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Early Risers.


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Good Morning,


Very wet & windy night but has now calmed down a bit. Temp currently 2oC


Mrs GB has been safely delivered to work & I am on my second cup of tea so all is well with my little corner of the galaxy.


This morning will be spent waiting in anticipation for my bargain train pack which I am told was despatched yesterday. :locomotive:


I shall probably will definitely look in later,





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Morning All,


I have another busy day in the offing.  I am in the office this morning - and then flying to Italy this afternoon.


The weather is fairly mild, but it is set to get colder again.


Have a good day everyone...

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A blustery night here but now becalmed and cold!


A busy evening for me yesterday. Firstly, my usual church Choir Practice which is run by an inspirational lady (also ordained) who regularly composes music for us to sing. And she was 80 last year! Gives us all hope!


Straight from that to the first rehearsal of "A Tale of Two Cities" with TOADS' Theatre Co. I am one of the peasants which entails a few lines, some muttering, groaning, etc and a degree of scene shifting! So, I'll have the joy of being on stage without too much responsibility.


Enjoy whatever you do today!

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  • RMweb Premium

a mild dusting of snow this morning so we have been lucky here.


Interesting cricket to umpire last night - some pros v some people doing it for fun - bit one sided but was OK for all.


"mild" curry doesn't count Don - get some more curry powder in it!


Have a good day everyone


Barry O

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I am one of the peasants which entails a few lines, some muttering, groaning, etc ...So, I'll have the joy of being on stage without too much responsibility.




That reminds me - it's nearly Valentine's Day. Or "Garage Flowers Day", if you prefer. 



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Morning all from a lightly snow dusted Leith (much to my surprise).  The idiot with the loud exhaust has finally gone from the car park outside my window (every morning, he sits there for about 3 minutes revving away before finally going).  One day I'm going to shove a fruit salad up that exhaust and take out his fuses (not his HT leads though as that would make the blessed thing even louder!)...


Big day today, my Social Work Complaints Procedures working group meets for the first time.  This has been under discussion and organisation now for 6 months so it's great to finally get it underway.  I'm just waiting to get into work and find a load of folk have called off due to the weather...

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Is it me or do we just get grumpier as we get older?  Ordered new bed and got a call a couple of weeks back from the delivery people to set up delivery for today.  Explained the whole issue of limited access and you will need a small van.  No problem.  Just had a call to say they'll be here between 10.30-12.00.  Have you got a small van?  Um, no.  The small van is out on other deliveries, so the manager said use the big one....


I don't know why I bother sometimes.  Old bed is out in the front garden ready for collection and now they'll block the main road and have to carry everything for 150 yards....and they wonder why businesses are going bust.


Oh for those days in my youth when I was a free agent with zero responsibility and no cares other than where the next beer was coming from... :danced:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, a tropical 1c here, and a howling gale probably making a wind chill of another 6 or 7 degrees.


Gordon, that sums up the modern world for me.... everyone knows better.  Like teenagers, but older.  Grumpy?  Moi?






Guilty Your Worship.

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... when I was a free agent with zero responsibility and no cares other than where the next beer was coming from... :danced:

I thought that was what being a pensioner was all about!


Have a good one all.




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So, Don, the weather is pleasant, the view sounds grand and there's curry (of a sort) on the menu. Which travel agent did you book through?! 


I tried putting MiL's tongue in a stew once. Boy, did she fight to stop me. 


'twas a special day yesterday - the eldest's birthday. 9 y/o now. Tears because she didn't want to grow up and leave 8 behind. Seems like yesterday when she popped out and changed our lives.  


Decided to get a grip on the household paperwork yesterday afternoon and after about 2 hours concluded I was in tangible reach of retirement without excessive poverty. But as insurance I've been practicing going "Beep......beep......beep....." just in case I need to put my CV in to Sainsburys for a checkout job in my dotage. It's actually quite relaxing and a level of responsibility I'd feel comfortable with. 



Neighbour is having a tree cut down today so there is much noise and twigs flying about. 


Gordon, I've got an old fridge you could add to the front garden tableau if you're interested. 


Anyway, got to dash now as I've got some Beeping practice to do.   


Beepbeep for now.


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