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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello all, 


 Little bit of work on the layout today, I spent a while thinking about what to do with the descent to the fiddle yard, I know i want some kind of retaining walls but wasn't quite sure what so I'm going to try some Wills brick arched walls cut to the gradient to give the impression that the circuit line is above normal ground level and the fiddle yard line is approaching a duck under or something similar, I also tried some smaller ballast here which i prefer although still undecided whether to change what is already laid in the station.


The trial retaining walls. 





Also today whilst i should have been getting on with jobs i had a play with my new sound fitted CEP, This is the first loco/unit i've fitted sound to and was fairly easy, the only major problem i've had is where to fit the speaker, I had a rough look at the chassis before i ordered the chip and speaker thinking i could drill a few holes in the underframe however this went out the window when i realised that along the whole chassis is a circuit board for the lighting, I'm a little stuck now so the speaker is temporarily sitting inside the unit until i find a solution. 

The sound is taking a bit of getting used to but i quite enjoy it sitting in the platform with the compressor kicking in every now and then, a few adjustments are needed with volume etc but i'm still a novice on the sound front so it'l stay as it is for the time being. 


Whilst having a play i thought i'd make a short video.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Good evening Lady's and Gentlemen, tonight you shall travel first class.



First class Mail that is.....


I purchased another MLV a while ago with the intention of having it resprayed into Jaffa cake livery, that was right about the time Bachmann announced that they doing both Jaffa cake and NSE livery, rather than duplicate it i instead went for the Royal Mail one, I know they were short lived but i really like the simple but striking livery and it adds a nice bit of colour to the layout.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Evening all, 


 Did an hour's destruction and rebuilding tonight.




I would like to do some hands free shunting on the layout and although tension locks can be used there not really pleasing to the eye so i have delved into the world of Kadee's, I did a little research and purchased some NEM couplings and a few magnets then tonight set about testing bits and pieces.

Overall i'm really pleased, fitting the coupling into the NEM is easy but making sure things don't sag or foul points means a little tinkering but nothing to technical, Had to do a little work to fit the magnet hence the photo above and the only downside so far is having to lift ballasted track to fit more.


An added bonus was discovering that the dummy knuckles fitted to the EPB's are removable which made fitting the Kadee even easier.








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  • 1 month later...

Just read through this thread after seeing you post on my layout - this layout is brilliant!


Reminds me of standing at Three Bridges as a kid (and later in life waiting to commute up to london for my first job!).


I'll follow this with interest.



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Hi Matt,


 Thanks for the comment.


Layout update.


Haltow-on-sea is under threat of closure at the moment, well part time closure. I have been looking at the room where Halstow is kept and i think i can build a bigger and better 00 gauge layout using Maidstone East as inspiration, nothing is set in stone yet but its a possibility. Another reason that the current version may be removed is because i'm thinking of building Halstow to exhibit instead of being a home layout, Colin Parks New Haven has been a great inspiration, I really fancy re-building it in an L shape which will give more scope for shunting etc.


All idea's at the moment so we shall see what happens.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,


 I've been mulling over the idea of building a new 00 gauge layout and after a week away i have decided that Halstow on Sea shall temporarily be dismantled, All is not lost as it will re-appear as a portable layout bigger and better. 

I am going to do some filming over the weekend of the last train as it were and then the branch will close, I won't be shutting the thread down and will carry on the new build from where this finishes so the two can be compared.


Thank you to all who have posted/followed/ and liked all my ramblings.


Couple of pics from this evening.














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Guest oldlugger

Hello Graham,


It's a great shame that this layout is to be dismantled/mothballed, as judging by the last photo above, it was really heading in the right direction with lots of potential for a great looking project. The photographic backscene helps with the illusion, but for my money it needs to be scaled for 4mm (if possible); the houses overpower the trains too much. It would look better on a 7mm layout. I hope you don't mind me pointing this out? Good luck with the new direction!


All the best


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  • 4 months later...


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