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2 minutes ago, The Stationmaster said:

   Rather nice in this day and age that a publisher is kind enough to send out a complimentary copy of a £10.99 publication to folk who, certainly in my case, did little more than give some help with information for captions and in identifying locations.

Hey, don't underestimate the value of provenance. Without it pictures become nice to look at rather then historical documents.

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1 hour ago, Coombe Barton said:

BTW, Debs got a cushion last year. 


Is it one of Sandy’s?

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20 hours ago, TheQ said:

Yesterday the partition men came in, the area the wall is being knocked down has a temporary partition 6ft out from the wall , steel framing and plastic. it butts end on to my room so I can see clearly into both areas. . It may seem strange using steel framing. But a couple of days ago I priced up building wooden shelving for the tin shed against steel shelving, steel shelving wins hands down on price.


The layout that I was operating on today was rebuilt using steel 2x4s as the wood was beginning to sag and warp. 

They were also used for cassettes in the fiddle yard -- track laid down inside. I don't have the courage to pick up and swing 8 feet of train!


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Good morning one and all


I’m off to London later today.  The prime purpose of the expedition is to witness the launch of Elliott Morris’s CD, and to get my copy autographed.  The venue is Cecil Sharp House, an unremarkable edifice that is a brisk walk from Camden Town tube and worryingly close to London Zoo.  I was last there a few months ago for a concert by Grace Petrie which was all the more enjoyable for being in such incongruous surroundings.  If there is any justice, Elliott’s album will raise his profile significantly.  It could not happen to a nicer guy.


While I am in London I will take the opportunity to visit the Pride pop-up shop.  I need at least one T shirt and a few additions to my collection of rainbow regalia.  As I will be near Covent Garden I might just pop into London’s Transport Museum to see if they have restocked with mouse mats, since the one I have will not last much longer.


The joining instructions for the parade at Pride in London have finally arrived – cue sigh of relief.  The Individuals Group has its own entrance, round the back of Broadcasting House.  Sadly, by the time we have been told to arrive the elite at the head of the parade will be long gone – so much for rubbing shoulders with the Band of the Royal Marines!  We could be on the move by about 1.30 pm and may have reached Trafalgar Square by 3 pm.  What could possibly go wrong?  Plenty, given that the total number of participants could well exceed 40,000!  With a week and a half still to go it’s all getting just a bit real …


Best wishes to all



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Morning All,


Today is supposed to be the warmest day of the week.  I am not looking forward to this afternoon, given that it reached 39°C yesterday!


There isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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Robert,  please send the heat here as it is cold, overcast and very damp here in the North West Leeds Highlands. 


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A dull, grey start to the day in North Swampshire but at least it's forecast to stay dry. SWMBO and pal spent yesterday in Liverpool doing touristy things and as a consequence I got some mod***ing done. Not so fortunate today though as I now have to depart to the market and then we've got friends coming round for lunch. And that's it really, not the most exciting day ahead.


An interesting post by Natalie showing that even our ramblings here on ERs can sometimes be of value. Minnie the Mop sounds interesting; some friends of ours had a Patterdale terrier and she was lovely.


Have a good day everyone.



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Good morning everyone 


Well it isn’t raining, but we did have some rain overnight, however it is dull and cool, only 13C!


This morning’s recycling dawn chorus arrived early, but thankfully I was able to drift back to sleep not long after. There’s not a lot planned for the today as I have an appointment with sister drac for my annual PSA blood test. This was previously done by my oncologist team at “The Christie Hospital” but last year I was discharged from them and so this will be the first one taken under the supervision of my own GP’s surgery, albeit via the local hospital’s phlebotomy department. As my appointment is 11:30, yes you have to make an appointment now for blood tests and as mine isn’t a fasting blood test, I was pushed back, leaving the earlier test for them! So it means not a lot will be done this morning and as we have Ava, Evie and Max round for tea tonight, not much will be done after dinner either!


Sheila’s wrist is continuing to improve and she’s hoping to do a few domestic chores today, I just hope she takes note if the wrist starts to complain.


As Dave mentioned above, an interesting post from Natalie, which just goes to prove that one persons inane ramblings can give comfort to someone in need, who’d have thought it?


Enjoy the day, back later

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. And a very humid and sticky Estuary-Land it is. I found Natalie's 'life story' very interesting, I wish I could say the same about mine but I spent the last 38 years of my working life with one employer and the last 30 years of that doing the same job. Now I've got to sort out suitable containers for some books and magazines for the club sales stand at our exhibition in ten days time.

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11 minutes ago, bbishop said:

Personally, only treated two minor injuries but the team had two major incidents, including one who was in A&E twenty minutes after collapsing; mind you it helps to keel over right in front of a cardiac consultant.

Bill, that reminds me that one of the best places to have any major health "event" in south Northants / northwest Bucks would be at Silverstone circuit during any significant meeting. The circuit's medical facilities are fantastic and you can even get a chopper ride out if it's really serious and if you hold an FIA License.

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Just now, PhilJ W said:

 Now I've got to sort out suitable containers for some books and magazines for the club sales stand at our exhibition in ten days time.

Wine boxes (for 6 bottles) are excellent.  However you might have to work very hard to accumulate enough in time for the show.





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3 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

Wine boxes (for 6 bottles) are excellent.  However you might have to work very hard to accumulate enough in time for the show.





For magazines I use A4 printer paper boxes obtained from office suppliers. As the vast majority of magazines are now A4 size they are perfect.

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