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Early Risers.


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Morning all,

Cold, dry and I'll have to go and scrape some frost off the car. Aditi is off to work earlier today. OFSTED gave notice yesterday afternoon that they will be inspecting the college all next week. She will also be going in on Saturday and Sunday.


Poor Aditi! A week is a long time for an Inspection but at least they have a little more notice than some schools. At my last school, a recent Inspection took place within 24 hrs of the notification. Please wish her all the best. From the way you've described her commitment at various times, she should have nothing to fear but these events are not pleasant.


Have a good day, if you can!

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  • RMweb Gold

We never felt much need for a dishwasher with just the two of us we do not create that many dirty dishes. While we were caring for Mum and Dad we did contemplate getting one but that has now resolved itself. Now if it could collect the dishes wash them and put them away i.e doing the whole job not just half of it........

When we go away in the motor home we have two gas hobs, a grill and a small oven so meals are kept simple. The sink is small so a little hot water out of the kettle is enough, and workspace is somewhat limited so it is wash up and put away as you go. It does lead to a more relaxing way of life for us. Each to their own choice.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.  Weather looks quite reasonable so far, not even any frost last night and the big melt continues - slowly.  I'm not sure if we will catch tonight's 'last gasp' major snow storm as forecasts of its extent seem to change everytime there's a new one but we are forecast bright sunshine for tomorrow(??).  That apart all as normal I think and will have to see if I can get some more scanning done today as RMweb folk seem fairly happy with the results, so far.


Have a nice day one & all.

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A dishwasher was more than just convenient for me looking after a family of five it saved an hour every night which could be spent on children instead.

I thought children were there to wash up! :boast:   


Seriously, we were amongst the first of our friends to own a dishwasher (1975, I think?) and we've found them invaluable over the years. The children still argued over whose turn it was to load it but then that's just one of the joys of family life!

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Deb would have been 58 today. I shall drive along the Mulsanne Straight and round through Indianapolis and Arnage.


A good way to relive some happy memories of time spent there with Deb. Thoughts are with you, Ian.

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  • RMweb Gold

Poor Aditi! A week is a long time for an Inspection but at least they have a little more notice than some schools. At my last school, a recent Inspection took place within 24 hrs of the notification. Please wish her all the best. From the way you've described her commitment at various times, she should have nothing to fear but these events are not pleasant.

She doesn't do any teaching in the part of the college that OFSTED inspect but they have just had a similar process in the HE part. Aditi has since Christmas gone back to half time working in the FE part of the college after her secondment full time to the HE bit.So although she won't be teaching her job is to support staff if they suddenly feel a need to discuss their lesson plans or similar. She and her colleagues will be at work on Saturday and Sunday should anyone feel the need to talk. The college has "no notice" inspections of teaching and paperwork so perhaps the OFSTED will seem more relaxed! My task this morning is to cancel her dental appointment scheduled for Saturday morning!

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  • RMweb Gold

A dishwasher was more than just convenient for me looking after a family of five it saved an hour every night which could be spent on children instead.

Robbie is fascinated by dishwasher loading and it has got to the point that he is sent out of the kitchen during loading. It must look like a giant stainless steel dog bowl. He isn't interested at unloading so it must be the smell of food at floor level that attracts him!

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  • RMweb Gold

Deb would have been 58 today. I shall drive along the Mulsanne Straight and round through Indianapolis and Arnage.


I'm sure she will be with you all the way.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All,


Another dull start to the day but at least it's dry & about 1oC at present.


In my opinion the dishwasher is one of man's greatest inventions. We've had one since the early 80's and although there are now only the two of us we do quite a lot of entertaining family & friends. We would not like to be without one!


Another round of form filling today-this time for HMRC.  Oh joy unlimited!  :nono:



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Morning all..


Been glued to Murray v Federer since 8.30.  Just edged the third set, but really shouldn't have lost the second.  Meanwhile Djokovic is tucked up in bed....


At last the snow seems to be going for good and there's every chance of getting out for a wander avec clubs on Monday.  I'm firmly in the must have a dishwasher camp.  Of course we'd cope without one, but it's proved it's worth time and time again.  


Just thinking about it.  We have a Neff that was here when we bought the house in '95.  The house was built in '92, so the dishwasher must be 20 years old and still works perfectly.  Oh gawd, that's done it.......

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All, Multi tasking this morning watched/still watching Andy Murray whilst making a call to the inland revenue, 29 mins on hold 27 to sort my tax code out! Worth it though as it transpires I owe less than a £100 :agree: This was  less than I thought so a happy chappy today. Have to say she was very good and we went through it all in a methodical manner and I don't need to do a tax return.


Dishwashers- just cannot imagine not having one, my father in law at 85 has one but wont use it, prefers to wash by hand, I think its a ploy to keep out the way of my mother in law!


Friday, safe journey home for those who are working and keeping the  wheels of commerce ticking over.

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  • RMweb Premium

Robbie is fascinated by dishwasher loading and it has got to the point that he is sent out of the kitchen during loading. It must look like a giant stainless steel dog bowl. He isn't interested at unloading so it must be the smell of food at floor level that attracts him!


Charlie the beagle must be kept from poking his nose inside the dishwasher and indeed the trash can, too! Our rabbits haven't visited the kitchen in quite a while, but they never showed any such inclination when they had.

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Ian, great idea - leave out the "bus stop" chicane though.........

Tony, You must go to Austin too - brilliant music scene there, some great clubs....


And here is the weather forecast from New York  Metroplex:


Mostly Cloudy to PM Snow Showers.


High Temp: -3C Low Temp: -9C


Sunrise: 7:13am.  Sunset: 5:07pm.


The much heralded "Significant" snow fall is now down to an inch or two - much to the chagrin of the forecasters........


Have a nice day!


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Our bit of snow appears to be unsure about when and where it will turn up, Three pm, 4pm, 6pm are all considered valid arrival times and whether or not it reaches Chesterfield is also open to doubt.

We currently have 'heavy rain' forecast for 21.00 tonight and 'heavy snow' forecast for midnight but the forecast has changed at least twice since midnight and changed a couple of times yesterday as well.  At one stage we had 'light snow' forecast for this morning but that changed to and remained at something else involving no precipitation at all - when we went down to Tesco it was snowing - I counted 5 snowflakes in a minute.  


But far, far worse that the 'exceedingly light almost non-existent snow' were some of teh idiots navigating, or in most cases not navigating, their trolleys around the shop.   Why is that when someone leaves their trolly unattended in an aisle they park it broadside across the aisle instead of along one side, and why do they look upset when I shove their trolley out of the way?

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  • RMweb Premium

A late call from me again , early rising seems not to be something I'm good at .


Weather is grey cold but dry , very little snow left , just the thick bits in sheltered

spots .


 I am the dishwasher , nuff said .


 Good thoughts to Ian on this notable day , but a fitting tribute to Deb .


Now it's time for breakfast , or lunch or something .


Take care all .

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  • RMweb Premium

But far, far worse that the 'exceedingly light almost non-existent snow' were some of teh idiots navigating, or in most cases not navigating, their trolleys around the shop.   Why is that when someone leaves their trolly unattended in an aisle they park it broadside across the aisle instead of along one side, and why do they look upset when I shove their trolley out of the way?


 And why do people have to read the lables on every item , if it says it's soup it's soup,

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  • RMweb Gold

A dishwasher was more than just convenient for me looking after a family of five it saved an hour every night which could be spent on children instead.



When you stick the kids in the dishwasher, they come out nice and shiny afterwards!




I can't add to anything already said: Enjoy the drive.





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Ian: Think happy thoughts.


As Sideshow Bob is in the top three in the world, he must draw a significant sum for wearing branded goods.

Why then do his plimsoles look like he bought them off a market stall in 1995?

Federer, however, had everything except flashing lights on his Nike sneakers.


Edit for spelling.

Edited by DDolfelin
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So I was out most of yesterday, really.

Conversation with my Wife this morning:


Wife: Yawn, you had a telephone call from S---- in Hollywood last night.


Me: Oh, yes ($ sign beginning to appear).


W. Yes, the Director X wants to use your music in a movie.


M. Hmm. ($ signs getting bigger) What music, what movie?


W. Just the one instrumental, the film may be Imax...


M. Really? ($ signs are mixed).


W. Yes it is a short half hour documentary on the recovery from Hurricane Sandy.


M. Huh. ($ signs getting smaller).


W. It's a charity thing all proceeds going to the recovery account like that show from New York that Eric and the Stones were in.


M. Oh. ($ sign vaporizes), A good cause, then?


W. But he said you would get a big credit at the end!


M. (Bites chunk of toast and marmalade) That's alright then, (I suppose).


It is; because no one has received Federal Tax Dollars from Washington unlike "Katrina" where they started paying out ten days after the event.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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