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Well the class 20 did not arrive on Wednesday as promised by the cuirier because the driver failed to deliver it by going to the wrong house and finding no one in took the parcel back to the depot. However it did arrive on Thursday and so I gave it a run on Ramchester.


Here are some pictures of the event.

Here she is emerging from the tunnel, the van behind her is a Slater PLV.


Rounding the bend at the approach to the station.


She arrives at the platform.


Pulling forward she comes to a stop. The Mark 1's are Howards and are heavily modified Lima vehicles.


Now some photos of the loco itself.





Dave you have done an excellent job of my loco and I am well pleased with it, thank you.



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Well the class 20 did not arrive on Wednesday as promised by the cuirier because the driver failed to deliver it by going to the wrong house and finding no one in took the parcel back to the depot. However it did arrive on Thursday and so I gave it a run on Ramchester.


Here are some pictures of the event.

Here she is emerging from the tunnel, the van behind her is a Slater PLV.

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Rounding the bend at the approach to the station.

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She arrives at the platform.

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Pulling forward she comes to a stop. The Mark 1's are Howards and are heavily modified Lima vehicles.

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Now some photos of the loco itself.

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Dave you have done an excellent job of my loco and I am well pleased with it, thank you.





It does look good. I note that you call the model "it" in your last sentence. Good man, carry on doing that rather than using the inappropriate "she". Quite how 73 tonnes of machinery can be female totally baffles me!



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It does look good. I note that you call the model "it" in your last sentence. Good man, carry on doing that rather than using the inappropriate "she". Quite how 73 tonnes of machinery can be female totally baffles me!



Maybe 'shes' a BBW  :jester:      sharp exit me thinks 


Excellent work continues on this wonderful layout and would just like to add how good the mk1's look considering there ' heritage' 

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It does look good. I note that you call the model "it" in your last sentence. Good man, carry on doing that rather than using the inappropriate "she". Quite how 73 tonnes of machinery can be female totally baffles me!



Locomotives are definitely female, even when they carry names like "King George V" or "Sir William A Stanier FRS". The English language does not assign gender to nouns, but in several languages locomotives are assigned the female gender e.g. German is "die Lokomotive", French is "la locomotive" and Spanish is "la locomotora". As for 73 tons of machinery being female, the Midland Railway's 0-10-0 built for banking trains up the Lickey incline weighed 105 long tons and was almost universally known as "Big Bertha". 



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Midland Railway's 0-10-0 built for banking trains up the Lickey incline weighed 105 long tons and was almost universally known as "Big Bertha". 





And still should be referred to as "it".    :mosking:

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I thought the Lickey loco was also referred to as Big Emma?



Regarding the femininity of inanimate objects, I suspect this is a result of the near universality of their drivers/owners/repairers being male.  In more enlightened times, I suspect this usage may diminish. 


I'm not holding my breath awaiting these much heralded more enlightened times, however.




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I thought the Lickey loco was also referred to as Big Emma?



Regarding the femininity of inanimate objects, I suspect this is a result of the near universality of their drivers/owners/repairers being male.  In more enlightened times, I suspect this usage may diminish. 


I'm not holding my breath awaiting these much heralded more enlightened times, however.




But in French, German and Spanish (and I suspect Italian as well) they are assigned the feminine article and I can't see that changing anytime soon. 


I believe Big Bertha was also known as Big Emma by some of the crews - if Wikipedia is to be believed. . 

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But in French, German and Spanish (and I suspect Italian as well) they are assigned the feminine article and I can't see that changing anytime soon. 




Yeah, but this forum is in English. So how about those of us who really must see steam locomotives as female make their future postings in French, German or Spanish?    :O


Apologies for prolonging this hijack of HSB's excellent topic. I will desist forthwith.



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Howard is quite right as all captains always refer to their ship as "she". It seems to me that engine drivers fall into the same category as ship captains especially when they have to coax their charges to better performance or to cope with extreme conditions. Many people also refer to their cars as "she" so what the heck. At the end of the day it is down to tradition or personal choice.


Thanks for all your nice comments on Ramchester it is appreciated. I only wish it was portable so that more people can see it but the invitation to visit is always there.




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Hello Rod, Howard, all


 me being a bit late to the party due to RL work issues but if you guys like to watch pictures of German/ Austrian/ Slowenian railway tunnelportals then here you go. For Germany the list is pretty much complete; the pictures are linked from the page given order by KBS-number (KBS => Kursbuchstrecke).


 Tunnel portals were at some times considered representative items (especially during Imperial times).


 The layout and the new engine is looking just fabulous!


Best Regards,


Edited by cklammer
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Well not much done so far this week unless you count snow clearing as "progress" It was not possible to get down to Platform 2 until I had cleared cart loads of snow but I gradually got there. Just a few pictures of the snow as it surrounded our house.




It must be remembered that we seldom get snow lke this in Torquay and when we do everything seems to stop. However the last couple of day has seen glorious which has melted quite a lot of the stuff. Yesterday I decided to go for a walk along the sea front towards Paignton and not seeing a patch of black ice in one spot I went ar... over tip and have put myself out of action for a few days with a sore back and badly bruised shoulders. Up until then the footpaths were clear except on the plate girder bridge which takes the main road across the railway as it skirts the edge of the cliffs.


Anyway I am sure that I will be better soon and be able to get back to modelling without excruciating pain every time I Move my head.



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To bring you all up to date with the happenings at Ramchester I have attached a few photos of my latest locomotive. This is a Dapol Jinty and will back up my Bachmann Brassworks Jinty on short goods trains and station pilot duties. This loco was purchased just before Christmas but on receipt it was found that the wheel back to back measurements were adrift. It was purchased from and weathered by Tower Models but under the guarantee had to be returned to DCC Supplies for fixing. When it came back the loco would not run so it had to be returned again for attention. It came back last week and I am pleased to say that it now appears to be OK. It will need to have some of the functions reprogrammed as at present it would do justice to an HST as its top speed is way above what the prototype ever achieved.


Well hear it is at the platform.



And shunting in the yard.



And standing alongside its sister (Bachmann BW)about to take on water.




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To bring you all up to date with the happenings at Ramchester I have attached a few photos of my latest locomotive. This is a Dapol Jinty and will back up my Bachmann Brassworks Jinty on short goods trains and station pilot duties. This loco was purchased just before Christmas but on receipt it was found that the wheel back to back measurements were adrift. It was purchased from and weathered by Tower Models but under the guarantee had to be returned to DCC Supplies for fixing. When it came back the loco would not run so it had to be returned again for attention. It came back last week and I am pleased to say that it now appears to be OK. It will need to have some of the functions reprogrammed as at present it would do justice to an HST as its top speed is way above what the prototype ever achieved.


Well hear it is at the platform.

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And shunting in the yard.

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And standing alongside its sister (Bachmann BW)about to take on water.

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That's an interesting comparison of weathering styles. I know which I prefer.





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Hello Chris.

I quite agree with your comment and my feelings are the dame as yours. I think that further attention has to be given to the Dapol model to bring it up to the standard of David's work on my San Cheng model. However this will have to wait in line until I have caught up with fitting DCC sound chips into my remaining diesel locos.



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Hello Chris.

I quite agree with your comment and my feelings are the dame as yours. I think that further attention has to be given to the Dapol model to bring it up to the standard of David's work on my San Cheng model. However this will have to wait in line until I have caught up with fitting DCC sound chips into my remaining diesel locos.





I wouldn't be too ready to make both Jintys look similarly weathered - IMO it would be nice to have the variety of treatment.



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Hi Chaz I quite agree with your comment about keeping the two Jinty locos looking different. David did the original Jinty while the new one (Dapol) was d9ne by Tower Models. I think the latter does need a little bit more touching up in places but this will have to wait for a while as other things are in the pipeline.....



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Yesterday my friends Howard and Peter came round to give me a hand with some scenery and to fit coupling loops onto my Dapol Jinty. Peter did most of the latter as I found it somewhat difficult to drill the necessary holes in the chassis in the right place. These have now been fitted and await blackening before being finally super glued into position. In the meantime Howard mixed up some filler and coloured it to a grey tone before applying it around the tunnel mouth. Once he was satisfied with this he crumpled up some cooking foil, smoothed it out slighty and placed it on top of the wet filler pressing it Into place to ensure that the finish resembled rock. The first pictures show the result thus far.



This morning I went down to Platform 2 to carefully removed the foil to allow the filler to dry out completely.



His next job will be to finish the area and apply foliage and colouring to blend it into the rest of the rock face.

Oh and what did I do? Well helping out where I could and generally acting as labourer and tea/coffee maker. What a life!!



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