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Whitborough Quay - OO


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The pier is heading in the right direction but I would make the dimensions deeper - the depth would be around half the width of the pier brickwork. I hope this makes sense. You know - if the pier is two bricks wide then it should stick out from the wall at least one brick deep. I think thicker card will do that trick nicely.

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  • 8 months later...

My word, it has been a while since I updated this thread! Seeing as its at the Thirsk show on Sunday (29th) I thought I'd better do a bit and let you all know how its getting on!


Recently I've been working almost non-stop on my narrow gauge layout 'Scrayingham' as that was booked at the Whitby show last weekend, but now that's done I did a bit of tidying up of Whitborough this morning. I finally fitted the butresses to the retaining wall, including one under the bridge which if I get time I'll weather to make it look sooty and smoke stained. I've also done a little bit of weathering on the factory walls,with a few patches of moss growth along the base of the walls and in the corners.


I'll post some photos this evening, hopefully, of my progress.





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As promised earlier, here's a few photos of my progress with 37005 (now renumbered and weathered and 03089 in attendance. I forgot to mention that I've also made a new control panel which now features a CDU for improved (and quieter) point throwing. The bubbly backscene issue is still present, although in this warmer weather not as much as it was, so I must remember to not get my layou out in winter (except with the heating on full whack!








Any comments or suggestions are, as ever gratrefully received





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The Thirsk show went pretty well last weekend, as the hall heated up at the start I had a few issues with electircal flow through the point, but this soon sorted itself out as the temperature levelled out. There were alomost a constant stream of people and I was able to have a good chat to a few, while still keeping it running for those who just wanted to watch!


In a few quite moments I was able to take a few photos of the layout in action (once I'd had chance to eat my lunch and have a few cups of tea!)



08850 shunting Railfreight wagons



20009 awaiting it's next duty in the siding



An enthusiast special from the local preservation site prepares to depart, top and tailed by 'Jinty' 47843 and 57xx Pannier Tank



03089 rests between shunting movements



Wagons are re-organised by the 03



A few of the slightly less prototypical stock that passes through Whitborough, but still blends in rather well (or at least isn't mentioned!)



Three items of motive power are in evidence as a 121 bubble car has arrived on a route learning exercise


All in all the show was most enjoyable and hopefully I'll get to exhibtit the layout again. I'm now working on getting stock together to run it in steam era mode so I'll update as and when I progress with that!





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Thanks! The warehouse is the scalescenes one, built to a custom shape (such is the versatility of the kits) but is yet to receive some sort of interior.


I've got a couple of 'fun' wagons which have been detailed to at least a small degree (vac pipes etc) and usually get shunted to the front siding as a bit of an eye catcher while I assemble a new train in the fiddle yard.





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  • 5 months later...

I like this layout and tried to contact you regarding our York Model Railway Show in Wigginton, York, on October 5th & 6th 2013.

Perhaps you never got the message. I saw you were also based in York so thought it might be of interest to you.


Tony Hoffman

York code 621761

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Thanks very much, I did reply to your message, I shall re-send my response via email to make sure it gets through!


I have moved house (but am still in York), and am still in the process of sorting out the modelling room, but as soon as a few more boxes are cleared, Whitborough will be out and getting tidied up!





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Whitborough is in installed I the modelling room of our new house, and survived the house move fairly well.  The backscene is strating to look a little tatty now though, as it has aquired a scratch down it at one end, which is a higly obvious and difficult to disguise, black!  My plan is to create a new backscene, probably with a few more clouds as at prewsent it is a very bland colour, but I do still want it to look over cast and damp.  Along with the replacement backscene, I intend to re-do the whole 'box' the layout is stored as, making it about 3 inches deeper and curving the ends of the backscene so it is a bit more photogenic from more angles without it having to be an un-necessary increase in size.  I'm not, however going to start dismantling the old boards until I have built the new ones so that the layout is still presentable, which brings me onto my next and altogether more exciting point...


Whitborough Quayside has been invited to the York & District Model Rail show in October and I'm delighted to confirm that I shall be attending!  Fortunately I have plenty of time (or do I?!) between now and then to get stuck in to the scenic modifications and make sure my rolling stock is all operational (I had a few couplings fail at the last show!) and I'm rather looking forward to it!


On the subject of rolling stock, another locomotive has finally joined the fleet, a Bachmann large logo class 47, re-numbered as  47537 SIR GWYNEDD/COUNTY OF GWYNEDD which has been on the workbench since Easter last year!  Just a spot of weathering (not too much this time) and coupling bars to fit and she'll be ready for traffic!





I'll bring you more news and updates as and when, but hopefully I'll be updating a bit more regularly than I have been of late as I should be doing things now!





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  • 6 months later...

Thanks Class 66, I'm glad you like it, hopefully when it is modified, it'll be even more interesting!


I may not have written much on here of late, but that deosn't mean I've not done anything!  Work has been progressing on the new backscene, with the boards assembled for the back and ends, and the hole for the fiddleyard cut.  The FY entrance hole was a bit of a chore, as I managed to measure it wrongly the first time, fortunately I double, then triple checked!  The curves between the back and sides are formed from a sheet of plasticard glued and then sanded flush, and as can be seen from the photograph below I have begun cutting and test-fitting the mounting paper for the actual backscene itself.  Once I've got the mounting paper all cut to size I will sketch out roughly where I want various parts of the final backscen image and use this as a template for creating ti before getting it printed.




Hopefully now with the exhibition in October approaching I might be a bit more encouraged to pull my finger out!





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  • 1 month later...

With the exhibition tomorrow and Sunday, and the layout now set up in Wigginton village hall I thought it was about time to post a few photos of the progress I have made with the scenic extension.  I have made a new retaining wall which is now an L shape rather than being very flat, and this left an open space at the road level.  I decided to fill the space with a kipper smoking house, based on Fortune's Kippers in Whitby.  Using Google Earth, I got some approximate dimensions and then using photos I worked out some rough dimensions and drew up some plans. 


Here are the photos I took this afternoon before packing the layout, there are still a few bits of detail I want to add, mainly clutter and a few more figures but they will have to wait!












I'm looking forward to the show tomorrow, and if I get chance I'll take some 'in action' photos, but if anyone is there over the weekend and takes any pictures themselves, I'd love to see them posted on here too!  Of course, don't forget to say hi, the beauty of a 'simple' layout is that I can have a chat while operating providing it's all going smoothly!


Comments and questions are of course, always welcome!





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"Ace Kippers"


Top name James :O

Thanks, I can't take credit though, the inspiration came from GraemeWatson who suggested something along the lines of smoking them for breakfast!


Paul, the kipper houses in Whitby do smell nice though,but as you say, that could be the wood! Do I install a smoke unit and 'flavoured oil'?!





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Day 1 of the show went very well, only one wagon was failed due to a faulty coupling, but this was fixed during a visitor lull and it was returned to service by mid-afternoon. I had a good chat with a few attendees and received some very favourable comments which ilways nice!


Looking forward to tomorrow now, hopefully it'll be just as enjoyable!





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Thanks to all for the kind words, both on here and at the show over the weekend!  There were quite a few who recognised Poppleton Road School on my backscene (the advantage of having a local landmark at a show!) and this lead to many conversations about the other various bits of it, there was one gentleman who was convinced that the lighthouse was Whitby, and wouldn't accept otherwise!


I managed to get a couple of photos during the quieter points of the show (of which there weren't many!) and these are posted below.



Looking towards the overbridge from a boat in the harbour, the 03 can be seen in the stabling siding awaiting its next duty



20009 brings in a short train containing various loco parts, buffers in the LlanfairPG wagon, wheels in the ODA behind





One of the spectators was admiring my collection of 37s (cheating of course looking over the back of the fiddleyard!) so I brought them out for a photographic event!



The last train of the day was a brakevan special behind a pair of class 20s.  I started assembling this slowly over the last half hour or so, gradually bringing the vans down to the harbour, until the last one was brought down by the 'choppers'!


Thanks once again for all those who stopped to chat and everyone who has done so on here, long may it continue!  Hopefully there'll be some more shows in future as it is an enjoyable little layout to operate!





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