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Just a gentle nudge

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Modules organised - Check.

Freightcars & Loco's couplers checked/fettled/painted/decalled/weathered - Check.

Ops planning done - Check.

Lumberjack shirt - Check.


It's all coming together. :)


I've a big list of things I need to get done looks-wise to Alpha though as that's been bottom of the list and i've been putting it off, so no relaxing just yet!


As in other conversations we will be using JMRI Ops to generate switchlists/manifests at this one as well, if anyone's interested in that kind of thing and you want a look/play then come and talk to us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not yet - but the layout is in its box - I think all the necessary bits are packed - it is amazing that for a layout that fits inside "That damn box" how many other additional bits have to travel too! Looking forward to seeing you all - I see that I'm directly opposite the front door - so there is no chance of anybody missing me!

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The "Fiddlestick Switch Job" is already in travelling mode - hopefully the next time it sees the light of day, the view will be a little more interesting!




Looking forward to seeing it with crate expections.
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Well done Dave


Thats what all those locks are for,to keep his butties safe :nono:


Is a woodern transporter box for the lesser spotted haggis??? :scratchhead:


Hope Nicks got the quarantine area sortted,thats if he gets them over the border,there'll have the sniffer dogs out at Carlisle!!!! :O



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As someone who couldn't carry a tune in a bucket - and has all the musical ability of a heelan' coo, I'd not subject you Sassenachs and Border Rievers to a fate worse than death. As the proud owner of the Doone-Mahedin Bagpipe Works - I thought about bringing some samples - but you'd not appreciate the sounds!

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In truth Jack I wish I could fit my layout into a box, but it would need 3 full sized coffins to cram it all in! 18ft x 2ft - I must be mad!

Just finishing off the stands now - my Honda Jazz is going to gong to act as a Tardis for the journey.


See you on 16th matey,



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I'll be there Ray.Every year I promise myself, and I keep missing out. Not this time!


This is the strangest cold/flu/lurgy I've ever had. Up, down, up, down. Hot cold, etc etc. I start to feel ok, head to the shed to get some layout building done, then an hour later its as if someone has clubbed me with a large salmon across the back of the head and stuffed old socks in my lungs. Blergh! Normally a really hot bath, lots of single malt, and a good book sweats it out of my system but not this one.

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Never go anywhere with out my wellies!!!


West cumbria, where men are men,and sheep are clad of it!!!!!!


Can't beat a couple or 3 or 6 in front of a roaring fire of Sneck lifter,if it does'nt get rid of the cold, you don't care anyways,you just have that warm all over feeling,yum,yum, think i need to comfort this cold i've got.





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