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Most exotic train journey I've done is St. Petersburg to Moscow. And I slept through 99% of it! (To be fair, it was dark when we left St P and dark when we arrived in Moscow the next morning!


B*gger. Pilot light's gone out and won't relight. Engineer coming out between 8 and 5 tomorrow...

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  • RMweb Gold

Most exotic train journey I've done is St. Petersburg to Moscow. And I slept through 99% of it! (To be fair, it was dark when we left St P and dark when we arrived in Moscow the next morning!


B*gger. Pilot light's gone out and won't relight.? ? Engineer coming out between 8 and 5 tomorrow...





Is that for the central heating?










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  • RMweb Gold

Yep. And the hot water. I have a prehistoric boiler, unfortunately, and the costs of replacing it are rather high...





If our boiler is not repairable the maintenance insurance will pay a considerable amount towards a new one, do you have anything like that?









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Good thought, Tony - I'll need to check my policy. Thanks!


I know I asked Scottish Gas for a quote for a new boiler about a year ago, and they said around ??4,000 - and they'd need to put scaffolding around the flats to install the new boiler's roof vent. I didn't take them up on their kind offer...!! :blink:

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Morning All,


Fairly gloomy and a little chilly here - but fortunately my prehistoric boiler is functioning fine (touch wood). Hope you get yours fixed soon sixoh. I had a similar problem last year which turned out to be the thermocouple. The part was relatively cheap to replace thankfully.


At some point I will probably have to have mine replaced which will be even more costly because most of the radiators will have to be replaced too - still, the chimney sweep said that at the moment the emissions values are better than some modern boilers and despite being installed in 1984 it is still running fine, and as long as it does don't bother to change it.


Quite a good recommendation for Vaillant I'd say!


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


By the way, BoD, have you seen this (reported in yesterday's Grauniad too)? - Finds in River Wear


Yes. It has been on the local news quite a bit recently. Ramsey retired to Durham and I often saw him on his daily walk when I was at uni there.

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Woke at 4:00am this morning, almost as if I was torturing myself due to the extra hours sleep, but thankfully got back to sleep after a while. Thought it would be rather too early for ER'ing :)


Robert, when I brought my house 2 weeks after moving in boiler went ending up costing me ??2000 to replace as plumber took one look and said you need new rads, piping and boiler :( having spent all money on moving was a real pain.


Anyway off to lunch with a friend down in Greenwich and to look for flats may even go to Maritime Museum if there's time and I am sure there will be time for a reviving ale along the way.


Happy Sunday everyone..



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, proper ER today - sort of. I've already got the washing in and filled the slow cooker up with all sorts of veggies and beef. That's slowly doing it's stuff and if it tastes as good as it smells it should be good. I actually did some modelling yesterday and made progress with the coupling/conn rods for the o gauge Barclay. With regard to the central heating things above, unless you're changing over to a combi boiler from a hot water tank system, and your rads/pipes aren't leaking, I don't quite understand why a plumber would say that the whole lot needs replacing. If you are simply replacing the boiler with a newer like for like, why would the rest of it need replacing?

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Morning all....Clocks still to do, so that's Sunday taken care of.


Glad to hear you enjoyed your day BoD. A Pullman train and a few glasses of champagne sound right up my street.icon_thumbsup2.gif


Decided that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em and have been trying to create a blog and get something going on my layout progress. It's not the most obvious process and now have two blogs going with nothing in them. I think my brain cells must have also retired.

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{snip}With regard to the central heating things above, unless you're changing over to a combi boiler from a hot water tank system, and your rads/pipes aren't leaking, I don't quite understand why a plumber would say that the whole lot needs replacing. If you are simply replacing the boiler with a newer like for like, why would the rest of it need replacing?


Hi Phil


Thats exactly what he said.. "your best off getting rid of tanks and putting a combi in" also tried to sell me a condensing one.. but couldn't afford that.. :) The old system was on microbore piping which he said was bad. Anyway I lived and learned.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning ;) ...


Been up for a while as my inner clock is still on the old setting :lol: . However, some cocoa and breakfast had to come first as my stomach rumbled rather badly. Been quite foggy when I got up, but the sun's starting to burn it off.


Our friend who was to visit us yesterday had been taken ill, so we had the afternoon for us. However, the other two friends who are scheduled for today seem to be fine, so we'll need to do some cake for them :) .


Later ;) .

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Morning all!


No sign of the engineer yet, but it's still early. Just had breakfast (waffles and golden syrup) so had to clean myself up before typing, as I was a sticky mess!


I've got some names for boiler installers too. I'll definitely be shopping around for cheaper quotes than the British/Scottish Gas ones...!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, my first thought was the thermocouple as well so mention it to the engineer when they turn up it might save a small fortune. It will look like a bit of copper piping running from the flame area down to the control block. My mum had a condensing boiler installed by the council and said her gas consumption had halved so it should be possible to work out a payback time for an instalation.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Nice an' bright 'ere. Phil doing modelling stuff, better find the snow chains! I ventured into the blogosphere myself a couple of days ago. It's not as obvious as it should be and I'm still not convinced. It's a case of horses for courses I think and not one size fits all.




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