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Rob's 7mm Rolling Stock Workbench

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The V4 brake van came on in leaps and bounds over the weekend at home.
















Having taken the photos above I realised that the screw for the brake column could really do with being a bit longer so I used the piece of studding left from shortening the screw to hold the seat/locker in.




Those that are still awake will note the hasp and staple fitted since the earlier photos






The long seat on one side is soldered in place, the one at the other side is screwed in from below allowing the floor and all the fittings to be fixed in after painting.






The only things left to fit are the brakes but sadly I think that I will need to temporarily remove one or both W Irons at one end because the wheel is rubbing and if I don't do it now it will only short when I try to run it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Another one rolled off the bench today, just for those who thought that I had forsaken the Cameo.


The tar tank now has all it's underpinnings and just needs weathering to complete.


I am particularly pleased with how this one turned out because it was really just an experiment that wasn't meant to go further than seeing if I could make the riveted tank. Which in turn was a trial for creating cracked tar spillage....

















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  • 4 weeks later...
In between building the Kirk coaches I have also been assembling the other exNBR bogie CCT. This one will be finished in LNER livery for my own stock.


In NBR and LNER days the side panels were all half beaded this has been added using 0.8mm half round Plastruct strip.




Although I will be making the sole bars from plastruct strip they are too long to make it out of one length so it will need to be joined. 


In order that this isn't visible on the finished model I plan to draw up and cut some 10 thou overlays. Which I plan to rivet in the same manner as the tar tank. This is in the hope that it will save me from drilling, cutting and inserting the many stubs of rod that would otherwise make up the multitude of bolt/rivet heads visible on the sole bars.

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  • 2 weeks later...
While playing trains at Locomotion on Saturday I also picked up another road vehicle for the collection. At just a quid, it would have been rude not to. 


This one is a 1912 Ford Model T in the guise of a BP Tanker. The LNER had a few Model T's so I may repaint it in LNER livery.








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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
In between refitting seats to the Gresley all 3rd I glazed and weathered a couple  of my £1 bargain buys.








First is a 1927 Talbot Van,  I am not sure that I have posted this one before. When I got it, it was in a very toy like yellow livery with red writing for a bakery.  What I had in mind was a second 'umpteenth' hand vehicle that had been hand painted with ex military khaki and subsequently neglected.










I reasoned that the LNER would keep theirs in better condition.

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A while ago you may recall my building of a couple of LMS vans, an LNER 12 ton van and an ex NBR coke wagon? Well I finally made a start on weathering them. There is still work to do but I am pleased with where 3 sessions with the airbrush have got me to so far.






















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  • 3 weeks later...
For the last few years I have entered some of my models in the annual modelling competition at Guildex and this year I did the same.


Starting off with the items that didn't get placed.


Scratch built Dowlow Lime Wagon - this was built before I got the Silhouette cutter but I weathered it a couple of weeks ago.






Next I entered my trio of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Tar Distillers wagons. The two red ones being from Slaters kits and the black one built from parts cut on the Silhouette cutter. Again finally weathered in the last couple of weeks













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Since my holiday I have done a bit more, getting the brake yokes (Laurie griffin castings), the grooms steps and the Westinghouse cylinder fitted. I have struggling to maintain the mojo for this build so I have put it aside for now and picked the A3 back up.


attachicon.gifPapyrus Brakes 002.JPG




Did you ever finish the Kemilway coach kit you were working on? Forgive the slight thread hijack, but I was really interested to see the outcome. If I've got it wrong and it wasn't you, then my apologies - senility and all that!


David Parkins

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Hi Dave,


You were right, it was me and sadly no I didn't I got side tracked initially by an NBR BG and then other things.... My good lady has been on at me to get some of my shelf queens finished so it will re-appear at some point hopefully soon.

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Now for those that collected the runner up trophies.


First is the Dragon Models Lancashire and Yorkshire 30 ton Bogie van










These are followed by my diorama back drop which was made to finish off an earlier diorama which had nothing behind it.
















Finally a couple with their respective trophies




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  • 2 weeks later...
Another vehicle has also passed across the workbench recently.


This example is a Corgi, Thornycroft truck in Wakefield Castrol livery (sadly it cost considerably more than my more recent vehicular purchases). When I bought it, it was the usual toy like, very shiny livery so I have given it several squirts of road dirt to quieten it down a bit.






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  • 1 month later...
A slight diversion in the form of a complete foreigner to me - a Parkside SR Brake Van.


It's ultimately destined for the small ads but it has made a change which has resparked my interest.


This is as far as I got in a couple of sessions over the weekend.





It's just posed for the photo at the minute







As you can see the brakes are not fixed yet.





I found an interior shot which showed a couple of small seats below the lookouts. There was also a separate box/locker with a lid which I may or may not model. I say that because when the lid is one there isn't much visible inside.... Although once the interior is painted a bit more may be seen.




I have planked over the tops of the verandas which I appreciate isn't visible when looking at it from above but it does enhance it as a model.





Some were made to slightly different diagram in that they had additional windows added adjacent to the doors in each end. many others had them fitted later in their lives. I found a couple of photos where they survived intact without so I decided to leave them as is.


It will be finished to represent a BR liveried example so I won't be fitting the sand boxes although having said that I am very tempted to model this one



Or this one as being something quite different. I am not sure what the time frame for it being fitted with the cylinders on the end platform though - I want to appeal to as wide an audience as possible.


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The van with platform mounted cylinders is a 25T van ,,,,, 15T vans didn't have sandboxes later in their lives, or cylinders on the platforms.


Your kit looks like it might be a 25T version, you can tell by checking the solebar depth (9" or 12"). Care is needed to determine the right numbers/paint as there a a whole raft of different flavours of these vehicles!





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  • 1 month later...
Back at the beginning of last year (February) I built a Powsides ex GER 5 plank open. This was an E&T buy at Telford about 3 years ago. 
Warren primed and coated it in grey for me and I have finally got around to adding the transfers ready for some weathering. I must have done a bit of weathering/painting of the woodwork but I can't recall when...





The last shot has it's load which is one of the Skytrex castings that I bought and painted two or three years ago.
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I managed to move an even longer term inhabitant of the workbench a bit closer to the finish line this weekend.

I first built the basic kit back in May 2015 but I have only just got around to finishing the transfers. At the time Adrian Marks advised me that at grouping these ended their days in departmental service and as such never received LNER livery, hence this one will be finished in a very scabby GER livery.




A superb kit with all the brake gear being lost wax castings rather than etches.




The only changes I made were to add the tie down rings from bent brass dressmaking pins (I annealed them to bend them).
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