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  • RMweb Premium

I just love it when office hours are changed on short notice - not. But I did get to picking up a book from the library at least, so the trip wasn't completely useless.


Last night, an empty freight train consisting of coal hoppers derailed at Western Station in Frankfurt. When I looked on my way back, only one wagon of the five that seemed to have derailed was still off the rails, but aside from some roadbed and possibly wheelset damage, no serious problems would appear to have resulted from the incident - and most importantly, no-one was hurt.

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I think it is just that the training period is longer as animals aren't able to give symptoms by word of mouth....


Had two MRI scans in recent months following a mini-stroke ; not pleasant but I am very grateful for the facility in Pilgrim Hospital, Boston, originally purchased by public subscription.

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Had two MRI scans in recent months following a mini-stroke ; not pleasant but I am very grateful for the facility in Pilgrim Hospital, Boston, originally purchased by public subscription.



The whole question of what is funded by taxation and what by public subscription gets us into very grey areas. After a local tragedy, public subscriptions around here paid for an open-air swimming pool in the local town. A few years ago, our District Council decided that they needed the site for expanding parking for their 'learning quarter' project. The pool was closed to much public uproar and the land remains vacant. At the same time, they relocated the local Scout Hut and closed the local Pitch & Putt course. Many who contributed to the pool were upset at the Council's cavalier attitude, many also felt that they could not afford the fees to use the indoor pool at the local Health Club. Work has just started on a new University Technical College that should be in operation September '13 but I expect it will be late - everything this Council does tends to be that way. Net result was no cheap swimming facilities since around 2006 and a new college from late 2013.

When considered in the NHS context, would the existence of the MRI Scanner result in the saving of a hospital threatened with closure? I think not and I suspect that it would be scrapped rather than moved to one of the proposed Facilities Concentration Locations.

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Our last day in sunny Lisbon!


Yesterday, we climbed up to St. George's. Castle then relaxed with drinks at a roof top cafe.


Today we've visited the Museum of Design where there were police dogging our footsteps! Felt weird! Also had our photo taken by a student. Looks like they're on to us!!


Our daughter in Crewe says they had a thunderstorm and torrential rain last night. Crazy weather!


Flying into Gatwick this evening and have really enjoyed our break here. Recommend!

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Gold


Today we've visited the Museum of Design where there were police dogging our footsteps! Felt weird! Also had our photo taken by a student. Looks like they're on to us!!



Were you wearing the "weasel" costume?

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  • RMweb Premium

Marks today have ranged 20 to 90 (of 100). Some of them have it, some haven't.


Pretty much like in the geography course I once taught - exam marks ranged from A to E. However, the rest of their marks for assignments and homework were good enough so that no-one got less than a D in their end-of-year report.

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  • RMweb Gold

I forgot to mention earlier when I saw Mike's "Shamed Dog" photo of the day. Robbie came close to it yesterday. I wanted a banana at lunchtime but thought as it was the last one I'd pop out and get some more so that Aditi could take some for lunch during the week. I get home with my bunch of Co-op Fairtrade (the cheap ones looked too ripe) bananas and looked for the one I'd moved from the fruit bowl earlier. I thought I was going daft as I couldn't find it. I even looked in the fridge and dishwaher. However when I found the woody stem on the doormat I had a good idea of where it had gone. Robbie never used to take stuff or so we thought until recently. Either he has had 8 years of undiscovered crime or he has recently started taking things he can reach. I have been told that dogs can't feel guilt but when I showed him a banana and asked where mine was he did look a bit shifty!

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  • RMweb Premium

Had MRI's on the hip, very noisy, noisier than I thought despite being warned, and claustrophobic.  Best thing is to keep your eyes shut.  At least it is painless, unlike the magnetic reactant stuff injection into the joint capsule.  The clue there is 'don't look at the needle'.  :ohmyclear:

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Had MRI's on the hip, very noisy, noisier than I thought despite being warned, and claustrophobic.  Best thing is to keep your eyes shut.  At least it is painless, unlike the magnetic reactant stuff injection into the joint capsule.  The clue there is 'don't look at the needle'.  :ohmyclear:

A long time since I had a scan but I was told to bring a device to play music of my choice. In those days, Walkman CD player or Sony MiniDisk were the things. As for choice of music, well that opens up a complete new field. How about "Piper at the gates of dawn" as the table ejects you from the chamber, or something more etherial? I'm sure TriSonic can help us!

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I forgot to mention earlier when I saw Mike's "Shamed Dog" photo of the day. Robbie came close to it yesterday. I wanted a banana at lunchtime but thought as it was the last one I'd pop out and get some more so that Aditi could take some for lunch during the week. I get home with my bunch of Co-op Fairtrade (the cheap ones looked too ripe) bananas and looked for the one I'd moved from the fruit bowl earlier. I thought I was going daft as I couldn't find it. I even looked in the fridge and dishwaher. However when I found the woody stem on the doormat I had a good idea of where it had gone. Robbie never used to take stuff or so we thought until recently. Either he has had 8 years of undiscovered crime or he has recently started taking things he can reach. I have been told that dogs can't feel guilt but when I showed him a banana and asked where mine was he did look a bit shifty!


You really ought to teach him how to peel bananas... 

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Had an MRI scan yesterday.

problem 1) Because I'd had a piece of metal in my eye 35 years ago I had to have my eyes X-rayed first


problem 2) I am not by any means small and was an "interference fit" in the tunnel. It was a very close-run thing as to whether the test

                  could continue!


Not the most pleasant experience of my life, and the lady after me was looking terrified when she asked me how it was. I did the manly thing and said it was fine, but as I was leaving she came out and told me she had had to quit the test because it had made her too claustrophobic. The technicians (are they radiographers?) told me that about 5-10% of customers don't go through with it.






Sympathies for the claustrophobia. Way back in the 1980s I had my first MRI scan as part of a RAF medical research programme when the technology was a lot slower and scanners were actually quite uncommon in hospitals. 


Working in Farnborough we were actually flown up to the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary for scans that were roughly every half inch up our bodies. Tough for the taller volunteers. Took roughly 2 hours for each person and no movement was allowed during that time - except breathing. To help match up the scans to our anatomy one of the team used a biro and tape measure to mark-up our bodies every 1cm.  Very granular images in those days and not a patch on the scans my brother churned out from his field hospital just 15 years later. 


We all had different techniques to get through the experience. Notably our mechanical fitter - a big lad - went to the hospital via the hotel bar and spent most of the scanning session asleep, having sampled many a fine whiskey. 20 years later driving up from Dyce to our holiday home it always brings a smile to my face when we drive past the ARI - and the hotel!


All the best, Andy 

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  • RMweb Premium

Clouds are chasing across the darkening sky and I'm glad to have tidied up the flat for today.  Though perhaps I may send the vacuum cleaning robot on another round. It does help increase the overall tidiness indeed!

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Well we ventured down to Farnham for Mrs Stationmaster to attend the swanky dentist for 5 minutes but they confirmed the lower section of the graft has taken nicely so it's now back to Denplan Man for the top part.  Then to Alton to pick up one book, buy another (frightening, Part 2 of Mr Tatlow's book on breakdown cranes is very nice but I've bought ancient and desirable timetables for less plus ordering various items some of which I'll probably never get with Hornby up to their present tricks.  Meanwhile Mrs Stationmaster popped down to the butcher and came back with two legs of lamb, two shoulders and most of what went in between them as a 'special deal'  (78 quid the lot) and the first bit is heading into a hotpot tonight.  Then home to various tasks and finally here.


The bit I did not like about an MRI scan was the claustrophobia - not nice although what sounded like a bloke belting the outside of the machine with a lump hammer as it did the scanning wasn't much better.  Brain scans are much pleasanter but best of all in my experience are lung scans as apart from the lead shielded hypodermic syringe watching it all on teh screen is like a rather nice starburst screen saver as the isotopes chase around your lungs.


And on that happy subject I'll wish one and all for a good day - or rather what is left of it

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  • RMweb Premium

A long time since I had a scan but I was told to bring a device to play music of my choice. In those days, Walkman CD player or Sony MiniDisk were the things. As for choice of music, well that opens up a complete new field. How about "Piper at the gates of dawn" as the table ejects you from the chamber, or something more etherial? I'm sure TriSonic can help us!



Yes, I took a chill-music CD they play through the headphones, but you can't take metal items into a MRI scanner - they would be ejected at very high velocity!

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  • RMweb Premium

I once had a MRI scan myself and while I admit to having been tense, I think this had more to do with the physical and technological background of these machines. If only we could put all there is in technology purely to constructive and beneficial use...

Edited by 1216 025
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  • RMweb Gold

I once had a MRI scan myself and while I admit to having been tense, I think this had more to do with the physical and technological background of these machines. If only we could put all there is in technology purely to constructive and beneficial use...

My mother had to have a few and as she was both claustro and agoraphobic she really did well to go through with the experience. She said it was nice when it was finished.

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Good morning all. Another hot day forecast for today at 28C but I'm surviving.

Back to traditional fried battered fish and chips today, YEAH!

At the request of some residents they experimented with steamed fish a couple of weeks ago. I was most disappointed and said so.

The cook tried to liven it up with a relish of fried tomato and onion but to me it did not make the grade!.


In case you hadn't noticed may I bring to your attention that today is FRIDAY - Hence the fish for lunch!


Yes, Gordon. Your adoring fans are eager to follow the next episode of ET. We have been very patient whilst you allowed golf to distract you but now it's time to return to the grind! :threaten:   Thank you Dave and GMR :yes:

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Good morning all, thankyou Don for reminding us thats its Friday...Canadian style pancakes tonight.  (With Maple syrup!)  Just listening to the UK weather forecast on the BBC, seems like a cold wet day for you in the UK...


Try and enjoy your day folks, 




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