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  • RMweb Gold

Evening All


I've been on Jenny's thread, and am a bit choked, sickened, and disgusted in equal measures. 


Apart from that, Shedman, what are you doing putting a layout photo on here - anybody would think ERs is attached to a model railway site oh sorry, it is - if you go out of this area, there's apparently lots and lots of interesting stuff out there - must read it someday.


Regards to All




Eh have to be honest it was meant to be a picture of a tidy shed!! Just uploaded the wrong pic lol! Anyway at least I have posted a photo, more to come in the appropriate places !

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An interesting pet moment earlier when our poor cat was stranded up a tree after being chased by a local bullying black cat. It would have made a great video after we shooed away the intruder to enable our Macavity to descend the tree - she missed her footing and ended up having a "Garfield moment" as she clung on desperately with four paws splayed around the trunk!


Luckily she managed to ease her way down without assistance and has remained indoors ever since.


Little does she know that an even worse fate awaits her tomorrow with a car journey in the hated cage to the cattery so that Mum and Dad can enjoy a much needed chill out time en France.

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An interesting pet moment earlier when our poor cat was stranded up a tree after being chased by a local bullying black cat. It would have made a great video after we shooed away the intruder to enable our Macavity to descend the tree - she missed her footing and ended up having a "Garfield moment" as she clung on desperately with four paws splayed around the trunk!


Luckily she managed to ease her way down without assistance and has remained indoors ever since.


Little does she know that an even worse fate awaits her tomorrow with a car journey in the hated cage to the cattery so that Mum and Dad can enjoy a much needed chill out time en France.


The domestic-feline`s contemptuous relationship with (both) gravity and water has always fascinated me..........an old friend in California once reassured me about her tom cat a`top her garden`s huge palm: "Don`t fret it, Deb., he`ll come down; I`ve never seen a cat skeleton wedged in the top of any tree!" :derisive:


He did (eventually) come down, during a minor `quake, and landed in the swimming pool; contact with which seemed to have the same effect on him as concentrated acid.....I swear he ran on the water`s surface for more than 20 ft. to reach the steps! :O

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  • RMweb Gold

"Don`t fret it, Deb., he`ll come down; I`ve never seen a cat skeleton wedged in the top of any tree!" :derisive:


When I was a probationary constable I was taken to respond to a cat up a tree call. Having borrowed stepladders from a house nearby, climbed up and been shredded by the cat, which promptly climbed down on its own, I retreated back to the van. The experienced officer I was with told me exactly what you were told, followed by "so next time there's a call to a cat up a tree, you know what to do.....

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  • RMweb Gold

Behind Much Wenlock post office was a rather ramshackle building covered with ivy ( which was probably holding it up) the post mistresses siamese cat had climbed to the top and was nervous of getting down and its wailing could be heard all around. As I had lost my fear of heights I offerd to get it down. The cat was pretty sacared and fought not to be lifted out of the ivy. Me rather scratched. So when a neighbours cat climbed onto our roof after a pigeon and then did want to get back down. I merely put the ladder up leaning on the guttering and left it. After some thought the cat made its eway down the ladder with no danger to the cat or me.


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Morning All,


I am in the office quite a bit earlier than usual this morning.  I took my Girlfriend to the airport, and then came straight into work.


The roads were wonderfully clear!


It was incredibly warm yesterday afternoon - almost 27°C and I was able to cut the grass for the first time.  Having said that, it chucked it down with rain overnight.  We seem to be having some very strange weather of late.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


And here I was thinking I was having a habit of being early at work! I usually appear around 6.45, which is about an hour before the first period. That usually makes me the first to show up, though the first of my colleagues arrive a few minutes before 7 am.


Birds twittering outside and I did hear the rain in the tiny hours, too, which I found so relaxing...


Enjoy your day, whatever you're up to!

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Good morning all,  was up an awful lot earlier (around 3am) but never came on here. Got some work email stuff done.....wandered round the site for a bit.  back to bed for an hour!  


Still today is the day of the official lauch of the new J-V company....I have to wear a tie (other clothes are obligatory!)  for this jolly, and for the evening reception at the British Consulate...not my scene at all.......



What ever you're up to, try and enjoy some of it!



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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All,


Dry & 10oC - there should be some sunshine today.


Back & knee improving but not enough to tackle "The Shrub" so that will have to wait. Light domestic duties are an option (according to "The Boss") when I dropped her at work earlier. Dream on girl!!





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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Breezy but quite warm already here. Off to the big city (Chelmsford is not really big!) for my car's MoT. I believe that there are new checks but everything that should work seems to. If it does fail, the garage can keep it, fix it  and I'll come home on the bus if necessary.


Robbie has settled in to his home routine very well. He was very pleased to see Aditi yesterday evening and somehow opened the kitchen door and managed to greet her in the front garden.



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Dark cloud with heavy rain (80%) forecast. Max 20C forecast (15C at present). Our Winter is settling in.

Tony's pic of a Canadian "layout" somehow looks to be the real thing..

Notwithstanding this being a "Social" forum I do enjoy pics of members layouts without having to wade through the whole of the "Layouts" thread, so keep them coming.





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Overcast, not raining anymore and quite windy in the land of the Gruffalo. Drawings of first five baseboards now done with frames and bracing located to avoid conflicting with point motors. Time to order some timber methinks!

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Slow news day, I guess, Debs. 

That or dear old Auntie believes that is newsworthy. We're doomed, doomed I tell ye! 


Anyway, a drizzly day here, following yesterday's sunny day. 

Spent some time watching the children climb a tree on the way home yesterday - first day back at school for them and quite a long haul to the end of July till their next holiday (excepting half term).


The big clear out of the garage continues and the layout is starting to appear from underneath. Just needs about a hundred trees on it to help turn it into Nantford Spinney from which it gets its name. 


A day in the office today for me doing paperwork.  


Robert, send some of that nice warm weather over here! 


Best, Andy

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"Spent some time watching the children climb a tree on the way home yesterday"


Be careful you don't get arrested.

In today's sick society, steer clear of kids.

Thinking back, I was lucky I didn't get sued by the rubbish parents of the baby whose life I saved last year.


Edit to say for newer ERs, the baby was choking in a Supermarket and, as it turned red and blue, I managed to fish a large sweet out of its throat.

For my unselfish act, it bit my finger.

Edited by DDolfelin
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All. After a beautiful day yesterday the morning is rather grey.


It seems to be 'honest' politicians can be plenty of trouble. When they honestly believe they are right when the evidence is to the contrary they no longer listen and we have to suffer.



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  • RMweb Premium

still breezy here but sunny with the odd cloud or two.


Lots of people obviously couldn't sleep - I was doing OK till her indoors woke me to say she was going to work.......


Have a good day everyone - and if you only wear a tie make sure its a big one!

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In today's sick society, steer clear of kids.


It is ironic that in reality; many of the grossly-indulged/under-parented 'flowers' of youth; represent more risk to us in the long run as a society, than the other way `round.

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