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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

I don't know - I think they're a very fair representation of the stainless steel trees in the rainforest around here. Could maybe do with a bit of weathering ...


I would think it's the combination of white and green outer walls, sky grey ceiling and grey and glistening pillars that's supposed to resemble a wet and misty tropical forest! At least that was the gist of an article I read about this renovation a couple of weeks ago.

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  • RMweb Gold

Great shots of Tornado Mike and Neil. Neil shot is when it was at Minehead I think, from where I was living I could hear them at the station even Marion noticed when Bittern arrived.


Mike sorry to read of your family problems. Dementia often means your lose the person you knew and have almost a stranger in their body to deal with. Mum was not violent but got very angry. When she was in A&E I had to take away her shoes to stop her escaping down the corridor.


Ian don't put yourself down ERs would be poorer without you.


Neil I do like the Caledonia. I also have some 16mm live steam including the Roundhouse Taliesin just need to stop moving about so I can build a garden layout.


Here is a shot of my Katie running on a friends layout.




edit adding picture


Edited by Donw
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Well as we seem to be doing "show and tell", here's the latest progress on my own n-gauge layout. Started writing the first post for a layout thread, but for now, here's a piccie....







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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


I tried to visit here from work, but here was not here - still it looks to be working now, so all's well that ends well - it's when a site of this size and complexity goes t*ts up that I'm glad my name isn't Andy York.


Anyhows, as usual there's good news, bad news, and pictures of strange rail-mounted contrivances of various sizes - anybody would think this is some sort of railway related site, instead of a drivel-fest.  Commiserations to those with bad news, illness, family problems etc - sorry if that's a catch-all, but it is meant no less sincerely.


Yesterday I mentioned that there had been two accidents on consecutive days, on the same stretch of road, and today, I went round towards that stretch of road, and lo and behold, blue flashing lights, two police cars, two ambulances, and ANOTHER car through the hedge in the SAME place - and today, no ice.  No idea why, but the thinking locally is that as the road's quite badly potholed at that particluar location, that drivers are putting their foot down a bit too much, wheel into pothole, bounce, bounce, lose control, into field - but THREE times in as many days - suffice to say that 45156 will not be racing along this stretch anytime soon....


Pete - enjoy your mega-weather storm again - between the US forecasters and the Daily Express here, clearly the weather is worse than it really is (if you know what I mean?).


Anyhow, here apears to be working, so I'm off for a scout round.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

From about the 20th March I shall be perusing the weather for Alberta. I suspect Aditi wants to know whether to take her Arctic parka or the pretty one.


Edited by Tony_S
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I hope it is more stainless than the stainless steel finish on our oven.


Technically it began as "Rustless Steel"..........but those marketeers got there first; and (like many modern things) it`s become a triumph of 'spin' over delivery! :nono:

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  • RMweb Gold

Technically it began as "Rustless Steel"..........but those marketeers got there first; and (like many modern things) it`s become a triumph of 'spin' over delivery! :nono:

I did actually know that and the original name is used in some other languages. My father always used to describe it as "stainless for steel compared to other steels" to make a point.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think Aditi is hoping for a different sort of day tomorrow. Yesterday was Academic Offences panel, today it was Mitigation Panel. Yesterday's was enlivened by the brand new "head of something or other" came in for a few minutes and told them they needed to get a move on! Aditi is quite academic but isn't too good at being offensive!



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  • RMweb Gold

I'm intrigued; what constitutes an Academic Offence? Does the Mitigation relate to said offences?


An academic offence is usually plagiarism or getting someone else to do your work for you. In the old days plagiarism was identified by the exam marker. Now it is checked with clever software. Mitigation is for those students who have a reason for poor or late work. Late or re-submitted work otherwise has a  "capped" mark, ie can't get more than say 40%. When I taught I always told my students that if they were having problems they needed to let staff know before deadline date.

I think even the school examination boards have lists of things that can be taken in to consideration.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

I've just been catching up and have noticed the proliferation of the 'R' word on here today so, to continue in that vein, I'm watching Time Team programme on the Navvies on the Settle and Carlisle 'R'ailway.  Seen it before...and before that....(replay as you think fit) - so it makes for easy listening/watching while I do something more serious trivial.


Query that last statement - they've just been talking about suicide, death and desperation.


Time for a cuppa, after that.


Take care, all.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think Matthew may have committed an academic offence today. He got his lowest grade this year for a course and was querying something and the lecturer got cross with Matthew as he used his given name rather than Dr .... . All the other staff use their first name. It may be a generational thing as this particular lecturer got his BSc in 1960.  I asked how he did he refer to Matthew. Apparently either as Matthew, Alex or Mark as he muddles people up!

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  • RMweb Gold

After downloading from the TomTom website for about 4 hours, the download of updates and maps is complete. Then it takes an hour and a half to download the data to the Sat Nav. I'm paranoid about my PC going in to some energy saving mode (I think that will be something the first update for Windows 8 will need to address) so I'm sitting here moving the mouse occasionally. RMweb helps!

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An academic offence is usually plagiarism or getting someone else to do your work for you. In the old days plagiarism was identified by the exam marker. Now it is checked with clever software. Mitigation is for those students who have a reason for poor or late work. Late or re-submitted work otherwise has a  "capped" mark, ie can't get more than say 40%. When I taught I always told my students that if they were having problems they needed to let staff know before deadline date.

I think even the school examination boards have lists of things that can be taken in to consideration.



About 30 years ago I think my degree course encountered some kind all embracing "capped" mark. The logic by the course tutor was as follows...

"You only need 75% to get a 1st. So, we cap the marks at 75% and all you lot need to do to get a 1st is get your work 100% right on every question."

I think that degree course recorded about one 1st class honours degree in about 10 years. A 2:1 was considered to be equivalent to be a 1st, a 2:2 equivalent to a 2:1....


Best, Andy

Edited by AndyB
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After downloading from the TomTom website for about 4 hours, the download of updates and maps is complete. Then it takes an hour and a half to download the data to the Sat Nav. I'm paranoid about my PC going in to some energy saving mode (I think that will be something the first update for Windows 8 will need to address) so I'm sitting here moving the mouse occasionally. RMweb helps!


Tony, glad it wasn't just me that struggled downloading a new map from TomTom. Eventually I found the best method was to go to the pub and let SWMBO crack on with it. But for all the hassle it was invaluable when we visited Brussels last summer.


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  • RMweb Gold

I nearly started gibbering when at 99% it said there was a problem and to disconnect the sat nav and reconnect it. Unlike the other make this worked and I'm now up to date, apart from things I'd have to pay for like South African speed camera locations. In my case not a priority as I'm unlikely to go there (though I did think that about Texas until recently!) and my wife thinks I never drive fast enough to set off cameras.

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A cooler day in prospect. A max of only 23C forecast.


Yvonne contd.  After two weeks of quiet she came to my room the other evening as she couldn't open her door. It was a genuine problem which I sorted. However this broke the dam and next morning she again came with a fictitious problem. I declined to get involved.. Ever vigilant!


She really ought to be in the 'assisted living' facility. She was stopped by the staff from setting out to go to the shops at 7:00 pm this week, thinking it was morning.


I appreciated all the train pics, 12" to the foot and the others. Thanks to the posters! :imsohappy:


My sympathy to those suffering vicissitudes of various kinds.

May the blue bird of happiness not poop on your head.

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Good Morning all,  


Well managed to escape the C-C yesterday afternoon,  the young lady  from H.O was from Bulgaria.....not Preiser....but of course now being partly US owned.....I must behave! 


Net's been playing up the last couple of days....so probably plenty to catch up on.  Though last evening I actually did some modelling.......


Tony, If you would like some pics of  bit of my trip West of Calgary last year, drop me a PM. Not many rail ones, but several general shots.  I did a set as PDF to send to my brother so he could print them out for Mum.


What ever you're up to today try and enjoy some of it!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Brought SWMBO to the GP for a checkup and while I'm waiting, I said hello to these fellows:




I'm sure they won't be happy when it turns cold again next week!

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