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Afternoon all,


Just passing through....


Thumb is doing well, almost no pain (unless pressure or enthusiastic dog is applied). It looks a mess (when I changed the dressing last night Mrs iD refused to look at the surgical site [and she's done a first aid course. Hmmph....]), but is actually doing well. Although the surgeon reckons I can change to a (large) bandaid by the end of the week, I'll be conservative and keep the padding in place for a bit longer.


I'm currently shopping for toys and have identified the 3 new items for the kitchen (V-ZUG Miwell-Combi HSL, MIELE Oven H 6650-55 BP, MIELE Induction hob, KM 6306 ED) we got quote from a place recommended by an acquaintance and then, just as an exercise, got a quote from a place that we had always considered as very expensive. The expensive place quote was about SFr 1000 (£720) cheaper than the recommended place, needless to say my gob was smacked! To be honest, I'd much rather have a proper professional range and multipurpose ovens (like these: http://www.nisbets.co.uk/Blue-Seal-Evolution-8-Burner-Double-Static-Oven-1200mm/P_GK367/ProductDetail.raction, http://www.nisbets.co.uk/Rational-SelfCooking-Center-202-Natural-Gas/GJ079-N/ProductDetail.raction), but I have neither the space, the cash or (most importantly) the possibility of getting a permit to install such things in my house (apparently, here in Switzerland, various laws govern what can go into a domestic kitchen). Which is unfortunate, because both Mrs iD and me would love one of these dishwashers (http://www.nisbets.co.uk/Classeq-Conveyor-Dishwasher-CST-100/CN146/ProductDetail.raction). At 1800 plates/hr no more running the dishwasher overnight (AFAIK domestic dishwashers have no cycles faster than 45 minutes or so). And the washing up, for a normal family meal, is done in under 10 minutes.


I am afraid that I have very mixed feelings about art - especially modern art. Much as I like Magritte, most modern art I view as "done by the untalented and sold to the uneducated and uninformed by the unscrupulous". It's very much a con-game with many famous "artists" having others create their work, which the "artist" then signs. There's a famous cartoon by Larry in one of the 1970's issues of Punch that has a museum guard in an art gallery sitting in a chair, arms folded, with a sign around his neck. The sign reads "I don't know much about art, but I know where the toilets are". That, I think, says all you need to know about art.


Back when I was dogless and we had a little spare cash, Mrs iD and I used to go to ARTBasel and buy the odd affordable piece by an up and coming artist (yes, such things do exist). One year a dealer was selling pages from one of Magritte's sketch books (where he draughted out in pencil ideas for paintings) and we thought that a pencil sketch from such a notebook would have been affordable (we are both Magritte fans). We were completely wrong, the dealer wanted US $10,000 for one page! And the prices asked for a Warhol (or worse) a Damian Hirst or Tracey Emmin were astronomically and obscenely high (think multiple of millions). A chum of mine, who is really into modern art, wants to start a virtual gallery and is trying to convince me to do a series of art works (paintings, photographs, lithographs, installations etc) based on my "conceptual art" piece: <cat in a blender> (an idle speculation of how I could create a "shocking" "art work" without actually putting a cat in a blender [not that I would ever do such a thing]). However there is one thing holding me back, an inability to spout "arty" BS without either cracking up or going really OTT (anyone on ER care to come up with a suitable "arty" blurb to explain <cat in a blender> to the hoi-polloi and oligarch would-be collectors???).


And on that note, I am off to do my latest performance art installation "railway modeller asleep in front of the TV"


Have a good one




p.s. Am I the only one that thinks that Rothko missed a career as a very good house painter?

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  • RMweb Gold

I think I've received the attentions of an avant-garde poetry spambot. Just received this on works email.


Shade being under his bed her

Busy paid like is oh

Set noisy one state tears whichPast draw tall up face show rent oh mr

Esteems it ye sending reached as



If there is the remotest chance that anyone understands this could they please let me know.


Its a secret coded message. The nice people from GCHQ are on their way.

That is probably nearer the truth. Spammers include nonsense text to uniquely identify their messages. I don't know why though. Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold


p.s. Am I the only one that thinks that Rothko missed a career as a very good house painter?

I rather like Mark Rothko's paintings. I have no idea what they are supposed to mean but I find them very pleasing to look at.


I like Miele too!

Edited by Tony_S
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'ello. 'UMP day.

Up early to get Jemma (inbound and staying overnight before an early AM departure tomorrow on a 4-day trip), then on to the orifice, hence the late posting!


Apparently (warning given last evening) our family/relatives get together on April 9th. hosted by us, as the Mrs decided it was "our turn" - an invite to all the local relatives, approx. 17 -  included the statement "...there may be a chance to see Ian's' train room...", who said she could tell them THAT???. Arrghhhh! :O


With that casual announcement came the warning that I "need to get it tidied up for visitors"!

Um, the place is a mess of baseboard and roadbed materials, card for kits/platforms, bits of spare track, wire, empty boxes for stock, soldering irons and miscellaneous tools, etc., etc. Adding to that I'm going to be out-of-town for pretty much ALL the next three weeks starting next Monday, and we're going up north for "Maple Syruping" this entire weekend.

Meaning I actually need to PANIC, figure out how the hell to pack all the junk away, and try and make the place presentable, all with maybe a total of 3 weekend days and two more evenings this week of available time. I was told taking a sabbatical in another country was NOT an option - I think the Mrs MAY have even confiscated my passports!  :jester:


Other than THAT little bit of news, not much happening here...


+5 and cloudy here, expecting much of the same all day with possibly a light rain/slush/snow mix late afternoon and overnight. Two hours north they're expecting 7-12 inches of snow!


I'm going to try and make it over the hump and battle my way through the railway room detritus on the other side (once I finish work of course).

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  • RMweb Premium


I think I've received the attentions of an avant-garde poetry spambot. Just received this on works email.


Shade being under his bed her

Busy paid like is oh

Set noisy one state tears which

Past draw tall up face show rent oh mr

Esteems it ye sending reached as


If there is the remotest chance that anyone understands this could they please let me know.


Perhaps its been translated from Outer Mongolian.


Perhaps we can encourage an American dentist to come over and shoot it? :hunter:  :jester: 

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  • RMweb Gold

'ello. 'UMP day.

Up early to get Jemma (inbound and staying overnight before an early AM departure tomorrow on a 4-day trip), then on to the orifice, hence the late posting!


Apparently (warning given last evening) our family/relatives get together on April 9th. hosted by us, as the Mrs decided it was "our turn" - an invite to all the local relatives, approx. 17 -  included the statement "...there may be a chance to see Ian's' train room...", who said she could tell them THAT???. Arrghhhh! :O


With that casual announcement came the warning that I "need to get it tidied up for visitors"!

Um, the place is a mess of baseboard and roadbed materials, card for kits/platforms, bits of spare track, wire, empty boxes for stock, soldering irons and miscellaneous tools, etc., etc. Adding to that I'm going to be out-of-town for pretty much ALL the next three weeks starting next Monday, and we're going up north for "Maple Syruping" this entire weekend.

Meaning I actually need to PANIC, figure out how the hell to pack all the junk away, and try and make the place presentable, all with maybe a total of 3 weekend days and two more evenings this week of available time. I was told taking a sabbatical in another country was NOT an option - I think the Mrs MAY have even confiscated my passports!  :jester:


Other than THAT little bit of news, not much happening here...


+5 and cloudy here, expecting much of the same all day with possibly a light rain/slush/snow mix late afternoon and overnight. Two hours north they're expecting 7-12 inches of snow!


I'm going to try and make it over the hump and battle my way through the railway room detritus on the other side (once I finish work of course).


Wow - what a gift, every spare moment at home (i.e. when not eating or sleeping or operating essential taxi services) has to be spent 'working on the layout to get it ready'.  That latter of course being so important that it might not allow much time for 'tidying up'

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Wow - what a gift, every spare moment at home (i.e. when not eating or sleeping or operating essential taxi services) has to be spent 'working on the layout to get it ready'.  That latter of course being so important that it might not allow much time for 'tidying up'

Sounds like a turnstile wants fitting on the entrance door ! :sungum:

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Wow - what a gift, every spare moment at home (i.e. when not eating or sleeping or operating essential taxi services) has to be spent 'working on the layout to get it ready'.  That latter of course being so important that it might not allow much time for 'tidying up'

Right Mike... except I'm rather too partial to a peaceful existence (and staying alive!!) to attempt that subterfuge! I omitted to explain there was a brief "review" of the room last evening with the task-master general slave-driver Mrs who identified the areas that needed to be "addressed" and corrected :O to allow for the viewing public - and apparently there's not an option to close the door and pretend it doesn't exist. <- That was made VERY CLEAR.


Still not sure how I managed to get to this point, given everyone except me has no idea what British trains circa 1950's - 1960's would have looked like so probably won't quite see anything they can connect with. Except an old fart playing with toy trains <sigh> they'll probably decide they just need to humor me and start looking for a nursing home to lock me up in for my own protection! :jester:

Edited by Ian Abel
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Thanks for putting up these lovely photos, folks. Apologies if I've missed any significant reports; you really do miss far too much if you get on here late.

Yesterday I took it very gently as I was a bit achey after the previous day when I think I pushed things a bit.

Well, after a good night's sleep only interrupted at 6.30 by the need to pee I felt absolutely top notch. Had two decent dog walks interspersed with a visit from a former workmate who's escape tunnel has just broken surface outside the fence. I already see a happier man!

I certainly feel much better today; the heart is of course a muscle and I guess like any muscle it's not been worked hard for a while it will be a little stiff and sore next day. At least there's sufficient blood and oxygen for it to do its work the way nature intended again. I feel a lot more alive these days than I have for a number of years. I guess the problem had been developing for longer than I imagine as I've certainly been somewhat lacking in energy the last three or four years.

Feels like that's in the past now.

Of course we're into spring now - always my best time of year.

Also got out to the shed for a couple of hours and knocked up a new left hand coupling rod for a Caley 300 I've been working on since last year.

Jock, hope you're feeling OK today. Mike, good to see you're keeping your hand in with the civils. That concrete will provide suitable hardcore for use elsewhere I've no doubt!

iD, glad to hear your own procedure is successful and healing nicely.

Surely a case of "physician, heal thyself"! :-)


Have a good day, whatever stage it is in your part of the world.


Happy plopping, Pete.



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Best make sure one of those isn't meant for Tony! ;-)

Evening all from Estuary-Land. More parcels arrived today, three in all and another half dozen to come by my calculation. Off shortly as its club night tonight, be back later.

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The first day of surveying for an extremely big job today. I wore a pedometer while I was doing it and covered just over 7 miles. I can honestly say that I've never taken on such a large and complex project with so many variables.


Dave (TG) - A break is well deserved, enjoy it.


AndrewC - I hope that you can get the kneee sorted out sooner than the predicted time frame.


Dom - Another couple of days should have you back up to full strength.


Brian W - I hope that you don't have the problem that I've had in the past. Not allowed onto site until the escort is ready because it's not been booked by 'the office' and then get a hard time for not achieving enough.


Dick - I hope that the doc can get your respiratory infection/asthma/COPD sorted out soon.


Flavio - It sounds like recovery is going to plan.


Ian A - You say that you have 3 weekend days to get the train room presentable, but, you've obviousely forgotten that Mrs A will have jobs around the house prior to the visitors arriving.


Mad McCann - Great to hear that you're recovering well and have more energy already.


I'm aiming to be at Ally Pally on Saturday as long as no last minute emergencies crop up.

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just back from a very quick trip to London to lawyer to collect things from my father's deeds box including my birth certificate - yes I always had a certified copy, but not the one issued two days after I was born. For some reason my father had kept that even though he never saw me as a child and refused to give it to my mum. Bananas!


Journeyed home from King's Cross on the Highland Chieftain midday Inverness service - interior of this 125 just been re-furbed and very good, too. There was a hawk and keeper at KX keeping the pigeons at bay; first time I'd ever seen that used on stations - does it happen on other stations, I wonder?


My job interview story occurred just a few years ago as I went for a transport manager's job. One of the questions was how would I manage someone out of the business? My response was that that was the wrong question - as transport manager I would be in the business of trying to keep good people, to give them jobs at which they would excel - square pegs in square holes. Naturally I didn't get the job; they told me that they didn't like my answer to that question.


Have a good evening



Edited by Purley Oaks
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  • RMweb Gold

I have spent the evening trying to sort out the wiring in my HO scale Tri Rail cab car.


I put LED lighting in it some years ago but the headlights came on with the red marker lightswhen running in revers but just the headlights going forward.


I have changed the decoder but turns out I had the wiring all wrong.


After re wiring up the headlight, it didnt work at all nor did the red marker l ights even when reversing the wiring.


Turns out that I had done something wrong with the decoder.


Now working but next is to rewire the ditchlights - we are getting there!!


Time for bed now.


Good night all.

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