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YORK 'Leaman Road' MPD - LNER 1938

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Tonight's update.


Things have been going steadily today. The Ash pits are now in place, and the lift for the coaling cenotaph is also in place, having to have part of the baseboard removed to a line it with the approach rails to it. More track has been fixed in place. I've had a go with my new temperature controlled soldering iron. Never soldered before, but was under strict instructions to have purchased a good iron by the time Mr Easter arrived....it's wise not to argue with the master ;) . Tim seems very happy with my soldering for a first time, and it does feel very natural to hold, but I will admit that Tim's ancient soldering iron gets up to temperature far faster than my new one!


We also decided tonight, that instead of trying to rush and get the whole thing done, i.e all droppers, buzz wires, point motors and micro switches, not to mention getting to grips with the NCE Power Pro system, that it's a lot better to get what we can done up to Sunday before Tim heads home, and then for Tim to come up again Mid April for a long weekend and we get things finished. It's the droppers that are taking the time, and as many of you know, points can take up to 5 droppers!


I'm still happy with the progress, Tim's track plan is far better than the plan I came up with and really looks the part. Locos can move from one area to another with ease, and with my Pacifics lined up on shed, and with my head at track level....I really feel I've gone back in time to 1950.....something I always wanted to do with my model railway!


Photos tomorrow :)

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Morning. Granted this isn't a layout update, but I did want to show you these photos.


Lass is now 14 weeks old and last night she had her first encounter with snow. This morning I got these photos of her. She absolutely loves the snow, and she looks very comical with snow on the end of her nose!


I promise next week week we will return to the layout. Next week is the 'big job' with Tim coming up to mine. The result being one operational layout! :D




Let me lead the chorus on this one



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Let me lead the chorus on this one




She is indeed....but being a little monkey when it comes to nipping and nicking tissues to chew...but she is very sweet, 4 months old on Sunday! :D


Update....all track laid, tonight weathering stock is on the agenda.... ;)

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Taking a break from layout work, we decided to give one of Tom's most recent additions (Hornby B1) the weathering treatment. Renumbered to 61084 of York shed, this one has been portrayed as being around 2-3 weeks after general overhaul, hence the early crest in place of the BRITISH RAILWAYS wording that is shown in two photos in Power of the B1s.


The boiler, cab and tender were given a couple of coats of Klear and then a wafting with the airbrush where required to dull the finish down. Final finishing with MIG powders to give the "in service" look and just a couple of waves of the airbrush to seal things in place.


It's a cloudless day up here so it was out with the camera for a couple of snaps.






Last day (for this time round) on the layout, so it's back to the grindstone we go.....

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Yep, I'm a very happy chappy indeed! :D I think what has made this one special is it was a joint weathering job, granted 60-40 to Tim. ;)


There will be a layout update tonight! :)

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Just a quickie..... Recreating a photograph in one of Tom's books that shows a K1 sat under the coaling tower, here's a similar pose showing 61084. 60124 'Kenilworth' is just visible in the background.




I can certainly say that the layout is really beginning to look like it was intended. Once ballasted, the layout will certainly improve considerably, but after a week of work, I'm happy with how we've got on with things thus far.


Cheers for now!

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Just a quickie..... Recreating a photograph in one of Tom's books that shows a K1 sat under the coaling tower, here's a similar pose showing 61084. 60124 'Kenilworth' is just visible in the background.




I can certainly say that the layout is really beginning to look like it was intended. Once ballasted, the layout will certainly improve considerably, but after a week of work, I'm happy with how we've got on with things thus far.


Cheers for now!


At least you don't have to paint the sides of all the rails. ;) Looking good you guys. Has Tom still got that big grin on his face?

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At least you don't have to paint the sides of all the rails. ;) Looking good you guys. Has Tom still got that big grin on his face?


Thankyou Gilbert! The grin is still there and hasn't wavered for several days. I've got another visit next month, so we'll get quite a bit more done then.


At least I've had a dry run in doing a Hornby B1 now, so you've got something to look forward to on your pair. :)



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At least you don't have to paint the sides of all the rails. ;) Looking good you guys. Has Tom still got that big grin on his face?


Oh that smile is still there Gilbert.....very much so :lol: I can't thank you enough for that track, it has been a great help and saved me a lot of dosh, it's nice to know that after all those years on your old Peterborough North, it now has a long extended life span! The points have been great help also, we only had to get a couple of extra large radius lefts.


I know I'm beginning to sound like a stuck record, but this layout is really becoming a dream come true. Tim has taken my original plan which I think is on page 2, and made it into something prototypical and has a lot of operational interest and most of all.....is going to be whole bundle of fun to play with! :D


This year has been a big turning point in my modelling, and that is basically down to a few individuals here. Max Stafford, Chris F, great northern, and Tim, all 4 of you have been of incredible help, and Tim has been a star this week, I just hope it hasn't been too much hard work for him! :blush:


It's been a great week, and I look forward to work continuing in three weeks!



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Further thoughts from yesterday's posts. I would appreciate anyone who could help regarding train diagrams working into York in the early 50's.


As I'm not doing a strict working timetable I'm just after showing a representation. So things such as a particular freight from say Mexborough. Then I can work out it was most likely O4 hauled. Or what particular passenger trains had there engine come off at York.


I have a Main Line WTT but it's not clear if long distance freights would have changed locos before York.


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Further thoughts from yesterday's posts. I would appreciate anyone who could help regarding train diagrams working into York in the early 50's.


As I'm not doing a strict working timetable I'm just after showing a representation. So things such as a particular freight from say Mexborough. Then I can work out it was most likely O4 hauled. Or what particular passenger trains had there engine come off at York.


I have a Main Line WTT but it's not clear if long distance freights would have changed locos before York.


It was a pretty short distance railway back then Tom. It took a long time to get anywhere, and a lot of engines were in poor condition. The result was that there was a good deal of engine and crew changing involving distances we would now think ludicrously short. I would work on the basis that a long distance Class C starting in London would have changed engines at New England before reaching York, or Doncaster at most. Passenger workings were similar until the disastrous and short lived experiment with through running in 1951. It was found that it was best to keep main line locos regularly manned and covering relatively short distances, rather than trying for the more efficient, on paper anyway, long through runs. The reason was quite simple, if you did it the short haul way the loco would almost certainly make the full distance. if you got too optimistic, it often didn't! So, not many Kings Cross engines for you I'm afraid, nor exotic things from Scotland, but other than that you are in prime position literally, as York's location attracted engines from just about anywhere else.

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Brilliant! Thanks Gilbert.


It was the Gateshead, Heaton, Doncaster And Gratham locos I have been looking at.


What about Freight, is it the same principle nothing too far afield? Any notable freight workings to York?


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Evening all.


The layout is rather quiet at the moment with Tim heading back home yesterday. Saying that, I got the urge to take some photos tonight. I fully admit they are not in the class of Mr Easter's and I would never claim them to be. I used the camcorders built in camera, but they have not come out as I would have liked. I do need to get a better quality camera...after I have quenched my locomotive thirst! :lol:


Here we have an alternative view under the 'Cenotaph' towards where in a few months the actual shed building will be.



61084 is being coaled after returning to 50A, while 60045 of 52A (notice the grime) moves off shed towards York Station with return working.



A line up of three of York's Pacifics. A2/2 60503, A2 60526 and A1 60121



That's all for now. Tim is back up 2 weeks on Thursday....droppers galore! :scratchhead: :P

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Those pics ain't bad Tom!


Most kind of you David, but I think I have been rather spoilt with Tim's photography this last week. It's like dining at the Ritz, then going back to gruel! :P I'm sure there will be more of Tim's photography going up in this thread in the next month or so.


Currently having a look at RMlectronics assortments of Yard Lamps. I did meet the chap that runs it at the Shipley Show back in September and the examples he was showing me looked the business. I know Haymarket Cross has made use of them and they look very in keeping.


May have an update regarding WWTs too, might be able to get something that would be very handy to my planned operations! ;)

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I must agree with David. I enjoyed looking at those pics. Don't do yourself down.


Don't put yourself down so Tom. Those photos capture a nice atmosphere. You don't need the best camera in the world to take good photos, though they can help.


Keep the updates coming.


Thanks Westerner, and Kelly. Much appreciated :) Like I say, I think over this past week I've been rather spoilt ;)


There is a loco yet to be photographed on the layout, and it was delivered by Mr Easter himself last week, not fully weathered yet mind that will be done when he is next up....but it's worth seeing on the layout....lets see what tonight has to offer.... oh and it's Thompson related! :lol:

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As promised, a Thompson machine! :D


O4/8 modelled by Tim, a merging of the Bachmann O4 and Bachmann B1 body and cab. Tim posted a detailed blog entry on his conversion which can be founder here.



The O4/8 that Tim has made is a real beauty, he will be weathering her when he is next up at mine, but she did receive a coat of Klear on the boiler by her maker last week.


I thought it would be nice to pose her alongside my 61084 B1, just to show the obvious comparison to the B1 (obviously both having the same type of boiler helps :P )



A very handsome locomotive....her role on the layout will be as a Frodingham O4/8 which would have worked a freight into Dringhouses Yard. Quick turnaround and she will be on her way home. :)




P.S we have hit the 10,000 view mark. Cheers for all the support guys! :drinks:

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Morning all


I mentioned earlier regarding news on Working Time Tables.


Well I have been able to order one in particular which, is ideal for understanding movements in and out of York.

The WTT is a 1950 Passenger and Freight Sections Q-V. To give an idea what this includes:



Section Q P/F Main line Doncaster - Marshall Meadows

Section R P/F Darlington Dist

Sec Section P/F Hull Dist

Section T P/F York Dist

Section U P/F Sunderland Dist

Section V P/F Newcastle Dist


I already had a section Q WTT, but it's limited to the Mainline workings, where as now that I will have the entire York District, plus showing loco changes further afield at Newcastle and Darlington.


The Hull working will be particularly useful too...might give me an excuse for another K3! ;)





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Well, if you need one...! ;)




Might you be able to ablige Dave? ;)


P.S Further to the above comment....I'd like to Thank Max Stafford as I now have another K3 to add to the collection. Thanks Kind Sir!

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Had my emergency appointment at the Dentist today, seen as the gum around my lower left wisdom tooth had swollen greatly over the last week, and is quite sore too. It appears there is no infection, although quite inflamed, but due to being a risk of infection, I'm now on antibiotics.


To take my mind off things, and thanks to Max Stafford...another K3 on the horizon it seems, I returned to a loco that appeared on RMweb a few months ago. K3 61872 of Hull Dairycoates. She had originally been planned for the old Eastcote layout, and I had renumbered to suit a 53A loco in 1959. Seen as she was a long term resident of Dairycotes, I could keep her as the same loco for 1950-51 thankfully!






Alterations made tonight, was the fitting of a front numberplate and shed code. The top of the boiler has had a light dusting of Humbrol Metalcote Gunmetal, as has the tender sides. I do love this paint, as it helps give locos that oily look and means the body doesn't appear flat.

Klear was also added to the motion and axle boxes.


Anyhow I'll leave it there for now. :)





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I'm old enough to remember those Saturday's and Sunday's bunking round York shed; for me the late 1950's/early 60's. The walk down the locomotive yard, alongside Leeman Road, was always magical with row upon row of locomotives. And for any enthusiast, of any age, those names of the Pacifics, just evoked everything which was the railway of that time. For me 'Hal o the Wynd' - Peppercorn A1 - just said it all. It still does!


And I can still remember my first sight of that place (1958) with 'Boswell', 'Balmoral', 'Sea Eagle', 'Hycilla', 'Sun Stream', and a host of others, among the dozens of locos in the yard.


Lovely photographs evoking memories of a magical time.





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