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And lest we forget........................


Whilst all this is going on, their fellow youth and countrymen and women are away in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Perhaps we could swap them around, lets see how tough they are when the opposition fights back.


And one of the most alarming things I have heard so far........




Stay safe one and all.

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I can virtually guarantee not one will be charged with riot or possibly even violent disorder.


Same goes for aggravated burglary and trespass.


If all these people are brought to justice as promised by the PM where are they all going to be locked up? There is already an overflowing prison capacity problem.

I suspect that when the time comes there will be 'insufficient evidence' to bring most of these people to court let alone convict them. Even then they will probably get away with fines or the laughable community punishment of probabtion.

Sadly I think this is what will happen. Very few will be punished and those that are will receive laughable sentences.

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It is now!


I'm only just back from Portugal. This is what happens when my back is turned!


Be careful Ivan, the blame mongers will make it all your fault for being out of the country. The search for scapecoats - rather than culprits - is already underway. Don't you just love the media at time like this.



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"Be safe" but ultimately the obligation to protect your family from harm belongs to you and you alone.



The Police have a lot of ground to cover and cannot be everywhere so for the future consider organizing your neighbourhood - sound too tough? Better than cowering in fear.

Use the same technology the thugs use to do this and to get intelligence on them and their whereabouts.


Good luck everybody, there in spirit, Pete.


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  • RMweb Gold

The Police have a lot of ground to cover and cannot be everywhere so for the future consider organizing your neighbourhood - sound too tough? Better than cowering in fear.

Use the same technology the thugs use to do this and to get intelligence on them and their whereabouts.


Talking of which there is some dumbo on Facebook calling for the naughty boys and girls to gather in a town down west - among the current followers on his Facebook page are the local constabulary. Not sure which of them is the dumber, or are the forces of law & order playing a clever hand by showing they know?

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one thing I know that when Im driving scallies around is the one big thing they hate is the Police.


they hate a lot of things but the main one is the Police and there is a lot of bitterness towards them,

so wasnt too suprised seeing them last night having theyre way to get at the Police.


no political reasons or anything to campaign for, weather they are in work or out of work, they just hate the Police.

mainly for interfearing if they break them up in gangs on streets or search them for drugs.

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This is almost a new phenomena, these are not riots, these are thieves and thugs on an unimpinged crime spree.

I totally agree with you. Nothing but Thugs, Yobs and Thieves on an unconstrained crime binge.

It also made my blood boil when one Sky journo, reporting directly from the "front line" as it happened, described the mob as "protesters" !!!!!!! WTF !!!!!



Is this all it takes for certain people to fall into anarchy? Are those people existing in a state almost collapse?

The sad and horrible truth is yes.

This is the sad state with this section of our society. Lawlessness, lack of respect or even a concept of decency and civilisation. "Gangster" culture and the aspirations of that lifestyle.

I don't think there is any hope at all with these people. There is no easy answer.



I don't buy the argument about lack of jobs, because Hull's unemployment is the highest in the country, according to a report last week and we're not pillaging.

Me neither.. Total baloney IMHO, as are the other so-called reasons and excuses.



They are thieves and scumbags and not representative of the rest of their own communities and they were thieves and scumbags well before one of their own was killed for shooting a policeman.

Agreed. See my comments above.



If they choose to act like animals, maybe we should treat them as such.

No, the humanist in me, tells me we have to be better than them, or we have no right to judge.

I have always restrained my own thoughts and emotions with the belief that we must uphold and live by the morals and standards we purport to hold dear. That's why I'm against the death penalty in principle.


My way of thinking about it, is to think of our so called "civilisation" and "society" as an artificial construct and I believe that in order to protect it we must stay within it's bounds; therefore transgressors should be dealt with according the the rule of law.

However, when people step outside the walls of this "bubble", as in the case of the sort of terrorist threat and actions we have being subjected to in recent years, then I feel that sometimes the "problem" has to be also dealt with outside of the normal rules.

Whether the widespread acts of violence and rampant crime we have seen in recent days should be dealt with in such a way, is open to debate?


ADMIN - very possibly, but not here please

Edited by Mod6
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  • RMweb Gold

Whether the widespread acts of violence and rampant crime we have seen in recent days should be dealt with in such a way, is open to debate?



No debate from my viewpoint Ron - the Police (with 'assistance' if necessary) should go in hard in order to protect lives and property and if they break a few yobs skulls in the process then it was the yobs' fault for being there. Any that come before the courts and are found guilty should be put away in a few tough prison for a long time with no 'special consideration' apart from one hot meal a day (no choice) and the chance of a wash. I'm sorry but many of us have seen this coming with a long standing failure in this country to crack down on all sorts of lawlessness from drug dealing to gang behaviour, to low level intimidation and criminal damage right up to firearm use and the carrying & use of knives. Every time there have been excuses from our lords & masters ranging from 'its their culture' through to 'a deprived upbringing' and 'lack of youth clubs' or 'its the schools' fault' - all a load of nonsense when what should have happened was stamping on things to nip them in the bud. Failure of our society to do that has resulted in the scenes we saw last night in London - people losing their homes and everything in them and businesses destroyed because of lack of respect for the law. So no debate on my part - hit the scum as hard as possible and then some (because if we don't they'll only be at it again before long).

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one thing I know that when Im driving scallies around is the one big thing they hate is the Police.


they hate a lot of things but the main one is the Police and there is a lot of bitterness towards them,

so wasnt too suprised seeing them last night having theyre way to get at the Police.


no political reasons or anything to campaign for, weather they are in work or out of work, they just hate the Police.

mainly for interfearing if they break them up in gangs on streets or search them for drugs.


Yes, the Police also prevent them from going home to Mummy...........


Best, Pete.




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Guest Max Stafford

In truth, this is a storm that's been building over 20-30 years. Blackrat's link with the two females highlights the ignorance and arrogance that is propelling this along. We appear to have reared a generation of little emperors and empresses who wholeheartedly believe (and with much supporting evidence) that they are utterly untouchable and that the entire world revolves around them. I'd like to say so much about this, having viewed it from the sharp end myself but even with that long experience of it I fear it would just degenerate into a rant.

There is no excuse or justification for these actions or the completely abhorrent mindset behind them.

I fear the time is coming that we will have to step outside Ron's 'bubble' to deal with such direct frontal assaults on our civilisation.


I hope some kind of good comes out of this in the long run but right now it's hard to see how it can.



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To anyone else in the Dartford area: from what is being said on Twitter, DO NOT APPROACH OR GO NEAR BEXLEYHEATH TONIGHT. I don't know what is going on, or who is doing it, but KEEP AWAY and STAY SAFE. Even if it's just Chinese whispers gone mad, it's not worth finding out. My twitter feed has had dozens of these warnings the past hour. :(

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Just in from London and it is very, very tense up there. I had my monthly platelet donation session booked in the blood donor centre at St George's Tooting this morning -and trollied up by javelin with no problems & the underground had some disruption on certain lines but Northern was clear.


The only topic of conversation on the trains and at the unit was the riots and how they have absolutely nothing to do with the death of the man in Tottenham but are just mindless thuggery and crime.


A lot of people were being released from work early to avoid any possible resumption of last nights terrible scenes and the hospitals have drafted in extra cover just in case. There is a bit of a siege mentality forming in the minds of Londoners - justifiably so - and I hope everyone remains safe until normality returns.

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I fear the time is coming that we will have to step outside Ron's 'bubble' to deal with such direct frontal assaults on our civilisation.


I hope some kind of good comes out of this in the long run but right now it's hard to see how it can.

I'm right with you there Dave, but how can the politicians and press be brought to this awareness?

Today we've seen and heard the same old tired responses from the clueless "experts", politicians and commentators.



Just a small selectionof other stuff that enrages me....

The Community - What the heck is that????

Local Communities - where they exist, these thugs and yobs are not part of it.

Community leaders - there's no such thing???




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In truth, this is a storm that's been building over 20-30 years. Blackrat's link with the two females highlights the ignorance and arrogance that is propelling this along. We appear to have reared a generation of little emperors and empresses who wholeheartedly believe (and with much supporting evidence) that they are utterly untouchable and that the entire world revolves around them. I'd like to say so much about this, having viewed it from the sharp end myself but even with that long experience of it I fear it would just degenerate into a rant.

There is no excuse or justification for these actions or the completely abhorrent mindset behind them.

I fear the time is coming that we will have to step outside Ron's 'bubble' to deal with such direct frontal assaults on our civilisation.


I hope some kind of good comes out of this in the long run but right now it's hard to see how it can.




I'm afraid you have to prepare for the ultimate, Dave. My township allows me to use deadly force to prevent harm to my family and property. I'd be inclined to use it too under similar circumstances. Just sorry it doesn't fit in with the Beeb's idea of self defence. Good deterrent, though, but!

And no those interviewed don't have my respect nor will they ever earn it.


Best, Pete.

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Watch this: Apparently I'm not allowed to link this by the BBC. It is Boris Johnson waffling and then been heckled by people in Clapham about the Police response last night...


Any repeat of last night will be difficult to defend.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold
A statement released by Mr Duggan's family read: "We want to establish the truth about Mark's death.


"The family want everyone to know that the disorder going on has nothing to do with finding out what happened to Mark.


"They also want everyone to know that they are deeply distressed by the disorder affecting so many communities across the country.


(Source : BBC Website)


If the protestors are that bothered by Mr Duggan's "incident", then maybe they should follow the wishes of his family and desist.

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I'm right with you there Dave, but how can the politicians and press be brought to this awareness?

Today we've seen and heard the same old tired responses from the clueless "experts", politicians and commentators.

Unfortunately it's the clueless politicians who've mostly got us into this situation, so it's hard to see how they can get us out of it. As Dave mentioned above, this storm has been brewing for 20-30 years and now several pigeons are coming home to roost.

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The time has come to realise that the last 30 years of pandering to the young "deprived" "disaffected" youth has to stop and these youngsters have to be taught that we all live in this country together. The world does not owe us anything and if we want something we have to earn it, not take it or expect someone to give it to us.


Kids today have no respect due to the fact that there are no consequences for any of their actions, either at school, on the streets (I am not blaming the police as their hands have been tied) or in the courts. They therefore have no respect for any authority as they know they will not be punished


End of rant

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Rants are good, but what are you going to do about it?


It's a question everyone in the UK should be asking themselves. Don't rely on anyone else.


Best, Pete.



Thanks Pete but I already work with the armed forces to help turn kids in to men and women prepaired to do something for this county and try and build a better place for us all to live


I agree that it is very easy for us all to sit and condem these acts. We should all find our own way to contibute to this Country

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