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Stewarts Lane 'Electric Loco. Shed'


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Hi Shed,


I think you need some encouragement ;)

attachicon.gifStewarts Lane 29.3.2014.jpg







Hi guy's and gals, I hope this finds you all well,


Tom, I'm all for encouragement...if only I'd known you had the use of a helicopter before now this would have been real helpful with photo's ! This is one picture I haven't got for reference so Thanks for posting it.


Seriously, I've just checked in and not realised how long I'd left this thread hanging, however the good news is that the project hasn't died or anything like that.


The shed floor is currently in the painting process as I type and so this will be the next thing to report as far as progress goes. I'm very much hoping the artist dealing with this might add a few words when the process allows ?


What I can say is that true to the prototype, the site of the wheel lathe is planned to be depicted within the paint scheme as this area of floor was relaid when the lathe was taken out, and so bears a slightly newer shade of 'pink' !


Also, to aid in the authenticity stakes, the weathering process will include real coal and ash directly from the tender of 'Clan Line' herself, only, she doesn't know it yet ! lol.......


Hopefully more to report soon.......Many Thanks for your continued support.


Kindest Regards,



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Good evening Mr Shedmaster, nice to hear that your depot project is still progressing. We all look forward to your next update.

Hiya Mr Grimley,


Thanks again for your continued support.......lovely to hear from you.


I have to say your pits are looking stunning over in your Boxenby thread and are definately an inspiration for me, yet again.


Looking forward to doing a 'proper' update pretty soon....


Kindest Regards,



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Hi guy's and gals, I hope this finds you all well,


Tom, I'm all for encouragement...if only I'd known you had the use of a helicopter before now this would have been real helpful with photo's ! This is one picture I haven't got for reference so Thanks for posting it.




Hi no worries. It was only earlier this year that I was hovering over the area. Glad the pic is helping though.





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Hi all, Good Evening,


I have to say I've been distracted this evening by running live steam in my garden :






I have been able to check on progress with the Stewarst Lane floor painting today and this is really coming along fantastically.


The ramps are looking right with the first stages of priming applied ( finally ) and the rails and chairs are in their correct positions with no glaring errors looking back at me today during checking.


Again, when there is some more progress, it'll be right here on these pages......


All the best and thankyou again for your support, help and kind words,


Kindest Regards,







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Hi guy's n gal's......


With the main part of the project complete here, the floor and it's painting, it's time to start looking at the building structure before posting the promised update and pictures.....


I'm currently trying to work out how high the 'I' girder beams need to be for the main frames of the building but do not understand the original architechts drawing.


In the picture, can anybody please advise how I read the measurements :


16" x 6" x 50# 'I' Portal Stan




12" x 6" x 54# I Crane Stanchions at 25'-0" c/c




Does 50# mean fifty foot high for example ?


As you'll appreciate, if I can't get basic measurements right, the whole thing will look wrong in the dimensions department.


Many Thanks for any help you can offer,


Kindest Regards,





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Is the building long enough to have 54 of them at 25 foot centres?  I'd read that as 54 12x6 I beams, but I stress that I am no expert.


Hi Pugsley,


Thanks for having a go at this for me, but nope, that doesn't seem to be the answer as there are eight crane stanchions either side of the crane bay, they don't go all the way to the back of the building.


I reckon the 12" x 6" bit is the dimension of the I beam expressed as a standard term, but the other part, 50# or 54# is not something I'm aware of. To clarify, the # symbol is small and sits in the same place as say an apostrophe or speech marks would.


What I'm trying to work out is how high the different types of stanchion are and from this, how to 'pitch' the roof angles.


This will hopefully portray the building correctly from 'all normal viewing angles' lol's........


Kindest Regards,



p.s as a guide........



The red staff door is 78inches high with a 2.5inch frame :



The inside of the crane bay and the lower building with crane and general girder work :



General sizing guide with coaches for reference : 


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It's not 50 and 54 feet, then, unless there's something that states how far they extend into the ground, as I reckon the building is approximately 5 times the height of that door at the eaves, which would be in the region of 32 feet.  That's also borne out by the building in the second picture - the eaves height is roughly double, allowing for 8 feet per storey.


It's a lot higher in the centre - you could stack a few Mk2's in there :D

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It's not 50 and 54 feet, then, unless there's something that states how far they extend into the ground, as I reckon the building is approximately 5 times the height of that door at the eaves, which would be in the region of 32 feet.  That's also borne out by the building in the second picture - the eaves height is roughly double, allowing for 8 feet per storey.


It's a lot higher in the centre - you could stack a few Mk2's in there :D

Hi Martin,


You're a lot closer than you think as it now transpires.......


New information has come to light, specifically that everything I need to know is definitely on that drawing.


So, I'll have a look at this before posting any further, but many thanks again for your help.


Kindest Regards,



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It's not 50 and 54 feet, then, unless there's something that states how far they extend into the ground, as I reckon the building is approximately 5 times the height of that door at the eaves, which would be in the region of 32 feet.  That's also borne out by the building in the second picture - the eaves height is roughly double, allowing for 8 feet per storey.


It's a lot higher in the centre - you could stack a few Mk2's in there :D




Hi Martin,


Getting back to basics here, what I really couldn't work out was how or why would the 54# crane stanchions be higher than the 50# portal stanchions when clearly, the picture shows the portal stanchions to be higher ? Then looking further into the shed, the portal stanchions next to the coaches are exactly as you suggested, 32#, or 32ft. Well of course, the measurements are in fact the length of the actual 'I' stanchion, including the part that is sunk underground. In the case of the crane stanchions, there is more underground with these, in order to support the weight of the two overhead cranes and their loads.


I mean, it makes sense now, if I'm gonna lift Heljan 33's in here one day, lol's....


Won't be long and I'll be able to get this building painted and ready for siting :




That's all for now.......


Kindest Regards,



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Hi all, Good Evening......


Well - here we are again........but not quite; THIS attempt at the shed floor has managed to pass all of the quality control inspections and not been rejected for a change !


The Electric Loco. Shed floor is now in the paint shop and excellent progress is being made to finish this off.


The primer work was first, followed by the masking up for the colour stages :










The main floor colour was next up and this has gone very well over the ramps at the door end of the building, which is what has caused so much grief to get right over all this time.


The rail sides have been painted at this stage and really show up the use of the individual finescale chairs.


The yellow border around each pit is being completed using 'Posca' yellow paint pens and a very precise hand, not mine I hasten to add  :




( Edited to add that the white square patch is the site of the 'Wheel Truing Machine' )







The rail end buffer stops are currently being 'set up' and will be added at a later date.


Thats all for now,


Kindest Regards,



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This arrived with me today.....a picture of the Stewarts Lane 'Wheel Truing Machine' and I wanted to share it with you, as I've certainly never actually seen it myself :




I'm not sure though, why it's not just called a wheel lathe, I guess that this machine does a different job ?


All the best,


Kindest Regards,





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