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Greenford in 00 Gauge: Circa 2010-2017 (FGW, Chiltern, LU, Virgin + Plenty of Freight)


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14 hours ago, tjf4375 said:

Just spent a good while catching up with your thread this evo! Really lovely work on those KFAs mate, particularly the buffer beams :) I must admit I'm not too clued up on freight wagon denominations, particularly the flats which seem to come in a bewildering array of flavours!

thanks. It is just the one KFA (and previously the FEA-E) but I am very happy with how they have turned out. Especially the KFA with its unique patches and sun-faded blue buffer shanks!

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Work continues on integrating the next 2 boards for track work and wiring. The next thing was to perfect the angle of the line which connects the NNML to and from the Greenford branch - which swoops under the Eastbound Central Line. This is a key feature of the layout and with the majority of the layout (especially on this middle level and across the national rail tracks) is very straight (as per the prototype), the curvature of it is important to get right. One of my pet hate on layouts is unrealistic sharp corner or kinks, and in turn unsightly over hang on larger coaches and wagons.


So with the help of Google Maps, we have started to position out all the points in relation to each other and in turn the ‘western curve’ of the Greenford branch. One thing we really want to do is get to get thing’s relatively in proportion to the eye from the prototype location. From relay boxes to cable point’s etc etc!


Once we decided on the position of the curve, we did some testing with stock to perfect the radius to ensure free flowing rakes of wagons and coaching stock. We started off with shorter bogie wagons in the form of MJA’s.








I think this looked good so we thought to try a larger bogie wagon. Largest in the fleet that we could think of is the monster HKA! 





These too looked fairly good. Next up the slightly longer MK3. It is worth noting that these were coupled with the Hornby close coupler for MK3’s. 




The harshest part of the radius is now certainly the on the point itself. We are using peco bullhead code 75 large radius examples so hard to get anything better than this RTR. Highlighted by the dreaded overhang of the MK3’s in the picture below. It’s not the worst but I would like it to be better - but without another RTR option available (as far as I am aware) this will have to do! 




With the above being the worst point (no pun intended!) below shows how much better it is further up on the same point. Much less overhang! 



Overall on the long MK3’s it is generally very good! 





I uploaded a video to youtube of some shots taken of the class 20 pulling the above mentioned stock, as that gives a good impression of how it all flows together. It was also good for us to watch back to get that extra perspective too. 




That is it for now, work on the layout continues. So we will provide another update in due course. Thanks for checking in! 

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Looking good mate - you've got a lovely sweeping curve there that blends nicely with the straight section. I share your hate for sharp corners and kinks - it's hard to avoid them sometimes when you're pressed for space but definitely the fewer the better :)

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Very nice curve there, particularly like how you’ve tested the stock from the MJA’s to the MK3’s. 
The point blades being the sharpest part of the radii won’t look too bad with the shorter stock. I think a rake of Coalfish could pass and it would be unnoticeable from a distance that the curve sharpens slightly. Either way, it all looks very impressive! 

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So, this weeks update. We have had a a few new arrivals between the two of us as well as made some big progress on the layout itself. 


@Chris37044 tidied up the wiring on the main station board and it looks a lot better for it. We had the droppers temporarily connected (loosely) for track testing back in the spring - so a more permanent solution was over due. We now have a setup where the bus wire is neat and tidy with proper junction connections for the droppers, along with snap connectors to connect to the next boards either side of this one as well. I have included an image of one of the ‘tidied up’ sections below. We have started the same on the next board along which ties in to the next bit of work we have been doing. 




After perfecting the curve mentioned in the last update to our satisfaction, next to do was to add Cork underlay. This has been laid on the remaining section of the middle board and the majority of the 3rd board done too in preparation of the track on this level to be laid.




So after a quick trip up the road to AGR to pick up some bullhead points, and some dcc concepts digital IP point motors - we got to work cutting all the track around the 4 points on the middle board. As per the larger station board, all sleepers were removed and the webbing cut. All the track on this board / level is bullhead which made it simpler. And yes we are aware that bullhead is correctly spaced but we wanted to continue the same way as the station board, removing all webbing not for re-spacing but to improve the general look, which hopefully will aid how the ballast looks when we get to that stage too. It is a lot of work and very time consuming but I think it is worth it. All the droppers have now been soldered on, with holes cut tor them ready to be connected up to the bus. The points have also been wired ready for the point motors too. We started to install the first point motor but ran out of time, so that will be next job to do.








And thats where we got to this week. We hoped to have at least one point motor in but its not the end of the world. We enjoyed a day at GETS on Saturday - we thoroughly enjoyed it with some good layouts on show! Was also good to see our friends at AGR with a very prominent stand and subsequently a very large crowd too! We also caught up with a few familiar faces as we made our way round the show as well which was nice!



As I said, a few new arrivals for us a both so we will update with some pics of those too in due course 😃


Edited by WCML100
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13 hours ago, EWS60065 said:

@WCML100 Nice work, glad to see the track work progressing. I like your wiring too. You didn't happen to get any close ups of the Hornby Salmons at GETS that you mentioned - I haven't managed to find many videos that feature them? 

Thanks mate. We certainly happy to get further with the track work! & unfortunately not, didnt think to photograph them at the time! Should have done in hindsight!

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One of the latest arrivals to the fleet is the magnificent Accurascale Class 37 in DRS Compass colours. This is a sub class /6 example, a nice ugly duckling wipac light setup, just how I like em! And @AGR Model Store managed to set one aside for me luckily! 

I decided one of these was necessary as I wanted to model a Network Rail test train that has actually ran through Greenford at some point during our time frame. After searching on flickr, I found that 37606 paired with 37610 had done a trip through with MK1 coach ‘Mentor’ + a couple of MK2’s - a nice size set. So that was my mind made up! The coaches in the formation will be a project for the future…


As @Chris37044 mentioned in his post about his Yellow 97, these Accurascale 37’s are a wealth of detail - the depth on the bogies, the metal kick plates, the light up dash - I could go on. Not to mention the great buffer beam detail options. A great bit of kit, and can’t wait to see this on the front of the Network Rail test train back and forth on the layout. I have also added a driver for some added realism So for now, have some pics of this tractor beast (& a video)!





















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  • 2 weeks later...

Following on from the work we carried out a few weeks ago, after a tidy up (and subsequently some new mess made…) some substantial progress has been made over this weekend. 

So all focus was on the middle board once again. Loads more track was laid and the dreaded sleeper webbing removed too. All remaining wiring was put in place under the board, as well as all remaining droppers were soldered on to the underside of the rails and fitted into place as well as connected up. We then used some track pins to temporarily hold the track in situ (not through the sleepers but on the edges to prevent movement side to side. This allowed us to install all 3 point motors across the junction. 




For this we used Cobalt Digital IP motors from DCC concepts. These were really easy to install especially with the unifrog points from peco - a really simplified process. Plus, back on the top of the board - no ugly insulated fish plates required, just the visually pleasing bullhead rail joints - a 2 for 1 bonus! Once all in and tested we have started wiring up the next board and adding some track ready for soldering. We tested some trains over the newly laid junction and around the curve - and we are pretty pleased! It really is starting to feel like the layout we envisaged!











Next job is to get the trackwork on this board finished - just the up loop (line at the front of the board to fix in to place but we need to adjust the underlay on the slight drop in height for this line first) and subsequent point and siding off of this. Now we are happy with the main junction, it will need fixing permanently into place so we will get on to that in the next week or so. Until then enjoy the video 👍🏻



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1 hour ago, EWS60065 said:

Great work, will you be using unifrog for all your points and what kind of switches will you use? Thanks

thanks, yes thats the aim for the scenic side at least! Not sure how we will do the fiddle yard as of yet. When you say switches do you mean for the points? If so we are using diji keys currently with our DR5000. Most likely eventually use the Z21 App and make a tracj plan on there with its route setting ability.

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14 minutes ago, WCML100 said:

thanks, yes thats the aim for the scenic side at least! Not sure how we will do the fiddle yard as of yet. When you say switches do you mean for the points? If so we are using diji keys currently with our DR5000. Most likely eventually use the Z21 App and make a tracj plan on there with its route setting ability.

I would like to use them too but not enough options for code 100 unfortunately. Yeah point switches (I'm guessing the motors automatically change the polarity so that's catered for). So does your system replace the traditional SPDT switches connected to the motors?

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22 minutes ago, EWS60065 said:

I would like to use them too but not enough options for code 100 unfortunately. Yeah point switches (I'm guessing the motors automatically change the polarity so that's catered for). So does your system replace the traditional SPDT switches connected to the motors?

yes, the dcc concepts digital ip cobalt point motors switch the polarity. As you can see in the image, positive (red), negative (black) and yellow for polarity switch on the frog. Great point motors and work a treat with the unifrog points. They really do make it incredibly simple with the polarity switching etc. 





You may be in luck as I think the intention is for all Peco points will become unifrog as they can act as both electro and insulfrog types in one offering… not sure when that will be though. Have you started your layout yet? If not, never too late to go to code 75! The bullhead stuff is great!



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@WCML100 Thanks for the explanation. No, I haven't started but I want to go code 100 as I have used code 75 and found it too flimsy - however I do like the variety of types e.g. bullhead and metal. I'll have to wait and see on the unifrogs, they do sound easier. Worst comes to worst I will just have to modifiy electrofrogs though as we could be waiting a little while before the full range of unifrog appears.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Following on from the arrival of my Accurascale Class 97, 97301 - I have now added a nice little purchase from ebay in the form of MK1 Inspection saloon DB999508 in Network Rail Yellow. 


This goes perfectly between 97301 and my Bachmann MK2F DBSO 9702. This makes for an interesting working, not one that has done the Greenford route to my knowledge but has done several workings out of in this setup from Derby to various locations across the country.


DB999508 is a kit from DC kits and is finished off nicely, and makes for nice little coach in the middle of this interesting test train. I have had a little play with the set across the newly finished trackwork at the junction. So enjoy some pictures and some running shots!




















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  • 2 weeks later...

So, a little progress update. The last 2 weeks have been more 2 steps back and 1 step forward in some senses. 


@Chris37044 and I were looking over the layout, images of the real location and decided the spacing between the tracks was just not quite right (Yes, I know - great time to notice it!). We tried to over look it but the OCD in me couldn't let it go. The spacing between the up loop and up main was fine - it was the spacing between the up / down main which was the same spacing as the up main / loop. After looking at images the loops were much wider spaced, where as the mains were tighter together. Looking at the layout, it didn't look right having them equally spaced out. Shown below is the up main (left) and down main (right) with the up sidings on the far left equally far apart. Definitely too far apart!




So, the down line came up. Luckily none of it was glued into place yet, just the horrible task of removing the base and upper layers of cork! meh! This took several hours of work to get all of it up, to some extent we were lucky as the down line is out of use on the station board so we hadn't laid anything down except for a few sleepers. We have now taken this all up - re laid all the base layer of cork and then subsequently the upper layers too. Seen here is the many cans and other objects weighing down the cork once glued into position…







We have double checked images and Google maps satellite view, and are now happy with he placement. Next will be to re insert the point motors on the down line, and get the track re laid. One of the up sides of doing this means it allows us to fit in the down loop between the national rail lines and station upper section - something we were always aware of but chose to sacrifice for space as it was mostly over grown and barely visible anyway. We have now laid the base of this and just need to adjust the bridge over Oldfield Lane North to accommodate this (we also needed to adjust the width of this bridge so we can incorporate that work in that. All of this means we can create a more realistic version of the prototype, something we are more and more keen on doing as time and work progresses on the layout. I think it's worth noting to ourselves, try not to compromise if we can - as the more realistic things are - the more satisfied we will be! Bellow is the image showing the down main track bed relaid, and now including, the up loop. Only part of the track bed has been laid for this as mentioned the bridge gap needs altering before we continue to the right, and the on the left it has been flattened out according to photos and will be mostly over grown anyway on this side so further cork laying will not be needed to the left. 



All the rest of the down main cork has been laid including the ‘still in use’ section - although this has been angled slightly to the end as per the prototype which we did not see previously. This is apparent in the images below, with some track loosely placed into position. This shows a much better (tighter) distance between the two main running lines.






In addition to all this backward stepping (and eventually a forward one too!) - we tackled another job which needed to be done. While I was mostly taking up the old cork on the down main etc, @Chris37044 was working on adding some plasticard for the up loop, where it drops in height ever so slightly. From above, this is noticeable - but on our site visit during the summer, we noticed the height difference of the running lines and the track which is out of use up loop and sidings. Again something wanted to capture and we had installed some cut down woodland scenics risers for the change in height (roughly at 2.5mm) - however this was too drastic. Once the length was sorted, we adjusted the cork around the base and inserted some platsicard to create a smoother incline. Once done we added the cork layer back on top. All of the base layer of cork is present (2.5mm) on the national rail level apart from the sidings so the cork upper layer was used to on top the base layer and then without the base layer for the sidings. 






From our site visit, you can see the height difference in the up loop / sidings in the foreground which are no longer in use (lower) and the running lines which still see traffic behind at a higher level.






We both have a few projects on the go (layout and rolling stock wise!) so hopefully you will see more of that in the coming weeks and months. For now we are counting down the days to Warley - and for a change we are taking the train! If you're going, let us know! It would be great to meet some fellow rmwebbers! That's all for now cheers 😄 


Edited by WCML100
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So, a little bit more progress since the last update but starting to get very cold out in the garage now!


Managed to get a few of the point motors back in and the extra one for the front loop and sidings in place too. Just need to fill in a few places now with track and the remaining points for the Greenford branch. Slowly but surely getting there and I will attack a few of these jobs over coming weeks as time and weather permits. 

In other news, @Chris37044 and I headed up to Warley on Saturday, opting to take the train this time, rather than the car. It was pleasant and relaxing compared to the motorway thats for sure! It also worked out cheaper than diesel + parking! Always a bonus when you like trains too! An early start for opening was in order and 390127 was on hand to take us to Brum!




As always was a pleasure to chat to fellow enthusiasts in person, likewise with the Manufacturers too. Some interesting samples on show and equally exciting announcements too! The Revolution HOA’s which should be arriving soon, certainly wetting the appetite! As well as their YQA’s, particularly the super tench with it’s lovely mesh sides! I may succumb and purchase a pair, I just need an excuse for what to run them with now!





Flangeways Salmons look good, I think I will be ordering some for my track renewal train! Question is, do I also add an EWS example as a splay of colour as these did look very good in the flesh! Seriously looking forward to these with no sign of the ASF variant from Hornby any time soon (I asked Hornby and they dont have any immediate plans!).











Also incredibly impressive was the Cavalex PXA / JXA. After a good up close examination, I think I will be getting a JXA for conversion to a GERS JNA. The box is identical with some solebar changes and different bogies required. This will make a nice little project and will be added in and out of different Calvert rakes as they happened regularly in real life. I feel like they really have captured the box incredibly well!







The OAA’s from Rapido were very nice in the flesh too, with its diecast chassis and prototypical thin sides (as opposed to a similar Bachmann OBA) it was spot on. An EWS example may turn up on Greenford soon once these hit the shops!




Plenty of other worthy items too, Accurascales MK2b’s look top draw (wouldn’t mind a west coast example or two!) and I am looking forward to their 66’s arriving soon too. James Makin’s weathered collection of Accura models look insane on show, I am very envious of the technique to achieve such high quality results! 

We picked up a few items but nothing too much as the trade was average in my opinion but I am sure there was something there for everyone. That is all for now, hopefully some more milestones in the coming weeks and months!

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