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  • RMweb Gold

I am now back from my trip to Ally Pally.

It was quite warm in the hall, so I'm glad I didn't have too many layers on.

I did do some shopping and met AndrewC. The snow started as I set off home but the W3 bus didn't take long to turn up. Trains were fine.

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...or Newcastle Utd supporters.

There was an idiot at Adams Park, High Wycombe this afternoon at the rugby match. It was snowing and with a swirling wind and this example of Darwinian intelligence was in just his jockeys, happily supping his pint of Green King.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Caught up at last.


Not a lot of the white stuff here, but blowing up an absolute hooley.


Too many posts/entries/comments for me to offer any individual remarks, but I've now read everything.


Geoff - many thanks for the kind offer of transport, but I've got the loan car at the door, so we are still mobile.


Anyhow, I meed the computer for some less important stuff like business...


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

You gave a hint buy posting a picture of youthful you and Deb on here - Ash then put her pics elsewhere (well admittedly they did involve a train) and then you followed suit with an even more youthful pic, which also involved a train.  So your hint was the pic on here - which no one else is bold enough to follow (and I can't find any pics in which I look youthful so that's me out of it ;) ).

A hint? I gave a hint? Most people have told me I'm about as subtle as a demented piledriver! Please, Mike, where did I give a hint, so I know how to do it in future! And, in the other thread - I think I got there first!


Anyway, grey morning but already 10 degrees. Might manage a bit of real modelling today, taking me a step closer to finishing a structure I started in 2011.


Hoping Ally Pally goes well - and your weekend, too!


Anyway after that little complication good evening all - just back from Ally pally and having a quick dinner.  an interesting day as they say - we left here in a blizzard this morning and eft Ally Pally in a blizzard this afternoon after just over 6 hours at the show.  On the return we avoided the treacherous untreated footbridge and steps at Ally Pally (big bad marks for First on that, it was distinctly dangerous this morning) and took the W3 'bus to Finsbury Park then a simple Victoria/Bakerloo Lines journey to Paddington - much quicker than the lengthened journey via the new Kings Cross where you leave the underground trying to find your way through some sort of shopping arcade before reaching the railway, not clever.


Anyway a good show with some excellent layouts and varied trade attendance - BCB is well worth seeing, brilliant in fact, but some other good layouts as well.  Assuming they are ok I'll put some pics up on the Ally Pally thread for those trapped in former colonies to see what they've missed.  A period of relief operating on Q Dump saw a slight improvement on our first performance at abingdon but still some derailments due to poor train formations on her young self's part - we are gradually learning the idiosyncracies layout but under a very public glare, again, and there should be a couple of pics of it.


Shopping sort of went as planned - the Irwell 'Pannier Papers' series being duly completed with the two newly published volumes and one Streamline point acquired for something which cannot yet be mentioned in public but will appear at Taunton.  But then bargainitis struck in a big way due to a well known r-t-r manufacturer having an offer that couldn't be refused on Tillig points.  I've often wondered if these might be worth a try as, continental sleepering etc nothwithstanding they do look good with a fine rail section; but they are 'orrible expensive for a bit of experimentation, except today when I acquired several at 5 quid a go each, about a quarter of list price (except for the single slip which is an even bigger reduction.  I came away with a lighter wallet and a much heavier carrier bag.  Good chat also on the Bachmann stand, more fobbing off at Hornby's - no change there then.

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  • RMweb Gold

I thought the bridge at the Alexandra Palace Station was a bit iffy too. On the way back I got off the W3 near the side entrance and it wasn't too bad then. It wasn't snowing back home but the wind was chilly, fortunately it wasn't far to where my car was parked. It was so cold here I went next door and turned on my neighbours heating so their house won't be cold when they return home tomorrow from their holiday.


Had a long chat with Matthew tonight, he was about to book a lot of flights and just wanted to check his finances. He has decided not to travel round the US after term ends but to travel across Canada and fly home eventually from Halifax.



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  • RMweb Gold

hey, Mike!

Can I just restate the obvious and say: ALL your pics in the other thread disappeared...........................


Best, Pete.

Yes Pete - something weird has happened - the post duplicated for some reason and then I asked the Mods to deal with that as the last time I tried to remove one post the pics vanished from the one that was left.  This time Mod 5 removed the duplicate post and he had the same result - the pics in the remaining post vanished - so he's reporting the glitch to Andy. Meanwhile I'll try a bit of fiddling but after 6 hours on my feet at Ally Pally today I'm getting too knackered to reprocess them all tonight. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cold. I suspect it "feels" colder. There has been a light dusying of snow overnight and it has just started again. I think we are on the extreme edge of the snow shown on the weather forecast.


I don't have too much planned for today, apart from collecting neighbours from the coach station.


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I don't have too much planned for today, apart from collecting neighbours from the coach station.


Any particular criteria, Tony, or just a random selection?

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Frozen overnight so now we have piles of snow and stalactites.


A pheasant has joined the feeding frenzy outside.

This morning, in the crowd, there were 14 blackbirds.

Obviously we've featured in a Bird Food guide.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


The joys of train spotting, I've been up since 05:30 waiting for a ballast train to leave Norwich, I decided it could leave up to 90 minutes early so set my alarm, although I didn't need it as I was awake anyway, I've been dozing on and off for an hour and decided to get up at 07:00, the train, due to leave at 07:15 is now late, so I could have had more beauty sleep - and boy do I need it.


We had snow all evening and overnight we have a good covering and currently very light snow is falling, possibly just the wind blowing the loose stuff around.

Here's the view out of the front window at 05:50 this morning.




Have a good day all, I've got to monitor that ballast move.


Edit to add pic.

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  • RMweb Premium

That is rather a pheasantry to look at, DD.


Morning all – cool and windy outside, but expected to turn warmer as the Easter weekend approaches. In fact, the weather service cautiously predicts that spring may be arriving after all. That being said, I do feel like both me and SWMBO will need some more time for rest, following what has been a rather difficult week for all of us. She won't have to return to work till Wednesday and as schools are closed for the Easter break, I, too, will have some more time for me. I do have to read up on a few things for my last exam, though.

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  • RMweb Gold

Any particular criteria, Tony, or just a random selection?

Just those who have been skiing in France. I haven't had a message yet and they haven't responded to a text I sent (this is most unusual).

I suspect that weather across much of their route home isn't too nice and delays are likely.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

we seem to have escaped the snow but the wind is biting cold. Like the photos DD. Mrs Pheasant turned up here yesterday she likes to check ubder the feeders for dropped seeds then sits on top of the hedge.


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Enjoyed a Barn Dance last night with the theatre company & friends but guess who wasn't driving so is more muzzy headed than usual today! Playing the piano at church should be interesting!


Another grey, misty morn here. Hope it's better wherever you are.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Not clear when the GP is/was on the Beeb, but thanks for the highlight.


After a very nice afternoon - 18 degrees, so coffee on the terrace when friends dropped in - the weather has reverted, with low cloud and a nasty north-easterly.


Hope your day-of-rest goes well.

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