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I am building an LNER triplet restaurant car set;   Kirk sides, Comet Solebars, MJT details and ABS Bogies.  The details for the roof trunking are not very clear in the Comet instructions and the Nick Campling Historic Carriage Drawings  Vol  1.


The Comet instructions show a single straight trunking on the open first and second with no trunking on the Kitchen car.  Nick Campling's book shows trunking on all vehicles and of different lengths.

Is there trunking either side of the roof vents,  on two or three vehicles and how is it raised of the roof?


Does anyone have any drawings or photos of the roofs on these coaches?


I have the 2 Harris books on LNER coaches and  the drawing books by Nick Campling.


Thanks Norman

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I realise you should never make a 'model of a model', but these pictures were either on RMWeb or another forum, and I saved them for my eventual model triplet, using the Kirk kit.

They may be be useful.







Apologies to the original builder if they recognise their work but I cannot attribute it as I cannot remember who it was!

I also have pictures of the undersides if you require chassis details.

Cheers from Oz,

Peter C.

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Hi All,


Thanks for your replies.  I agree that you shouldn't build models from models  but, these look right compared to the  Nick Campling drawings.  I was not aware of the S Banks web site, looks like a lot of useful info.  I'll put some photos up when I get the set finished.  Coaches always take longer than expected to build!


Thanks Norman

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I had read comments about the price increases from Shapeways but I had not really paid much attention to them.  I was about to order some vents but $18  for posting to the UK  seems excessive.  Looks like I have a bit of scratch building to do.


Thanks Norman

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