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Cheddar - 1947/48 in P4 - Research

The Fatadder

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  • RMweb Gold

My first attempt,


I was pretty happy with it until I drew on the buildings (all be it rather roughly) at which point it looks a bit crude. I think removing the bottom siding would help, but I think the next step is going to be going back to the origonal scale drawing and trying again to get it into templot properly. While I still think there is not going to be enough room to get everything in place, using the method used on attempt 1 at shortening the station and approach may yet reduce the size enough...


Anyway, to add some images to the thread attempt 1 is below (with and without the crude buildings)



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  • RMweb Gold

Another day, another iteration of the templot design. I dont think I have managed to import the drawing completely to scale, as a result I think the track spacing is too close and I think there is not enough room for the platforms. That said, with a bit of rotation the track will fit. in order to get the plan in I have had to compromise on points, with a number of A6.5 and A6 required (including a 6 single slip)

The slip still hasnt come together as I would like, while I have managed to get a diamond in position as I want it, I cant get the curve right for the slip part. Starting to think I will need to start again building the entire track plan from the slip.

In the attached drawing I have added a rough approximation of baseboards in red. the initial phase will be for the 3 largest boards, the back and left hand board would be a good future expansion, but for the time being the rear sidings would be represented by a casset fiddleyard

Still needs a bit of rotation to get it into the alignment that will better fit the baseboards, and a couple of turnouts need to be adjusted to get into better position.


I'm now re-evaluating my initial plan to go down the exactoscale route for turnouts again, given that so many of them have been significantly changed I am a little concerned about getting the subtle curves right. plane track will all be exactoscale components.


Will try and import into Autocad later and have a look to see just how badly out my platform clearances are, once I have that sorted I will get on trying to adjust the plan accordingly.....


(well I would upload the plan, but for some reason the image upload doesnt seem to be working today, despite having a jpg file and being under the file size.....)

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  • RMweb Premium



sorry you didn't get to Wells today. If you can , try and track down GWR Journal No 54 Spring 2005. There's an article on S&T on the Cheddar Valley with lots of photos of Cheddar station itself including the up side which crucially has a shot of the southern side of the station building. Other articles to look our for are:

Railway Bylines v6 issue 4 Mar 2001

Steam Word No 280 Oct 2010

Backtrack v24 No 2 Feb 2010.

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  • RMweb Gold

Unfortunately the aftermath of decorating got in the way of visiting wells, instead getting to spend the morning putting the house back together

Will keep an eye out for the other articles, have thankfully sourced the gwrj one


I die manage to make a start on another project for the layout, my first b set which I will blog about later once I get photos on the laptop

Now time to catch the train back to chester, so hopefully will get a table and be able to templot....

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  • RMweb Gold

Another rework of the track plan has lead to the below templot,

After having issues getting the curve right on the lower sidings, I have switched things around modelling the sidings on the other side of the line.


Measurements from the plan appear to show ample clearances on platforms, so all that remains is to realign the top siding to increase distance between tracks. Once the basic plan is finalised, the next job will be a lot of work tidying up the drawings (most importantly getting the single slip's switches added)


I also need to get on and finalise the drawings for the station building and goods shed, along with the signal box. This is so I can check if the compression requires an adjustment to the building dimensions to get them to sit correctly.


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  • RMweb Gold

Its getting there, still not sure that I am going to be happy enough with the compromised trackplan to call the layout Cheddar though....


The outline drawings for the goods shed/station building are based on the footprint of the current condition structures taken off a planning website, still need to check them against photos to check their accuracy.


The goods shed track needs to be slightly realigned, about a 20mm move aught to do the job


The track in the left hand approach needs the curve changing to align better with the baseboards, similarly the single slip currently falls right over a baseboard joint, not sure how I will deal with that yet...



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...The track in the left hand approach needs the curve changing to align better with the baseboards, similarly the single slip currently falls right over a baseboard joint, not sure how I will deal with that yet...

Curves like that are often a key part of the character of a station and too much adjustment can lead to losing the feel of the place. I've had similar problems with trying to design a model of Camerton over the last few years. Finally, I'm satisfied with my current plan (see this blog entry) but only because I was able to retain the characteristic curve. I wonder if you could rotate the whole plan to minimise the need to change the curve. It would need compromises elsewhere, the gaps between the station and the two sidings at top right might need a bit of compression (or a wider baseboard if there's room).


Thinking of the baseboards, is there any reason why they have to be all the same length? Perhaps shortening the left hand one and lengthening the other two would avoid having the slip on a joint?



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  • RMweb Gold

Just finished the mk5 plan on the train back to Bristol.


Seem to have got everything in a working position, so will now look to make a start on building the slip + sorting out sleepers etc. Also tempted to print off a full copy as is and see how it fits on the baseboards.


The station board will be 3ft wide, the middle board will have a curved transition from 3ft to 2ft


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  • RMweb Gold

A further track planning update. After feedback on the Templot forum, I have now redrawn all templates with GWR switches.

Next job is going to be changing the sleeper spacings etc and I think it should then be ready to start printing templates.


Having spent the past few days debating whether or not I will go down the P4tc route or to build from scratch. Having now drawn up the GW designed track, I think building from scratch with P4TC chairs is the likely option. I recall mention a while back of a C&L nickel silver rail that was less yellow than normal NS, so I may well be tempted away from Steel (which sounds sensible if I am going to be soldering track...)

Need to start looking for filing jigs etc I guess...

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  • RMweb Gold

Finally, the trackplan is there.


I've been on a CIMA course today, so took the laptop with me and spent all the breaks/lunch working on moving sleepers next to the points to avoid clashes. The only question now is with the slip, the check rails next to the middle diamond on the lower side look a bit too long. Almost touching the rail for the slip track.

Not worked out how to sort this yet....


Will be collecting the existing baseboards in 2 weeks time, at which point I am planning to build the wide board (along with the extension in width to the middle board.)

Plan is then to buy at scaleforum some more track bases and GW chairs from P4TC at scaleforum along with some HINS? rail from C&L, hopefully a fileing jig as well. Just want to get started on building some track!

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