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APA Box Modelling- Starting Again (again!)

Russ (mines a pint)

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  • RMweb Gold

Perhaps one of the mills still uses rail, or if your setting is pre 1980's, a coal merchant?

aye , coal would be the 'safe bet' even into BR blue days.


possibly lacking in wagon variety - though  I could devote a lifetime to mineral wagons myself ;)

- the disused canal basin could come into this too

- a plan :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

It has been a long time since I looked at this thread
I'm glad I caught up with it again though :)

Some smashing, highly atmospheric prototype shots there,
as I think I said before....

The project has changed somewhat, since I last saw it
but it's still quite different in several ways,

and I like that.....

Good stuff
Keep at it


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

It has been a long time since I looked at this thread

I'm glad I caught up with it again though :)


Some smashing, highly atmospheric prototype shots there,

as I think I said before....


The project has changed somewhat, since I last saw it

but it's still quite different in several ways,

and I like that.....


Good stuff

Keep at it



It's a while since I've checked back into thread, thanks for your comments - You'll be glad to know its not moved again yet ;)


- the original idea as has already been identified is something which is just crying out to be modelled, the only downside for me is its not an area that I would really CHOOSE to model, but maybe that doesnt matter?


The only time it does matter is when I feel the borders or highland urges coming on again - but now the walls are in and set it should keep me on the straight & narrow lol.

- the N clearout was useful in that I can now think I would actually like to model in N = it never ends !! :)

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  • 4 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

- the N clearout was useful in that I can now think I would actually like to model in N = it never ends !! :)


The layout was packed in the loft for a while when we had a vistit from the relatives in May, then we actually got a summer!! the long evenings and great outdoors have conspired to absolutely buggerall getting done!


I did manage to test run a few of the items of stock, just with wires to track - concluding the idea that the layout will be operated by the green 08 & 03 so a coal yard looking the best bet.

-thought about the scenery a bit too as the board was designed with something different in mind-  I'm still up for an overgrown canal basin at the front but filling the other low area to left of front siding up to rail level(ish) with cobbles, probably going the modelling clay route with these this time rather than cardboard cobbles which didn't quite cut it last time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Well here we are again in January- and not much has been happening (as ever!)


- but a combination of factors the usual dark evenings etc has got me into thinking about unleashing the models from the loft again!


The logical thing to do would have been to bring down the 'started' APA box and continue on from where I left off it:






-As you have probably already guessed that's not what happened ;)

-this is the other APA, the one that ....
- well HAD nothing in it!


Feeling I'd 'missed a few tricks' with the previous one.....


The difference with this one is that it WILL be completely self-contained.

It's the other way round with the largest dimension -tallwards- if you see what I mean? ... This means a panel can be re-inserted into the box to provide a roof, for permanent lighting, also when stored this will give 3 sides so the original lid can go on the scenic opening side (box stored on its back) so that no dust (or anything else) should be able to get into the box.

Naturally this leaves a smaller scenic area - about the footprint of a boxfile - but still with room for a sector plate or cassette contained within the ApA box.
- which I think was the original idea... before it got subverted! :)


The original idea was inspired by 'Sandshifters' boxfile layout on the old forum:

-which I just happened to re-read from beginning to end over the weekend.

Offering as much shunting potential as what the other apa box had but much more practical - without an 'outside' fiddleyard.


I'll just go check if that glue is dry! :)











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  • RMweb Gold

Well more supplies arriving by post, also the purchase of the Micro layouts book by Paul Lunn has led to more thinking and even some doing!


- its a good job as my mind was starting to wonder again, just a finger click from getting a standard 4 tank off ebay! - hardly conducive to a small shunting setup.

- maybe go back to N gauge (again!!) 
- the GNSR branch idea had got wings again and the thoughts of joining APA boxes together and fish vans, harbour branches, fish vans - it was all starting to get the better of me again. - This is with me off the drink for the Cancer research Dryathlon too!


The micro layout book is interesting, though nothing jumped out at me as 'want one' though some interesting concepts and ideas.  I think I'm just happy enough to ditch the passenger trains and concentrate on goods/shunting etc.


Reality also hits - I actually want to finish something this time, and already hoping the light nights to go out on the bike are not too far away?
- so keeping on with the theme of the small self contained apa box the 2nd............




Inspired by sandshifters boxfile (linked on previous post) I'd obtained one of the space-saving Y points - however I decided not to use it in the end and just went for three parallel sidings, the point takes up quite a bit of extra space without really offering anything extra.



The frontmost siding is slightly shorter- partly so some view-blocks can go in.




various combinations of wagons getting tested for clearance etc.




Idea is to have a small building right off the open wagon on front track.


Having quickly planned this out tracklaying progressed - a whole yard of it :) lol, and initial ballasting, and some of it infilled with modelling clay (instead of ballast).


The front part to the right of the protruding 2 x 1 will have a dock wall, hopefully with not quite enough space left to model any water! - it may be low tide!

- so there may still be opportunity for some fish vans!


Edit to reattach pictures :no:

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks, Craig - been watching the DMU terminus with interest too, as that's another thing I'd quite like to have a go at as time and space permits.  Yours is looking very good! :)


The original apa box is still there by the way, just on the backburner, it may return either as it was or as something else, not sure yet!




This is pretty much how things looked at close of play yesterday, though took the pic today when everything had dried out.
- mixture of woodland scenic finest grade of ballast and modelling clay , gouged out all the excess bits this evening and tested out with a wagon to ensure smooth running, paint next.

  It really needs paint to stop it looking a hotch potch- with using the clay, but I have used the clay on a previous yard layout and it looks great once finished off properly.



I'd also added some polystyrene formers to allow scenery to be added later, of course polystyrene is easy to knock and chip bits out of, resulting in a mess so I started to put card from cereal packets around it to provide protection- in the end I decided to add the quay walls and top layer from newspaper soaked in PVA too
- when the PVA goes off this gives a nice solid surface in my previous experience as good as plaster and lighter, and of course its FREE !

- when all is dry and solid a layer of emulsion paint, hopefully in earthy tones, if I can find some will solidify it further and give a good base for scenic material.


Marked out an area for the small office, and will probably put a loading bank on the rear siding - which may have another sea or storm wall at its rear, but much of the scenery is still at planning stage at the moment, been reading Ian Futer's Fisherow Yard (RM sept 2012) again and getting some inspirations from that.




A layer of card was also put to form a base for the 'beach' or low water area - there might even be room for a small boat resting on it, if I can find one small enough!  This is only a thin layer again from a cereal packet, but if it warps it wont really matter as this area will be made uneven anyway




Close of play today with a slightly blurry (sorry!) sea wall and beach section, there is a slight difference in wall heights as I intend to put railings on the short wall and a lip or possibly small wall on the long one, possibly with boat moorings etc.


Thoughts will soon need to move on to the fiddleyard, not sure if to make my own cassette or go with the simplicity of a locolift. Certainly wanting something which is simple and reliable.

As mentioned earlier been reading the Fisherrow Yard article again and quite liking the thought of integrating some of the ideas into this- its certainly where the office idea and sea wall came from!   - I've got a good pic that could be used for a backscene for the scheme too, a panorama from the E. of Edinburgh on the coast, with the unmistakeable Arthur's seat.   Trouble is apart from my 08 the shunter fleet is kind of  'N. Eastern region heavy' with J72, J94 and 03 - perhaps the North East, maybe the Northumbrian coast would be more appropriate. 





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  • RMweb Gold

I needed lots of new bits of paint, brushes etc. I've noticed recently that price of Humbrol and the like has been going up quite rapidly of late, this is especially noticeable when access to a model shop is difficult and postage is added, this week I managed to get to a model shop and find some cheapish supplies for scenic paint & brushes.




 don't suppose you'd want to use this kind of stuff to line out pre-grouping stock but for splashing about on scenery you cant really go wrong
   - both the paint and brush set being £1.99 a piece from 'The Works' (in Glasgow, but think they are a nationwide chain?)




Start of painting track & ballast.  Never done a proper inset track before only filled in up to the edges so although there was no real function planned for this area so far it was a useful experiment, its not come out too bad so far using Wills sheets- which I haven't tried before.  The ones in front of the van would not stay stuck down, I started out with liquid poly hoping to secure to the sleepers then moved onto superglue and finally PVA with a large weight (coffee jar) on it. Come to the conclusion that PVA will stick most things, even where supposedly specialist glues won't ? - you just need to give it time and weight it down!




So an overall view so far, still thinking about the fiddle yard and tempted to go with the locolift idea still, but measured up and its quite tight, but should just fit.


The free kit from this months RM may just become the building in the front r/h corner with a bit of adaptation as it is more or less the correct dimensions.



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  • RMweb Gold

I got a loco lift ordered and now just waiting on it arriving - in the meantime just keep adding to the weathering and bits & bats- hardly worth taking any new pics :)




Experimenting with the idea of having a loading platform at the front.




Also put a card former in for where the backscene will go, this is cereal box card again.  Gives an idea of 'boundary' for where scenic stuff an go upto.




- followed by glue clean up operation.


Now need the loco lift to arrive to see how it attaches to the normal track so as to get an idea as to how the whole thing is to be powered.
- and also to make arrangements for any uncoupling devices and for that matter decide on coupling system!


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  • RMweb Gold

With the locolift arriving today was able to see how it fitted - get the wiring on... and run trains!! :)



The wiring - simply a set of wires to each track as the locolift just rests on the rails, I suspected it did from reading other articles, but wanted to make sure!
- its simply wires soldered to fishplates as even thought the fishplates aren't needed the locolift isn't affected by them.

- I haven't soldered the fishplates onto track yet in case I change my mind and build a traverser instead.

- Did bend them over at the ends (downwards) so they don't get caught or snagged on anything whilst moving the loco lift.


- with such a compact track layout there is only ever likely to be one loco in action at any time.



So for the first time in about 5 yrs I have a working (albeit very small) layout.  The J94 got the first run I was pleasantly surprised how sweetly it went as it was a cheapo unboxed off Ebay!   the old Dapol model too.

The J72 and 08 also got a turn - the J72 needs a good wheel clean seemingly, the 08 is also a faultless runner.  The 03? well despite me thinking it was secondhand it never appears to have been out of the box and was firmly wrapped up, its stayed that way for now!!



Using the locolift is pretty good though it seems to rely on good alignment quite a bit, if you get it wrong it gives an insurmountable bump for the loco if you running at shunting speed.  I've put in a supporting ledge to try help the alignment and am sure it will improve as I get used to using it.  If not its a quick & easy solution until I can be bothered to make something better.

Maximum capacity is shunting loco + 2 short wheel base wagons. It would be anyway even if a different fiddleyard method was used. A 2-2-3 inglenook setup could be used if (when?) random wagon shuffling gets boring!


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  • 8 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Well decided to clear everything out of the boxes and start over again ( as you do lol) 

Joined up the 2 boxes into one long one - now about 4ft and 4 ins total length. 

Too dark really for a photo - but never mind! 


I took out the 'intermediate ends' 
-used cocktail sticks as impromptu dowels for alignment, on finding the whole thing was a bit flimsier than before I decided to go belt and braces and glue everything, it is now all very secure but the downside is I suppose I am committed to the larger box now!

- got a couple of ideas for whats going to go in it, watch this space as they say !  :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Cheers Mickey & Pete :

The fact that the thread updates means there is movement lol . 

From the old forum:

Abergwynant/ Elterwater etc etc. 

is the basic plan

-ex GWR , or Western Region for a change 

- as decided to go with single unit for the passenger service - a 2car unit would crowd the situation

- pannier or prarie for the goods or an autocoach for a change?


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  • RMweb Gold

Well Rich its been a long time since I had a complete layout - by complete I mean even all the plywood flats coverered let alone finished!

I've been getting track & props together in the box and as always indecision rules supreme: but I'm getting there.
-a lot of problems I have with the minimum space issue is trying to cram too much in, but that's not the only problem.

I often talk myself out of projects simply because I am unsure of how to carry them on - particularly regarding how things are to be operated, things as simple as point movements, couplings and such like. The truth is I'm not really interested in such issues and once I get to that stage where they have to be thought about, I loose interest.
- Deadwater worked for me because I had already decided I was going to build my own track, so I had to make it work and I had also decided to go for the 3 links something which tested my sanity in the process- to be brutally honest I am too lazy to work to those standards all the time, even if I had the time!

So what I am thinking is to go for a single line terminus, it something I've always wanted to build ever since seeing St.Jude  layout on the old forum, and various other layouts in a similar vein -
the two Looe branch layouts on-going at the moment too have given quite a bit of inspiration too.


With just over 4 feet x 1 ft to work with I've decided this gives a good compromise, operation is not a major concern to me. 

layout criteria will be to use the best available track
* either C&L flexi or individual sleepers rail, whichever works out easier/cheaper

* single unit trains - dummy couplings only required - locolift cassette
* possible autotrain added later - semi permanently close coupled within train,
* make the most of the scenery.
* future proof by designing/build to allow 2nd fiddleyard and/or 2 car DMU's later if needed, 

So think we are looking for a BR(wr) supposed location - that can represent just before or just after the end of steam


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  • RMweb Gold

Cheers Mickey - that is a nice minimalist station - the Newquay branch is the only one I haven't actually travelled :(

seeing as the passenger ops are to be fulfilled by a single unit or autocoach it seems silly to keep the goods side connected and so I think the SLT front with a couple o sidings rear might work, sure someone has already done it but there we go?

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