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MurrayField Junction


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The layout wiring is finally complete so now for a massive running session!!! Yay!!!

The layout as a whole


The fiddle yard which is wired with droppers...


The main line with the depot which will eventually be moved...post-15554-0-14947400-1376151620_thumb.jpg

The main goods/sorting yard with the station. The unballasted part is where the new depot is going...


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Went into modelzone yesterday. I getting really annoyed about their closing down sale!! They say that EVERYTHING is reduced and then when we get to the back of the shop all railway related items aren't include in the sale!!! Although luckily these two little gems had 20% off!!

The RAC van is going in the car park while the Royal Mail is going on the road bridge!!


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  • 3 months later...

Finally!!! Some more news for the layout!! Went to Warley and brought a Class 108 DMU!!! Superb model and it runs as good as it looks!!! The detail on the model is superb!! Also!! MurrayField Junction has hit the internet and is now on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and has an online store!!! See the links below!!


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MurrayfieldJunction150?ref=hl

YouTube: http://m.youtube.com/channel/UC2oNgjhdyTZlMkNrKJ9XCaw

Online store: http://www.muncom.com/murrayfieldjunction

Instagram: MurrayField Junction


Please like my Facebook page for more updates and images!!

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  • 1 month later...

New videos available on YouTube!!


Videos include running sessions of the layout, videos of railways including NYMR and videos from the British Modern Mainline including steam specials!! Follow the link below to visit the channel or the link below that for our online store!!


YouTube Channel: http://m.youtube.com/user/MurrayFieldJunction


Online Store: http://www.muncom.com/murrayfieldjunction

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi RMwebbers!! MurrayField Junction here!!

Sorry for the lack of posts over the christmas period, well since november!! I've been very busy, both on the layout, visiting many exhibitions including Warley!! Chasing round York on the North York Moors Railway behind a B1!! What could be better!! Without further a do, onto the railway....

Firstly, I purchased a BR Class 108 from Model Railways Direct at Warley, very good model, quiet smooth running and full of good detail!! I now just need to buy a decoder for the second body so I have cab lighting and directional lighting at both ends of the DMU. I will also get round to adding passengers and general clutter such as newspapers and drink cans to liven up the interior!!


I've also started ballasting on the second board, something which I wanted to take time being that the tight corner is now on a bank to help larger wheel base locomotives get around the corner without derailing or pinging of the trailing wagons



All signals are now working indepentantly using toggle switches on the main control panel...more photos to come.




Some more photos I found....






I will be visiting Erith Model Railway Exhibiton 2014 buying some supplies and filming layouts for my next video, look out for a boy where a plain T-shirt with the MurrayField Junction Logo on the back and filming with an Ipad, feel free to ask for a business card!!


More photos to follow, I'm the meantime....keep modelling!!!


MurrayField Junction


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  • 7 months later...

Hi RMwebber's!!


Sorry for the massive delay!! Been caught up in GCSE exams, changing schools, settling in to Sixth Form!! The layout has been gathering dust in the corner of the room  :nono: !!! Don't worry more substantial work has been done today!! I decided to tackle the depot area with the hard standing. After reading through about a year's of Model Rail Magazines to get some inspiration I decided to bite the bullet and crack on with it!! I had some cork sheet left over from when I did the underlay so I glued two layers of them down in order to bring the surrounding area level with the top of the sleepers. I then used 20thou Plasitkard to create the hard standing  :declare:. Overall it worked really well. The area in between the track, to make sure that the flanges of the locomotives didn't scrape the plastic, the plastic was measured to 13.5mm which worked. The next step is to add paint that grey and add some small details and maybe include some lights on the building!! 





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Hi RMwebbers


More work is planned to be done, especially on the area around the fiddle yard and the section into the scenic section. We plan to add the remaining backboards which will then completely obscure the view into the fiddle yard so image that the trains actually go somewhere will be enforced rather than moving 12 inches down the board!! Also if we have time we start work on sculpting some expanded polystyrene to form the basis of the hill formation in which the tunnel mouth sits. Also the inset track on the depot area will be added ready for painting!! For the time being here are some photos of the running session I had this morning!!


03 162 pushes a small engineers rake into the stabling yard. This rake will eventually be taken to Tonbridge West Yard for Ballasting work. 


26 003 currently waits in the adjacent road to the depot ready for inspection of a dodgy brake system. 09 019 has just undergone oil replacement and we be moved ready for shunting duties.


37 415 arrives at MurrayField Junction with a rake of wagons that need inspecting at traction depot.


37 415 waits in the station for the wagons to removed so it can head to the depot for refuelling 



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Hi RMwebbers


Just a quick update. I had a spare 5 minutes and decided to create a sign for the depot. I looked on google for Inspiration and could't find anything so I had to go with what looks good. What you see below is currently temporary and subject to change. I'm happy to take comments on what should be changed to make it  as prototypical as possible!!! Thanks!!



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Thanks Blvrace!! I used pages of my mac to create the sign...create text box to the right size and then made sure the google image and text fitted within the space. Are you looking at creating your own then??

Yes I am but I want to do network southeast wording

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I'm sure that can't be too hard to knock up. The font shouldn't be too hard to create on a computer!! The hard bit is getting the NSE Stripes, I've tried to make my own but in the end I just photoshopped my own from a picture I found on google!!

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Hi RMwebbers!!


Last update today, been a very progressive weekend!! Might post a couple of photos later of night time running or evening shots but here is the layout as it stands. The fiddle yard divider has been glued down and will take 24 hours to set. It has been decided that two lanes of traffic and a public footpath will be on top of the tunnel along with a grassy bank on the left hand side down to the track, maybe with a small tree and a classic burnt out car!! Apart from painting the hard standing and some small details such as cans, pallets and maybe some general depot clutter, the TMD is pretty much finished. I added lots of signage that any 'elf and safety' inspector would be proud off!! Next project is finishing the fiddle yard entrance, then the car park, then weathering the entire fleet of locomotives, depends if I get the airbrush I planned!! We shall have to wait and see!! Apart from that, the update is complete!! I shall leave you with some photos of the progress!!


Intercity 37 415 waits in the stabling road for it's movement back to Hither Green while DRS 66 412 sits in the TMD while inspection takes place on the engine.


A view of the new divider for the fiddle yard. It is glued with 'no nails' and will be all covered by scenics at a later date.


A Closer view at the crude joining method!! It may not be pretty but it works!!!


We have decided that on top of the tunnel mouth is going to be two lanes of road and a public footpath, as show with the police car!!


The depot, now with health and safety warning left right and centre!! All printed from the computer and glued in place!!


The new and improved depot logo which now includes logos of EWS, DRS, FGW, DBS and NR. 


A photo showing the additional signage and also the people, which are yet to be fixed in place!!



More to come in the next couple of weeks so keep your eyes peeled and watch this space!!!



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Thank you class '66'


Always nice to know I have another 'fan' so to speak!! More work will continue on the layout at the weekend, especially now that the goodies from Model Rail have arrived so can't wait to start on the remaining ballasting and scenic work!! Now the fun starts!!



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