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MREG SD2 - signal driver query


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My children are wanting signals on their layout. I would like to see these changing as the trains pass by. The reality is that there is no room for sensible length signalling blocks so I don't see a timer change solution working. As such I suspect that I need to be looking for a sensor based solution, probably with a the signals feeding into each other to change the settings.


Does the MREG SD2 have the ability to do this? 

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It would be better to ask questions about MERG kits on MERG's forum.  You have to be a member to post there, but if you want to use these modules you would have to join MERG anyway as kits are only available to members.


The SD2 signal driver kit is designed to work with what MERG calls TOTIs (Train on Track indicators), for which there are a number kits available of different types.  There would be one TOTI module associated with each signal.  It would normally be wired to set a signal to red as the track ahead of the signal becomes occupied, changing it to yellow when it becomes clear, and with wiring connections to the following block, to advance it to Green (or double yellow if you use 4-aspect).  The details are written up in Technical Bulletins on the MERG website.  It can drive one 3- or 4-aspect signal, or 2x 2-aspect signals.


With different connections between modules, it can also be used to simulate semaphore practice, where the signal is held normally at danger and only cleared as a train is approaching from the previous block.

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The MERG SD2 signal driver kit is currently only available as a Surface Mounted Device component kit (SMD).  The through the hole kit is no longer available.  So soldering SMD components to the pads on the PCB is a lot more intensive than soldering TTH components!   

It does allow each colour light signal to "Talk" to the previous signal (Signal in the rear). It can also be operated by a train detection system of choice, often a Infra Red detector is used on DC operated layouts.


If you're not too keen on SMD soldering, then there are ready made boards available   Here is one example (there are others of course) Blocksignalling link

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