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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

DonW, I have 8 steamers, Roundhouse and Accucraft, and one Regner.  My railway is raised due to my mobility problems with the hip, so isn't a scenic wonder, but it provides a lot of fun for driving r/c models, we have gradients!



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Just got up for the nth time.


Daylight reveals broken clouds and blue sky to the West and very dismal low clouds to the East over NYC. Good omen as weather generally moves West to East as in Blighty... Still quite windy but it relaxed off about 2:00am.

Have a good one will check in later.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Surgery visit done, blood taken, BP checked and actually down to within target (wonder how long that will last?), idiot parking observed (not unusual there - I vacate space with my Peugeot 407Sw, lady vacates adjacent space in a Freelander and in come a Peugeot 107 which promptly manages to occupy both of the spaces - driver goes off and leaves it there, as 2 more cars enter the otherwise full car park).


Weather wise we  live in interesting times - Met Office forecast heavy rain all day - it dropped to slight drizzle well over an hour back and stopped about 30 minutes ago. Met Office still forecasting heavy rain all day but they must be right as according to their site we are also experiencing heavy rain at this very minute (and it's still not raining - how much did they spend on those computers?).


And don't worry about moaning farmers DD - the first qualification to be a farmer is to be able to moan about something, if it isn't the weather it will be the price paid for milk or the cost of feed or the poor price for lambs or whatever; I know, both my grandparents were farmers.

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  • RMweb Gold

Mike. The weather "app/widget" that is available through iGoogle is rather good. Data supplied by Weather Underground Inc.

Those of us fortunate enough to live in this part of South Essex do seem to benefit from very local weather but the iGoogle site seems most accurate, at least for the day ahead.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning/Afternoon all, up early today as I have a tennis lesson at 8am here in the sunshine state.


Just caught up with 4 pages and in the main all seems to be well for everyone which is good. I am reading the various weather reports with some interest as we will be returning next week.


Just wish I could bring the weather back with me and the USA petrol price!

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  • RMweb Gold


Just wish I could bring the weather back with me and the USA petrol price!

I think the weather you may be bringing back isn't the Florida weather, sounds more like the NY or NJ stuff Pete mentioned. I noticed the slight difference in fuel prices when I was in Texas recently. I had an interesting chat with the man on the till in the Shell garage near the hotel in Houston. He was from Algeria and had to be convinced I wasn't joking about UK fuel prices. You will be pleased to know that Diesel has gone up to about 145p a litre this week in Essex!

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Happy to hear DD's good news! :imsohappy:


Also pleased to report a successful Assembly about The Temptations of Christ delivered to attentive, well disciplined children. Takes me back..................! The Curate and I performed a short Drama on the subject, wearing Biblical type costumes. Since I travelled to the church in mine (under a long mac) I was wondering what would have happened, had I been stopped or involved in an accident. I suppose I could have claimed to have been a time traveller!


Apparently, today is World Book Day.Each teacher showed and spoke about their favourite book from childhood; it made me smile when one described hers as having been published a very long time ago - in the Sixties!


And for the record - we still have thick fog! :mad:

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  • RMweb Gold

The Curate and I performed a short Drama on the subject, wearing Biblical type costumes. Since I travelled to the church in mine (under a long mac) I was wondering what would have happened, had I been stopped or involved in an accident. I suppose I could have claimed to have been a time traveller!

Probably the first ER post to contain "The Curate and I ..."

What could possibly go wrong if you were stopped wearing Middle Eastern clothing? :scratchhead:


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I'm a bit late responding to this, but very happy to hear that Alice's arm got a clear bill of health.


Neil. I was entranced with the pic of your r/s tseam garden railway.

More pics of other locos/trains please!

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Just watching the BBC news about a possible deer cull. 

Apparently they want to cull half of the 1.5m deer in the UK. The reporter says this means killing 750,000 deer each year

Makes me wonder how fast and prolifically these animals breed!  :O

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  • RMweb Gold

Just watching the BBC news about a possible deer cull. 

Apparently they want to cull half of the 1.5m deer in the UK. The reporter says this means killing 750,000 deer each year

Makes me wonder how fast and prolifically these animals breed!  :O

As long as that includes the ones that eat our veg in the garden (although as they are muntjac I'm not sure if they count?)

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Just watching the BBC news about a possible deer cull. 

Apparently they want to cull half of the 1.5m deer in the UK. The reporter says this means killing 750,000 deer each year

Makes me wonder how fast and prolifically these animals breed!  :O


Why does Man`s first reaction to any threat always seem to be to kill? :scratchhead:  ......we must still be unworthy denizens at the 'top of the tree' :nono:

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As long as that includes the ones that eat our veg in the garden (although as they are muntjac I'm not sure if they count?)

Apparently they are planning on culling wild deer. Wild - they'll be fuming! 

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  • RMweb Gold

Hopefully it will stay cloudy down here, I want to photograph a unit passing Saxmundham Junction ground frame and I need the sun behind the clouds to get the best shot.


Mission Accomplished - and I don't mean the Pendolino !

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"Probably the first ER post to contain "The Curate and I ..."

Yes - the others have been "the Curate and me"


Deer do breed well.

Of the 1.5M, a majority will be does.

Does what? Whatever it is they do it in October and produce little deers.

If the 1.5M are left to do that, there will be 2.5M after next year.

Soon there will be nothing for them to eat and they will starve to death.

Especially when they've finished off the veg in Mike's garden.

No new trees or greenery either for other creatures to live on/in.

Deer are one of the few creatures not to regulate their reproduction to suit their environment.

Man is another.

The absence of predators doesn't help.

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A drizzly start to the day here. 


Spent last night on Skype with a colleague who was giving me a tutorial on dip moulding. So, just ordered a few litres of latex to have a go. Off to the art supply shop later to get some foamboard (destined for model railway), and crazy foam to help with the creative side of dip moulding!  


Just heard that SWMBO has been invited to Toulouse for a meeting. She asked if you can go there and back in a day but apparently Toulouse is a bit of a trec, so she'll do an overnight stay and hopefully get an impression of the place.  


Have a nice day everyone, Andy

Ah, Toulouse (could those be the missing pair for Stubby47?)! I went there around 10 years ago for a Toulouse v Saints Heineken Rugby Cup match and a friend's son's stag do. The town square is tres bon, many cafe et cognacs later we wandered around and located a rather nice eatery called FLO. Certainly, it is one for the aficionados of seafood and Stewart Barnes (renowned for his ability to get himself around a good plateful I believe) was in there eating too.  

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