-explanatory. The brick work you can see on the coaling stage is Redutex. I think I've mentioned this before, but I do like working with Redutex. I tested importing a few bits from their base in Spain, and once the cost and postage was factored in, it wasn't too bad. They sent me a sample of their cobblestone, which seems to be very promising for use as a cut stone wall very typical of the area at the time I'm going to be modelling.



coaling stage ramp 11-12-23.jpg

tunnel mock up 11-12-23.jpg

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4 hours ago, Andy_C said:

Is anyone reading this thread? Just checking... Leave a 'like' if you are, and I'll continue updating it from time to time...

Hmmm, you expect me to be able to read? 😉

Such high demands 😶


Hope we meet up again in the coming 12 months


es grüßt


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Today’s activities included looking again at a scenic break at the tunnel end of the layout. We also looked at the various points and double slips post ballasting, to ensure smoother running.

Next was the installation of four Dapol home signals. They sure look cool! The train-tech controllers were so simple to program, too. I’ll be using those again elsewhere on the layout. I can now complete the ballasting of the sidings scene, and move round to painting the track on the station side. Then, more ballasting…!


Programming via the Yamorc 7001 and DigiTrainsPro was investigated further. It would have helped if I’d have saved the stuff I had programmed. But at least I now know how to program locos, points and signals using the app, via iPad.

We then ran some trains. 


Photos to follow shortly. 





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Overview of station, with various rakes and locos stored whilst I finish the ballasting on the sidings side of the layout. 

I’ll get chance to do a bit more before the new year, but these photos will serve as a good bench mark for how far I’ve got to this time next year.


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Finally sussed the points programming in the DigiTrainsPro app. It was simple, once you pressed a couple of buttons!


Big thanks as always for Duncan’s help, yesterday. Always better to bounce ideas and problems off another enthusiast. Oh, and he did some right ‘ug’ work (ballast shrapnel removal, plasticard gluing etc).

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4 hours ago, Andy_C said:

I’ll get chance to do a bit more before the new year, but these photos will serve as a good bench mark for how far I’ve got to this time next year.


It has certainly been a great year of progress and achievement Andy. Thank you for letting me be part of it. Being a novice in DCC, Shirebrook being DC, it has been great to see how dcc works, and doesn't work. I am being to firm up on how I wish to operate a new layout. Your guidance will help me to save money and not purchase items that will be of little use. 

Thanks for picturing my new  dcc fitted steam loco fleet on Mansfield. I hope sometime next  year to make a start on my new layout... probably not until Q4!

Andy , i congratulate you on your Model of Mansfield. You have been meticulous in the construction and the results show. Yes much remains to be done but you have achieved much. The photos speak for themselves, here's a couple of mine to add, first is a view across Kirkby Summit Sidings, I think this shot demonstrates the vast expanse of the yard, there is a wealth of detail to add.




Next a view of the yard from above the tunnel... what's it called Andy, Kirkby Summit Tunnel?


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On 17/12/2023 at 21:53, Duncan. said:

Next a view of the yard from above the tunnel... what's it called Andy, Kirkby Summit Tunnel?

I've not thought of that because, as you know, there wasn't a tunnel as such until much further south at Kirkby (Annesley Cutting).


Might call the hill Hunnisett Hill? 😉 Love the J94 photo. Very atmospheric, already. I'm minded to do the colour palette as mid-late autumn. Something different, but a way off yet. Much more construction and foundation work to be done. And ballasting... 🥵


here is a photo that nearly got away. This is the goods platform next to platform 1 (northbound) at Mansfield Stn. You can see I've had to compromise as originally the whole stn was straight.

Platform 1 goods platform 19-12-23.jpg

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