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Glebe Road Junction.


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Once again i would like to say thanks to all of you that have left kind and encouraging comments on my page.

It is sick to know there are some complete arse holes out there that get kicks out of taking the piss out of dead children but feel very humbled to know that there are very decent human beings such as yourselves.

I have made some very good friends on here as well as youtube and would lime it to remain that way so i have decided today after speakinh to my wife that i will carry on with glebe road junction in the future after i have taken a break for the summer to concentrate onmy family for a bit.

I will still attend any good exhibitions that come up like the DMU showcase and WARLEY and hopefully that will rekick start the hobby again.


So thanks to you all once again and looking forwards to all your own layouts progress.




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Once again i would like to say thanks to all of you that have left kind and encouraging comments on my page.

It is sick to know there are some complete arse holes out there that get kicks out of taking the piss out of dead children but feel very humbled to know that there are very decent human beings such as yourselves.

I have made some very good friends on here as well as youtube and would lime it to remain that way so i have decided today after speakinh to my wife that i will carry on with glebe road junction in the future after i have taken a break for the summer to concentrate onmy family for a bit.

I will still attend any good exhibitions that come up like the DMU showcase and WARLEY and hopefully that will rekick start the hobby again.

So thanks to you all once again and looking forwards to all your own layouts progress.




:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Yey! Good to hear your not giving up Glebe road! :)

I'm very happy to hear!


Yes there are some arse holes on both YouTube and rmweb, a possible idea would be that if you put on a video but do video manager, click the edit button under the video, go onto 'advanced settings' and uncheck the button saying viewers can vie ratings for this video (which disable likes and dislikes) then go onto comments and change it from 'ALL' to comments pending approval so if any arse holes post nasty things then you can just not approve the comment and it will not be shown, that's what my good budy AY76 does...

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  • RMweb Gold

It is unfortunate that some dumb people are allowed access to the internet, however, it is also important not to let the b*****ds grind you down. Glad that you will be back after a deserved break.



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I'm pleased you're not abandoning the layout. I remember you saying about your daughter on youtube a bit a go and as said above it's disgusting what some people are posting on your videos. Unfortuantely, life is full of these people and don't let them get into your head; they're probably just 12 years old reckoning there all it as they're in secondry school now!


Will :no:

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thanks a lot guys, your positive comments are much appreciated and inspire me to get back into it again at some point.


how could i leave all you great guys behind ay!!!



Aawwwwww, too kind :) Edited by Swifty11
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hi mate,


i'm not that new to RMWeb but only just managed to work out that this is where people keep their layout progress. i have been watching your videos for a while now. i myself am a beginner. i used to have a train set, and now i'm a little (or a lot) older i decided to become a railway modeller. from the very first video you had showing how you built platforms i've found your videos an inspiration, even the scratchbuilt station you had which you didn't like and changed for the RTR building. 


i am very sorry to hear of your tragic circumstances, and even more sorry to hear that there have been those deriving pleasure from your situation. but my outlook is to not let scummers stop me from enjoying my life. a hobby can take your mind off tough times and painful memories. 


i certainly would advise that you reconsider selling your stock. whatever damage may have been done to the layout can be repaired, but once a loco is sold it's sold and from looking at some of your collection you may not easily be able to get it back. 


all the best to you buddy. 

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Hi Terry,


The world is full of idiots and they only win if we let them. Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and when you're ready, go for it again. This is your passion and your daughter would have wanted you to carry on and enjoy your hobby so when you feel the time is right try again. Apart from trains, playing guitar is also a hobby for me and is a big part of my life so when I'm down I strum a few chords or play a song or two and the world seems a better place. Works for me so railway modelling may work for you.

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Its good to hear to have decided not to completley abandon Glebe Road Junction. It would have been a real shame to destroy all the hard work you put into it.


Have yourself a good long break from the hobby to focus on the personal matters.


Take your time and I look forward to your return to Glebe Road some time in the future.


All the best to you my friend.

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I can't say anything that hasn't already been said but I wanted to add my comments as I've found your videos inspirational.


Very sorry to hear about your tragic loss and that some feel it necessary to exploit it for their own pleasure.


I look forward to seeing what you come back with after taking some time out.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all


Sorry its been a while since my last post as most of you are aware i have been busy with family life but i know i said i was taking a break from the hobby for the summer and going to make a return later in the year, well i could not stay away as i have missed the hobby over the last month or so.

Saying that i have not made a full return as i have not spent any time in the loft but instead i have been scratch building a new station from plastikard just 

to keep me sane and interested in the hobby.

I am now going to post some photos below of the work in progress attached with some info and would love to know your views on the building so far and any 

tips that you can give to aid me in the process as im still only an amateur in this field and any ideas that you have are as always truly welcome.


But first off i want to show you the new arrival to the fleet that turned up at the weekend. 

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Ok so here she is in all her glory.


The new Bachmann class 47 in network south east livery and what a beauty she is.I have just added the 21 pin decoder to it and have also attached the

buffer beam detail.I have still yet to unleash the air brush on it once i get round to it.

I have not had her running just yet as i have an electrical short on the track some where and i just dont have time to check all the 100 miles of wires

under the base board. 



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Ok so here goes.Some of you would probably recognize the design of the station as i have got my inspiration from the station at banbury.

Its not a carbon copy of the banbury station but i have copied some parts of it and then redesigned some of it to fit and suit my layout.

Its built using 30thou plasticard and then using various evergreen strips.i have decided not to cover it in embossed plastikard this time as i don't 

fancy spending hours painting it.instead i opted for scalescenes printed sheets that don't actually look too bad in my opinion and will be enhanced

further with the airbrush once i weather it.


The white plastikard strips on the outer walls are suppose to represent wooden clap boards but look too pristine so im not sure what to do or use

to make them that little more realistic.should i paint them using white paint and what would be the best product to fill in the gaps where the plastikard

 joins up.I was thinking of using white das clay then rubbing it down when dry.






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I have also started adding the interior including people and drink machine.

The inner walls have been covered in blue/grey brick where as the outer walls are brown brick.The interior floors have a concrete affect paper added.

I used clear plastic glze to represent the windows then added thin plastic mocro strips to represent the frames.



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In this picture you can see i have added the chimneys which are again made of plastikard.The chimneys are suppose to be in white but i dont want to leave 

them in raw plasticard so i think i will need to give them a coat of white or concrete colour paint.



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This is where i have currently got to.I am just adding the roofing the the track over bridge.

This is done using clear plastic glaze, plastic micro strips, H section plastistruct.and the roof is wills roofing sheets.I used tin foil to cover the gaps where each roof section meets to hide the gap and in time that will be painted to it becomes invisible.






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Very nice Terry, and I'm glad to see you back at it. 




Jason / Richard :D

Thanks jason.


Well all thanks has to go to you as it was you that give me the inspiration to scratch build.I knlw its not up to your standards but its a start and im sure i will become better as time goes by.



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OH wow Terry!! GRJ looks to be back stronger and better than ever :) Judging by this build maybe it wasn't such a bad thing that you took down the previous station. Looking forward to seeing more, great stuff !! 




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Thanks for the comment swifty and the 47 is a very nice model indeed and cannot wait to get it running.



Happy to help, 

looking forward to posting your youtube vids for you! :)

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