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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Robbie is having a lazy evening too, though it was all a bit fraught earlier. I decided that he was due for a very thorough grooming session. He thinks this is a wonderful game. I think I won, just.

The temperature outside dropped rapidly this evening. Aditi wanted to look at the weather forecast for tomorrow but the satellite receiver said no signal. The dish had iced over. I've never seen that before, snow usually slides off.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi All,


Catching up agian.

Busy day - set director / researcher / gaffer / cook / bottle washer, etc to help Ray get his new layout ready for the coming week's exhibition.  Snow forecast for the first day....   :nono:

Hope the coming week's weather doesn't hit you too hard.  Looks like wintery weather for us tomorrow - cold, wet., windy.  Ah, well.  As Pete said - it is winter.



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Good morning all.   


Any one seen Don?    Just had the first of the weeks disappointments (there are bound to be others) I normally buy on a Saturday half a dozen grape fruit, which gives me half of one for my breakfast.  Cut one open this morning and it's one of the pink ones....cant stand them.....Grrrrr.


Oh well worse things happen !  


Enjoy your day,



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  • RMweb Premium



Our pupils will most likely be happy that due to Carnival, they will have classes only on Thursday and Friday this week! I thus could sleep in a bit longer, too. Quite nippy outside, but too dark to see anything as of yet.


Enjoy your day, whatever you may be up to!

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Our pupils will most likely be happy that due to Carnival, they will have classes only on Thursday and Friday this week!

Ah, Fasching! I remember it well (parts of it, anyway ...)

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Morning All,


The traffic was amazingly light on my way to work this morning.  Primarily due to most of those on "the other side" having the day off.


Dominik:  You said that there is no school on Wednesday - is that just around you, or all of Hessen?  The little guy has Monday and Tuesday off, but is back again on Wednesday.


The weather is unremarkable - cold, damp and generally miserable!


Have a good one everybody...

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  • RMweb Premium

Dominik:  You said that there is no school on Wednesday - is that just around you, or all of Hessen?  The little guy has Monday and Tuesday off, but is back again on Wednesday.


Can't tell with absolute certainty, but many Hessian schools at least would appear to use Wednesday for seminars. Your son's school is in Rhineland-Palatinate, is it not?

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Morning all,

Snowing here in Hampshire but not settling. Glad I'm working indoors today and don't need to leave the village.

My youngest has just twigged that he can lift his eyelid up with his eyelashes. Gross, but it seems to be a rite of passage for most schoolboys!

Made good progress on the layout last night and hope to cut out some wood for the backscene today.

Just spotted this on the BBC website: A Point of View: Grand Central, the world's loveliest station

Hope your day works out fun and fine. 


Edited by AndyB
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, a chilly and windy 2c here, no sign of snow but some light falls forecast over 100 metres asl, as the road to work is 500m asl, there may be trouble ahead!


We were up at 2am due to a crashing noise outside, turns out the garden gate (a large 2m high job) was open and smashing about in the wind - no idea how the bolt had come out, very odd.  We don't exactly get midnight skulkers around here.

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Llanrwst seems to get a fair share of any weather going - especially floods.

There used to be a Secondhand shop next to the bridge selling things very cheaply.

I realised after that it was effects rescued from the floods.

Edited by DDolfelin
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Bright and chilly here but no snow. That's one aspect of living in the Midlands that I don't miss!

Spotted a gritting truck out earlier so it must be icy.


Take care if you have to go out today. Looks like I'll be home doing housework as we have visitors due on Friday! Why does that feel like an inspection?!


Parts of the house resemble Sleeping Beauty's castle so time to play the domestic goddess. I knew my (limited!) acting skills would come in handy one day!!


Have a good week!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


apologies for having a weekend off - forgot to take computer to Doncaster Show to keep up to date.


Smattering of snow at our end of Leeds but its melting.


Lots to do and lots to catch up post show so here's to tomorrow!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


After a few days of drizzle and bluster, we have a calm morning with a bit of blue sky here and there. Not warm, but not too cold either.


BCB seems to have been a success at Donny, which is great.


Hope your weather holds back a bit and your week goes ok! 

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  • RMweb Gold


Snow showers here. The half inch that settled overnight is melting. The sky is overcast. If I didn't have to take a spaniel for a walk I probably wouldn't bother going out.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Rather damp but no snow here.


It is not just the pharmacists who can get things a bit wrong. A friend who had had a heart attack is on Aspirin, Doctors are advised that taking it long term can cause stomach problems so added another tablet to conteract the Aspirin. My friend noticed on the info sheet it stated an increase liability of heart attacks! He pointed it out to the doctor and they agreed to drop the other tablet. But how many out there are taking the combination quite unaware.



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Snow and ice in Boston (Lincs) according to the Met Office this morning but here, eight miles north, it is a clear, dry, fairly bright day !!


Have we acquired a micro-climate I wonder ?  Trouble is the builder lives in Boston so probably thinks it ain't worth coming today.....aaaarrggh

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