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  • RMweb Gold

I hope so too, it'd be great to read about - we'd have half of the stations covered on the Wainfleet to Firsby line.


The posts are up on Shapeways already, I've not got my computer on me to give you a link until this evening, but try searching for GNR posts. They are in a packet of 10, but I could do another amount to save on the setup fee.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks very much Alan. I was pretty pleased with how they turned out. They'd definitely be better sanded lightly though - that said, at 13mm high, you'd have to get really close to them to notice the bumps.


I've not posted for a while, but I have managed to snatch half and hour here and there to keep the A5 going. After chatting to a couple of fellers at the GNRS (hi Dave), I've made a few changes and modelled the loco without the large sandboxes. If I want them I can add them in styrene later. I've also taken off the boiler bands so they can be added separately to help with lining - oh, and my beading is half round now, instead of flat. Finally, I've been going over the loco with a fine toothed comb trying to find all of the issues that have grown up over the last couple of months (a tedious bit, but something I have to do).


Anyway, here are some photos, they don't look very different, but a lot of work has happened between these and the others.
















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  • RMweb Premium

Quick Idea, why don't you just do the buffer housings? Leave off the buffer heads (as they will be fragile and oversized for strength) and then when printed you can drill down the housing and insert a correct sized metal head?


Everything else is looking the dog's danglies. I might have to convert to GNR modelling!


Andy G

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If you have not done so already you might reduce printing costs by hollowing out the dome and rebating the boiler where it is enclosed by the smokebox. Likewise hollowing out the smokebox door. The simple change of removing the boiler bands should make clean up easier. The footstep fust ahead of the splasher looks a little shallow on the earlier rendering and might benefit from making it jut out more. Are you going to do handrail holes in the cab sides and smokebox?


But looking good.

Edited by MikeTrice
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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Andy, I have toyed with that, and I think I might leave them as-is, and then if I do get some metal heads I'll cut the ends off and drill down. I was very impressed with your drilling out of your styrene on your coach blogging thread.


Hi Mike I only just beat you on hollowing out the dome. The other dome had an issue, so when I re drew it I did just that. It meant that I also had to make a hole in the boiler otherwise Shapeways treats it as a solid part. I think you're right about the footstep, so I've sorted that, and I'm definitely putting in handrail holes in the cab sides, but I'm not putting one in the front as I don't know what length handrail holes I'll be using. I'm also adding the rivets that I've found in a photo that's come into my possession from a generous benefactor. :) I need to sort out the location of the washout plugs and the mudhole doors (?) at the bottom. Unfortunately I'm not sure what these look like close to, so I'm not sure how much detail I can put into them.








Oh, and the cab floor has gone. It's just a sheet of styrene, and ditching it will allow me to keep my options open about that back wheel. If I do get one with a smaller diameter, then I'll also have to think about the fitting in the chassis. I seem to think that it's kept in place with plastic that fills in a vertical channel. If this is correct, then it will be a lot easier to sort out. I'll check later.





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  • RMweb Gold

Not a lot to say, but small movements forwards.


Mike sent me a photo of the parts I needed to finish, so I managed to do that last night, and the results are below. All I have to do now is the handrails on the cab, and put the buffers on a sprue and then, unless someone can see anything else, my next post will hopefully be telling you I'm done and sending it off to Shapeways.








I did rescale the whole thing to 7mm scale (without checking wall thickness) and it came in at about $250 US for FUD, a more reasonable $100 or so for WSF. Either way, that's not a test print I'll be doing!

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  • RMweb Gold

I couldn't even afford the dome! :)


Anyway, I'm done. I've a couple of things to change on the tender and then before the end of this week I'll be ordering both items and another set of fence posts (good job I sold the house!).


You'll be bored of these images by now, so here's the last set before I get the parts. Just by coincidence, the DVDs I ordered from Right Track (including painting and lining) turned up this morning, which is great timing, so I'll have a watch over the weekend - they seem to be longer than the Lord of the Rings films :)








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  • RMweb Gold

Bought it! My heart (and wallet) are in my mouth as I've put in an order for the A5 and tender, the D3 body, some bits and pieces and some GNR posts. The items were in my shopping cart for a few days and eventually they gave me a 10% discount to get me to purchase them - something to remember if you buy something on Shapeways. Anyway, if they pass manual checking, they should be here in about 3 weeks. I know I did my best, but I won't know if it's good enough until I get the prints back - I'm hoping there's not something I've forgotten. The bits and pieces are the test ducket I did on the diary, a couple of GNR benches in 4mm, two bench sides in 7mm, two posts in 7mm (I added some extra detail), a section of Barnum coach and a bit of tender - I dropped my other one and lost a corner. These are all things I've been working on for I don't know how long!


Good job I sold the house.





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  • RMweb Gold

The posts, yes - it's available already , as I've already had them printed and I know they work, but I'd hate to put something up for sale that's not been done right. If the other stuff looks good then I'll put a load of photos up with a ruler for size comparison and then people can make an informed decision.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for posting those photos; it's interesting how the vegetation has grown up over the years. If you went to that station now it's surrounded by large bushes and is very bucolic. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

It's been quiet, too quiet. I've been waiting forever and a day for my Shapeways stuff to turn up, but it all arrived today!


Here's the GNR A5 and tender before cleaning off the copious amounts of oil that is currently covering it. I won't know if it will fit until I've cleaned it, the sprues with spare parts are taken out and the chassis chopped up a little bit.








Here's the D3




Finally, here's some GNR/LNER benches in 4mm scale, and some bench ends in 7mm scale - these were at Wainfleet and Havenhouse






There are some posts as well in 4mm and 7mm scale, but they are a bug really difficult to photograph!


Soooo, I'll be looking at the A5 first. once it is out of its washing up liquid bath (it's in there now), I'll give it a clean with my modelling toothbrush and get some primer on it while it's sunny this weekend. I'll also do the benches and posts to see how they turn out.


It's just got very exciting!

Edited by JCL
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