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Southern / BR(S) Product News


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  • 6 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Details of Hornby's range announcement made today from an SR related perspective along with an update on work in progress on some of the previously announced SR related items can be read on my blog here https://grahammuz.com/2020/01/06/Hornby-to-celebrate-centenary-in-style-with-ambitious-plans-for-their-2020-range-even-if-not-too-much-southern-also-work-in-progress-update/

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, Graham_Muz said:

Details of Hornby's range announcement made today from an SR related perspective along with an update on work in progress on some of the previously announced SR related items can be read on my blog here https://grahammuz.com/2020/01/06/Hornby-to-celebrate-centenary-in-style-with-ambitious-plans-for-their-2020-range-even-if-not-too-much-southern-also-work-in-progress-update/




Your post is as ever, extremely helpful - although as you say there is little of new Southern interest this year.


I have a question - given that Hornby have only released 2 and announced one further Merchant Navy loco in SR livery from the new tooling, are there any others to which 21C7 'Aberdeen Commonwealth' can sensibly be renumbered, without the requirement for major surgery?




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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, Tony Teague said:




Your post is as ever, extremely helpful - although as you say there is little of new Southern interest this year.


I have a question - given that Hornby have only released 2 and announced one further Merchant Navy loco in SR livery from the new tooling, are there any others to which 21C7 'Aberdeen Commonwealth' can sensibly be renumbered, without the requirement for major surgery?





Hornby have so far only released 21C1 and 21C3 from the first series of ten with the 5000 gallon tender and these both had the original witches peak front end with no smoke deflectors so 21C3 would only be of use up to renumber into 21C7 in the condition she was in until August 1944 when she received the top cowl and smoke deflectors. 

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, Graham_Muz said:


Hornby have so far only released 21C1 and 21C3 from the first series of ten with the 5000 gallon tender and these both had the original witches peak front end with no smoke deflectors so 21C3 would only be of use up to renumber into 21C7 in the condition she was in until August 1944 when she received the top cowl and smoke deflectors. 




Thanks, but I was rather meaning what could be done with 21C7 when it eventually emerges? Does that modify what you have said in any way?



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  • RMweb Gold
Just now, Tony Teague said:




Thanks, but I was rather meaning what could be done with 21C7 when it eventually emerges? Does that modify what you have said in any way?




Oh yes sorry my misunderstanding, she could be renumbered into any of the Series one  locos from number 3 to 10 but again only a limited timeframe before they received the top cowl and smoke deflectors in the mid 1940s

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  • RMweb Gold
24 minutes ago, Graham_Muz said:


Oh yes sorry my misunderstanding, she could be renumbered into any of the Series one  locos from number 3 to 10 but again only a limited timeframe before they received the top cowl and smoke deflectors in the mid 1940s


Thanks, very helpful Graham.

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After last years excellent Bulleid coaches and the 1543 New Vans (even if incorrectly colored), I guess Hornby can coast a bit onto other coasts. About the only thing that could really excite me would be a new WC/BOB with the original cab shape if they were to offer it. 


Anyway, this year I will be focusing on the new layout which is Southern Pacific (rather than a Southern Pacific.)  I still have an SECR D on order from Rails. After their exceptional  3D printed 10 Ton SECR Van, I will be interested in what follows. 


My Yankee dollars will definitely flow again to England when Peco finally starts shipping Code 70 North American prototype turnouts and hopefully expands that line with the shorter #5 or #4 versions I need for yard and branch line trackage. 


And as to Steam Punk......my interest is really just limited to getting a pair of smoked glass goggles for riding open air gondolas on my local favorite Niles Canyon Railroad....and checking out the photos from Burning Man after the event.

Edited by autocoach
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  • 9 months later...

The first tranche of the Dapol N Gauge R4 High-window Maunsells have finally gone on sale. These are the individual coaches in SR lined Olive Green:


2P-014-020 6-compartment BTK 3733

2P-014-040 CK 5635

2P-014-060 FK 7226

2P-014-080 TK 1122


There are two sets awaiting delivery: 4-set 193 and 6-set 456.


As you can see, the single BTK is numbered 3733, not 3730 (a 4-compartment BTK) as in the pre-release publicity and listings on all the major shopping websites - The change was due to my advising them of the error and they have obviously taken the correction on board. At the same time, I also advised of the error in the BTK in set 193 (publicity lists 3735, should be 3738) so presumably that will be corrected, also.

Edited by talisman56
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  • 2 years later...

When (if ever) are we likely to see a RTR Southern 4-6-0 in  N gauge? We do have 2 white metal kits, a Urie S15 which is intended to fit a Fleischmann chassis (costing an arm and both legs) and N 15 designed to fit a Poole Farish black 5 chassis - wrong size wheels and spacing - at least the kits are hackable, changing cab roofs, dropping the running plate "step" over the cylinders and finding more suitable chassis.

A bit of mix 'n match using bits of both kits and above mentioned hacks and various chassis has allowed me to make most variants of H15, N15/Arthur and S15, Urie and Maunsell except 6 wheel tenders- I model ex LSWR area mid 1930s


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  • 1 year later...

There is some welcome news concerning Golden Arrow Products. See a new post in the ‘Smaller Suppliers’ section, of the products and trade threads, where GAP are to produce a SER ‘O’ Class, SR(LBSC) I1x and LSWR H16.

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