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Adventures in code 55

Gloucester Road

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Returned home from a week of flying to find a package from Osborns and one from N Scale Supply had arrived; now I dont want to turn this into "a look what I bought" theme but here we go.


From Osborns: (these are fantastic little models)

post-7403-0-97009300-1316801401_thumb.jpg post-7403-0-16792000-1316801375_thumb.jpg


post-7403-0-38846100-1316801464_thumb.jpg post-7403-0-81257600-1316801538_thumb.jpg



From N Scale Supply: Fine chain link fencing and wrought iron fencing (needs a coat of flat black)

post-7403-0-30493500-1316802070_thumb.jpg post-7403-0-89860100-1316802291_thumb.jpg


Now to put the container loader together.

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  • RMweb Premium

Though the diggers are good as is they really do need some dirtying up to make them really come to life. Doesn't take long to do them either, think I did mine in less than 20 minutes.

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37419 was seen recently at the head of a ballast train during an engineers possesion.







This possesion is scheduled for the next week as ballasting will continue. (what fun :pleasantry: )

hi on this photo the selion /seacow wagons loads did you make these yourself or buy them pre - made ? thanks

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So the TCM 430 container loader has been put together; it can be assembled in two different version. I have gone with the second version, with the lower cab. The instructions are not in English, but it goes together simply and with the pictures from Osborns it was done.


All the piece arranged and ready to go:



Version one:



Version two;



Once it was all put together it was time for some branding and weathering. A light dusting of powders and dust on the wheels and Freightliner branding we were done.






Right so the loader is done now to weather some containers.

Edited by Gloucester Road
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Went back and read this thread from the beginning. Great read and nice to see the progress. Can I ask are you using Atlas track with PECO points? I have trouble with Atlas points with my OO British stock no problems with the straights and curves though.




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It is all Peco track, points and flex. I had tried the Atlas track but found that some of the older Farish locos and wagons fouled the points. Had to open the guides up on the points with a dremmel; seemed like a lot of extra work. See entry #4 to see where I had to dremmel.

Hope this helps



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  • 3 weeks later...

Saturday last week was a beautifull automn day and i decided to take the boys and our dog for a walk, well i tripped. After walking back out to the car and heading home the pain in my ankle was amazing. So we went to have it x-rayed; drs says to me I've broken the talus bone in my foot/ankle. This bone is essentially the socket joint if your ankle was a ball and socket joint. So I get to go home with a temp splint and crutches. While out the post arrives which has a bogie from Bachmann for my class 66 and a Grasstech static grass applicator, great something to do whilst im injured. We then get a call to have my ankle/foot put in a cast. The cast goes from my knees to my toes and I am on prescription pain killers, i cant stand up as they want me to keep my foot elevated and the pain killers make me groggy, not the best combination for modelling. Six weeks im going to be like this, no flying (hence out of work) no cycling and no weight is to be put on cast/ankle!!!


Scalscenes kits seem to be the answer thought in short bits as it is hard to cut and glue while sitting with an elevated foot, my wife laughted at me yesterday for the position i was in while finishing of the tunnel and starting the patforms. Be intesesting to see how many get finished in the next sis weeks, Will post some picyures when i wke up.


Sx weks o this ...

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I broke my Talus and calcaneus in march. i was off for 3 month! six weeks your lucky. oh and i had an air cast and had to take it off at night. ended up sleeping the spare room as my wife kicks in here sleep. couple of weeks in and you'll wonder what all the fuss is about really.


oh i'm back at work now driving trains and the doctors says my break will never heel.

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Well managed to finish off the Tunnel Portal and some of the Station Platform from scalscenes the past few days so here are some pictures.


here is the template in place



this is the tunnel portal prior to some weathering



here it is after some soot has been added.



There was a little issue about fitting the tunnel into place as i had not left a large enough opening when putting the plaster in but that was soon fixed with some trimming and cutting of plaster. Once the backscene is in place it will be nice and dark in the tunnel aswell. I havent quite figured out if there is away to fit in modified retaining walls on the left/right but for now im happy with it.


Also did some work on one of the platforms for the station. It is just resting in place as I am planning on adding the platform subway entrance to this and i need to be able to lift it off and cut out some of the baseboard underneath.


full length



one of the ends



Now to start the subway entrance.....

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So i decided to build the other station rather than the subway entrance. Ive used the scalscenes paltforms again and some wrought iron fence from BLMA. Ive never done a station on a radius before so this was a new challenge. The Voyager coach was used to trace out the line of the platform edge and then construction was started. It was interesting to try and build the platfoem on the workbench and then transport it to the layout whilst moving around on crutches. Clearances were checked again and it all fits nicelly. Then fencing is from BMLA and needs to be spray painted black and then it will just be a case of adding details and scenery when Im more steady on the old foot. Oh the keen eyed might find where attempts to break into station have already happened but the fencing seems to have worked.




I then started on the otherside of the station, the station curve was traced out in the same way as mentioned above and the platform sheets were added. This side isnt done as i ran out of energy, so the platform ledge layers need to be added around the platforms. Roads and kerbing are next on the list to be done. Had to ask the Mrs to do the plastering that can be seen in the last picture to blend in the staion road.




Here is an overall shot of progress so far




Thanks for stopping by.

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