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3mm/14.2 Dead rail class 24 build, chassis complete now onto the 29, 37 amongst others.

Red Devil

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I've been doing a bit more brass bashing....

Basic structure for the Park Royal Railbus roughed out. I decided to reverse the basic brass structure with the brass axle tubes below the base plate, this will give a more open look to the chassis when done, as such I think it will end up with a single ended 8/16 Tramfabriek motor driving through Ultrascale 21:1 gears (8/16 double ended shown here).

Wheels are 3mm Society gauged out to 14.2. The brass pocket beneath the chassis is where the RC receiver will slot in. Battery to rear of motor. This will get all the working bits within the 'box' of the under frame equipment, but leave it fairly open to look at. Still needs a bit filing out for correct motor fitment.

Charge socket and on off switch will go either end in the floor, overall should be able to get it all in and a fair bit of interior detail too.


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A study in type 2s....

Or my Lincoln Locos 26 body has turned up....very quick turnaround on that one!

29 is now ready for chassis build which I'll start in the next couple of days, meanwhile brass supplies landed the day before and I started to knock up the 26 trailing bogie, I'll get most of that finished tonight and start on sticking the Tramfabriek 10/20 motor in the drive unit.

I also need to knock up the 20 and 37 trailing bogies.

Still think I need a 24/1 though....😊


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Very nice collection there, ScR layout in the making....... With this roster, Pitlochry in 1969- 1970?


Baby Highland sulzers, class 24/1 IS allocated with twin headlamps and the five slotted frost grille plating, you know you MUST do one if those....


Kep up the brilliant work,





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On 05/04/2024 at 23:11, TT100 Diesels said:

Very nice collection there, ScR layout in the making....... With this roster, Pitlochry in 1969- 1970?


Baby Highland sulzers, class 24/1 IS allocated with twin headlamps and the five slotted frost grille plating, you know you MUST do one if those....


Kep up the brilliant work,





Pitlochry? No, that's far too nice and pretty for me! I've already a few plans for the layout build, tentatively christened 'Greyme' it'll be run down, semi derelict industrial Scotland, most likely with a very overgrown, rusted freight only branch......got to put that dead rail ability to some use!


Alternatively read I'm rubbish at greenery but not to bad at industrial grot! for example this was my Leeds tram layout 'Grime Street', if you pronounce the proposed name in a Scottish twang you may see a theme appearing. I keep leaning towards Glasgow because I could even squeeze in a 3mm working trolleybus (Faller Car System/radio control) as they finished in '67. So that'd add in another of my modelling interests......and yeah it'd be no problem to do one, I've done a good few in 4mm and adapting stuff down in Faller Car System steering bits is easier than going up to 4mm from 3.5.......Oh yeah and a blue train in 3mm would be nice too! The overhead wiring doesn't scare me much either.....Wonder if Lenny fancies doing one of those......😄

16300141_10154878152904351_2528752838653645688_o (1).jpg

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This is astoundingly good modelling Red Devil, just fantastic....... Take a bow sir.


Hmm, given the grot, Glasgow, trams, tenements, etc, how about Bellgrove / High St ish, on the suburban network, did not 303's terminate somewhere like that with a kick back DMU shuttle to Cumbernald, back in the day, plus freight lines radiating away. And then add a side order of your diesel locos running light between Eastfield to Mossend / Motherwell / Ravenscraig etc etc to take up freight workings, or reverse, coming back into ED. 


Then for dessert, trams on the street above....


Wow, I am doing your armchair modelling for you 😁.


Can't wait to see what you do now, it is gonna be awesome, absolutely awesome.







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I've always fancied doing a football ground as part of the low relief backdrop to a layout.....in 3mm that'd be possible....

Greyme Academicals FC...

Based on Albion Rovers ground in Coatbridge....


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Meanwhile, back on the chassis front, the Park Royal railbus has had it's motor and gears fitted, still needing a bit of a tidy up but is currently running away quite happily on 12v flying leads.

Tramfabriek 8/16 motor and Ultrascale 21:1 gears, should be ok on 3.7v....

First of a number of gears from China have arrived to mess with, these might work (or they might not) in stuff where I want to fit a narrower motor, ratios coming are between 26:1 and 40:1.

I've also managed to find a 300mah lipo that will fit very happily behind the motor, it being a 601235, that's 6mm high,12mm wide and 35mm long, it took me ages to suss out the codes! Now I just search for the size and something close normally turns up!

Anyway, a quick bench test video...


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I started the 29 chassis build last night, cracked on with it a fair bit, now I've got the hang of these (shouts of 'you sure?' from the background....😄)

And by tonight it's not far off being done, the basic chassis box is done bar tidying and setting up ride height, the only thing I did differently on this than the 24 was to raise the bogie pivot points, I found they were a touch close on the 24 needing a bit of chopping about, so I lifted them a couple of mm that will then allow me to pack it down to the correct height easier. The only other real difference which I just found is due to the curvature of the NBL body sides, the battery box was just fouling where the upper bodysides curves in, fortunately there is enough meat in the box to file a curve into the top of it.

Left to do bar ride height is to build the flat plate to take all the RC gear and fill voids prepped up with lead.

This was definitely far quicker than the 24 build!



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Posted (edited)

Messing about with AliExpress gears pt1.....!

I've ordered a fair few gears to experiment with, one batch is this 36:1 set, M0.2 and approx size of gear is 7.9mmx1.2mm wide so pretty small, seeing if I can team these up with a Tramfabriek 8/16 motor for a compact drive for the 20 and 17.

Roughly £2 per set so if it all goes wrong no massive loss!

Anyway first test....pic is with a penny piece and also the Ultrascale geared version with 10mm motor for comparison.

By the way, the wheels look massive but they are in fact Alan Gibson P4, 10.5mm discs, hopefully that gives even more of an idea of the size of these.




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AliExpress gears part2!

Multiple posts in an evening must be on a roll....

Anyway.....it works....sorta ...

Gears not thread locked in yet but yeah, managed a decent mesh and it seems like all will be well....I think I'm going to order some M2 washers and open the gear slot out a fraction and fit one either side of gear, it'll give me a bit more scope for applying the threadlock and centralise gear in slot better, I'll be honest cutting a tight slot for the 1.2mm gear wasn't easy and is probably a fraction wide, best way will be to open it further then pack with the washers.

But overall I'm pretty happy with this so far.


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Superb work, fantastic development work and proof of concept for your ever more tiny drive trains. 


I am very much looking forward to seeing your work in the flesh, so to speak. Shame I missed your day at the York Show. Would have loved to see the 24 chassis RC on Lakebank for real.





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1 hour ago, TT100 Diesels said:

Superb work, fantastic development work and proof of concept for your ever more tiny drive trains. 


I am very much looking forward to seeing your work in the flesh, so to speak. Shame I missed your day at the York Show. Would have loved to see the 24 chassis RC on Lakebank for real.





It also had a running session on deadmans lane!.....well atheist on wheel cleaning table! As i am all ways chained to the table!☺

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Well, that was fairly easy, should have thought of it last night ...

Modded gear sets....

Take two M2 brass nuts run a broach though stick on an oiled 2mm axle with a bit of solder paste, widened gear set!

Also makes it easy to drill a 1mm hole into one of the flats too apply a touch of thread lock through.

Right let's see if it works...



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Posted (edited)

 'let's see if it works...'

Well, yep, but I'm not 100% happy with it and have a new idea but more on that when it's done....

Meanwhile I've got the Park Royal railbus chassis a bit further on, receiver etc fitted and just beginning to wire up, print has had support removed and I can start weighing up the rest of the chassis build, but so far it all fits below floor line.



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Mucking about with AliExpress gears part 3....

Or I've now built the class 20 bogie and will do the 17 similar....

I wasn't happy with the nut modded gear, it ran fine but it had a distinct slant on it which bugged me immensely, so bit more lateral thinking and I've a load of Tenshodo gears that in reality I'll probably not use, so stick some on an axle and roughly turn them down to bushes....works better and easy enough to drill or slot to add some thread lock to brass gear....So much so that I think I'll do the 26 and 27 motor units the same, biggest advantage is that they're lower, predominantly due to worm size. The actual gear is a bit smaller than the Romford ones too, so will work ok in stuff 9mm wheel and up.

The 20 and 17 being even lower due to using the 8 mm motor rather than the 10...should give me loads of room for weight and RC gear in both....

Anyway a couple of pics of nearly completed 20 drive, it needs keeper plate/pivot point soldering up and gears all locking but it runs pretty sweetly, the module 0.2 gears whilst fine aren't that bad to do, and the Tenshodo 0.3 module worms will come in for some more 0.3 gears ordered from, yeah you've guessed it.

There's also about 30 30:1 and 40:1 0.2 gears on the way, well at about 50p each it'd be daft not to grab them!




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Thanks for this topic, there's some superb modelling and much more.


I do think the weakness of the hobby is the live rail, it creates so many points of failure. I run in a garage and I'm always cleaning the track. 

I think battery operation with dead rail has real potential. Low voltage motors seem a good idea, who wants 150 mph on a small loco? 


Would sound operation significantly reduce battery time? 

Could locos have wireless charging using a patch between the rails disguised as footboards?



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16 minutes ago, Railpassion said:

Could locos have wireless charging using a patch between the rails disguised as footboards?


Good thoughts, as might be electrically conductive couplings that could extend the available space for batteries (there is a commercial example available from PEHO in Germany for TT120/N Gauge size NEM pockets).

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8 hours ago, Railpassion said:

Thanks for this topic, there's some superb modelling and much more.


I do think the weakness of the hobby is the live rail, it creates so many points of failure. I run in a garage and I'm always cleaning the track. 

I think battery operation with dead rail has real potential. Low voltage motors seem a good idea, who wants 150 mph on a small loco? 


Would sound operation significantly reduce battery time? 

Could locos have wireless charging using a patch between the rails disguised as footboards?



Sound? I don't really know, not something I've had much involvement with. The only thing I have with RC and sound is a Wiking Control87 truck (think Faller Car system but full RC and sound/lights) That only has a smallish battery and run time isn't bad so perhaps it wouldn't massively impinging on runtime, but that is a complete guess.


Wireless charging again is something I don't know about, I'd guess possible but not something I'm looking at adding for my builds, I'll probably do some with an active charging but it'll be simpler because I'm a luddite at heart! 


Thanks for your comment and interest, much appreciated.

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Posted (edited)

Meanwhile the Crossley Railbus chassis, ok Park Royal has a test, happy enough with it running wise. I think I may go with the100mah battery shown, this may be the test bed for 'active charging' the easiest option will be two small metal sections on the RC receiver pod that will pick up off a couple of brass/phosphor bronze wipers set into the middle of the fiddle yard track, suitably offset so they can only ever do + to + etc....

I can now think about the rest of the plastic chassis bit to take switch, conventional charging socket and inline fuse.

Lots of gears due tomorrow so expect a few more boring mech trials soon!


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3 minutes ago, Red Devil said:

Meanwhile the Crossley Railbus chassis, ok Park Royal has a test, happy enough with it running wise. I think I may go with the100mah battery shown, this may be the test bed for 'active charging' the easiest option will be two small metal sections on the RC receiver pod that will pick up off a couple of brass phosphor bronze wipers set into the middle of the fiddle yard track, suitably offset so they can only ever do + to + etc....

I can now think about the rest of the plastic chassis bit to take switch, conventional charging socket and inline fuse.

Lots of gears due tomorrow so expect a few more boring mech trials soon!


With wires sticking up thought you where going to do a trolly car version😃


Smooth runner


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My name is Mark and I'm addicted to buying small brass gears......!


Sorry wrong forum, but close enough.


Quite a few 0.2 module 30 and 40:1 gears have landed today with some more 0.3 versions due early next week, overall they look pretty good and I'm going to give them a go (40:1in the 10ft wheelbase 26 and 27 drives, both with 10/15 motors. They're a little thicker at around 2mm than the 36:1 gears so fitment is a bit easier. I'll try to get one up and running and if ok will continue with them. 


Meanwhile the Railbus chassis had a bit of work done last night ready to build the rest of the plastic chassis bits, so will start chopping those bits up soon.


On a non RC bit, the BG is now a complete shell after fitting the other side and getting a decent roof fitment which at the moment is purely clipped in but it fits very nicely now, sods law strikes with this with the announcement by the 3mm Society of a new BG and a range of Mk1 kits to come. It'll get finished but not sure if I'll do anymore depending on what the new ones are like.




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10 minutes ago, Red Devil said:

My name is Mark and I'm addicted to buying small brass gears......!


Sorry wrong forum, but close enough.


Quite a few 0.2 module 30 and 40:1 gears have landed today with some more 0.3 versions due early next week, overall they look pretty good and I'm going to give them a go (40:1in the 10ft wheelbase 26 and 27 drives, both with 10/15 motors. They're a little thicker at around 2mm than the 36:1 gears so fitment is a bit easier. I'll try to get one up and running and if ok will continue with them. 


Meanwhile the Railbus chassis had a bit of work done last night ready to build the rest of the plastic chassis bits, so will start chopping those bits up soon.


On a non RC bit, the BG is now a complete shell after fitting the other side and getting a decent roof fitment which at the moment is purely clipped in but it fits very nicely now, sods law strikes with this with the announcement by the 3mm Society of a new BG and a range of Mk1 kits to come. It'll get finished but not sure if I'll do anymore depending on what the new ones are like.




My name is Graham....I'm addicted to the smell of resin in 3mm! And with the second delivery of 5lts of Ipa I am sure on a government watched list some where! (Can I have 12 bottles of bleach please!...channel 4 film 4 lions....cracking film in the days before woke came along)

3 Dee sidings pw department portacabin...just need a landing and stairs


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On 26/04/2024 at 23:12, Railpassion said:

Thanks for this topic, there's some superb modelling and much more.


I do think the weakness of the hobby is the live rail, it creates so many points of failure. I run in a garage and I'm always cleaning the track. 

I think battery operation with dead rail has real potential. Low voltage motors seem a good idea, who wants 150 mph on a small loco? 


Would sound operation significantly reduce battery time? 

Could locos have wireless charging using a patch between the rails disguised as footboards?





I've just found this very good and informative thread!


I do a lot of RC in 4, 7 and lately 16mm scale - but yes - sound can take proportionately more power than the motors (particularly in the smaller scales) if you have DCC and Stay-Alives , you can demonstrate this for yourself by seeing how long your loco will continue moving for when power is cut with and without sound.

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5 hours ago, Red Devil said:

My name is Mark and I'm addicted to buying small brass gears......!


Sorry wrong forum, but close enough.


Quite a few 0.2 module 30 and 40:1 gears have landed today with some more 0.3 versions due early next week, overall they look pretty good and I'm going to give them a go (40:1in the 10ft wheelbase 26 and 27 drives, both with 10/15 motors. They're a little thicker at around 2mm than the 36:1 gears so fitment is a bit easier. I'll try to get one up and running and if ok will continue with them. 


Meanwhile the Railbus chassis had a bit of work done last night ready to build the rest of the plastic chassis bits, so will start chopping those bits up soon.


On a non RC bit, the BG is now a complete shell after fitting the other side and getting a decent roof fitment which at the moment is purely clipped in but it fits very nicely now, sods law strikes with this with the announcement by the 3mm Society of a new BG and a range of Mk1 kits to come. It'll get finished but not sure if I'll do anymore depending on what the new ones are like.





BG looking very tasty there.......


I have seen pre production prototypes of Andy Clayton's BG in 3d print, it looks good, but be very interesting to see your BG side by side with a 3d print sales ready version.






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