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Times newspaper article Re. Ebay


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I must be the only person in the World who quite likes the "new" ebay. I find it's great for buying items from small businesses. In particular I've shifted from using Amazon for my books and CDs to buying them from small businesses off Ebay. So from this perspective it's helping these smaller traders to get my money.

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There has been comment about Ebay moving more towards Shop sellers, and easing out the "Amateur" seller.

Today's Times had a full page on this. Part of the page is on their web pages at http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article6950929.ece


With a number or reader's comments which echo some of the postings on RMweb.


If you look at what is said it is that fixed price sales have overtaken auction sales. Now I am an 'Amature seller' recently I have sold some items at a fixed price rather than at auction. I also recently brought goods off Ebay for a fixed price as my local shop did not have the items I was after.


From what I can see in the railway model section there are plenty of items at auction as well as fixed price ones, providing the fixed price items are as well as the auction items, and that the auction items do not reduce in number I cannot see a problem. For me its still the best place to buy s/h goods.

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I would use Amazon a lot more if it took paypal. It really annoys me when I search online for an item then find they don't take paypal. They lose a sale.

I found that Amazon was one of the easiest retailers with whom to set up an account, and once the account is set up, what's the difference? I'm not knocking your "Paypal only" position as regards online buying, but personally, I'd find that pretty restrictive. Then again, thinking about it, I really only use Paypal for receiving money these days, not buying.

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