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A bit more has turned white.


Very kindly another gentleman attacked one end with the needle gun. First job was primer the steel, then the aluminium and for good measure though not photogtaphed the whole buffer beam was finished off in red oxide.


I also report that PWM 650 is leaving for Heritage Shunters Trust Rowsley? After a hefty shunt she is sat on the loading area. I think she is actually owned by Lincolnshire Life Museum and has been a longterm resident in the headshunt. Origionally built by Ruston and Hornsby Lincoln hence its tie into LWR. I think they have been a subject topic in another thread recently





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  • 1 month later...

Firstly I have finally finished the bedroom. My wife suggested it needed "minor sprucing up." My helpful eldest chipped in and wanted a nice easy wallpaper to hang!


I threw a major wobbly part way through and refused to do the tiling even though I had already done all the preparation and sub floor (24 square metres on floor, 1/2 way up walls and shower cubicle) but the rest is a joint effort with my wife.


Total horror show needing lining paper prior to the wallpaper and all the units taking apart and painting.


Back to more important things and almost beginning to see a wagon emerge. Did some painting and then got started on the axle box covers. Nice touch the brass 1/4 but doubt the date stamps are accurate in any way shape or form. On plus side the axle interiors lubricant is in reasonable nick.  


Sunday off to Nottingham and managed to drag wife and youngest away from shopping. Last passed by here on Nottingham marathon a few years ago. Top notch beer and food not to shabby either.








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  • 1 month later...

Apologies for lack of activity but wife now recovering from emergency appendectomy and pulled some extra shifts on-call covering our local Hospice


Fortunately we are now at the primer stage. There are some holes to fill but compared from the start its chalk and cheese!


In anticipation of the big shunt (Wissington arrives on hire 25/4/17 for the weekend steaming) she gets to see sunlight for the first time in ages.


Went around oiling axle boxes and yes that's water in the machinery wagon axle box which poured out when the bolts were loosened!


Welcome back!





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  • 2 weeks later...

Managed a few hours at LWR.


Wissington is the guest loco for a few weeks. I must concede I thought she was bigger, though I was told in passing quite an eager spirited performer.


Managed another axle box cover and started spot painting of the Grain Van.


Next up will be veranda repair on the SR brake van


Also made a start on finishing off numerous 7mm wagon kits in anticipation of starting my Xmas present of 1/200 HMS Nelson especially as now collected the appropriate detail sets. If mine looks 1/2 as good as this one I'll be chuffed to bits (yes this really is the 1/200 model and a bit of photo shopping, quick look at ModelWarships.com for some others from the same build set)






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Made a start on the SR Brake van. Nice bit of carpentry on the top rail with dowels to secure the verticals.


Dug out a bit of green oak that needs a hefty bit of whittling and fettling to be suitable. Downside is the bench

saw may not be powerful enough for the 7ft length. Mortise and tenon should be within my capabilities though.


Also big shunt planned over next few days as coaches are off on holiday to Leeds for wheel turning I gather.


Saturday PM spent making a start on a laminate floor. Punctuated by 1 hour "strike" due to wife arriving back from

town and announcing she wanted planking effect lengthwise not crosswise.


After many calls, visits to local flooring shops she agreed to let me continue.


Best laugh was 5pm Sunday arrives and announces (when finished) that crossways was definitely the right way to do









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Thanks and absolutely right.


A full time working GP to pay the mortgage, pay kids through University and support a wife. Also have very high maintenance dog to care

for too.


The rest is just "play time"


Rather fancy learning welding currently so if anyone local to me fancies teaching a "duffer?"


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Funny you say diamonds but we have some faux block flooring with edging and during the 1 hour "strike" she even mentioned this as an



She is blonde and I still love her though I do sometimes avoid trying to explain/rationalise some technical things as we appear to be in a different space time continuum?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Back from very nice holiday in Portugal, and sat at pub over looking a certain Mr Bannatynes wedding in the distance. Full dress kilt in 31 degree heat is a bit much for me, rather have a large Super Boc!


Anyway decided to fill some holes. There had been discussion on how to patch the damage; a) remove all the aluminium sheet and replace, bit dim after spending months stripping. b) rivet/screw aluminium strip over the worst c) bodge by hammering the worst, screwing loose edges tight into some reasonably solid wood behind and add a ton of filler.


Plan C won and will pass muster but never win prizes




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I love this thread it has everything from railways to work life and dramas at home to modelling lol, but seriously I like this this thread because you do such a fine job. If it's any consolation in restoring a Parkside Dundas LNER Wagon in 00 that I bought second hand... it's taking me almost as long as you on the real thing!

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  • 3 weeks later...

On balance a  good weekend marred only by the cutter belt failing on my Westwood sit on mower.


Firstly Xmas sometimes comes more than one a year.


I was given permission to commission 2 new angle strips for the doors and some deft welding by the carriage boys meant that by using the bits of the others we arrived at 4 usable sections. (2 fiddled and 2 new)


Thanks to East Coast Engineering Grimsby for the new metal pieces and the carriage boys who were in top form fettling the 2 new pieces while I bodged a repair on the roof.  


Sunday was early start for a quick 10k now that my daughter has roped me into doing the 1/2 marathon at Mablethorpe and I have no intention of being shown up by a 20 year old. Grass cutting by hand now the tractor was broken and then off to Cleethorpes with about 10 minutes spare for the flying display at the Forces Open Weekend.  


No expert on planes but pretty sure this is B17 Sally B which took part in the film Memphis Belle amongst others.








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  • 1 month later...

On the finishing stretch now.


Been busy at work but the coach boys helped out a bit and she is now a rather splendid gloss white.


My trivial effort today was touch up work on the black paint, primer some under frame bits and straighten up the brake pin.


Now heading for sign writing and a debut at the 40's weekend gala at end of the month.


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Underframe is rapidly disappearing under gloss black.


Last axle box cover cleaned and painted yellow.


Roof covered in bitumastic type stuff.


Posed the question in the forum; what size is the "Blue Spot" and is the shade of the other one at LWR correct?


Come in 12, 15 and 18 inch diameter from what I can see and 2 shades?


Also been asked to act a base for release of hedgehogs after a stay at a local rescue centre. Here is one of 6 that arrived at W/E, needless to say Monty is fascinated.   




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  • 3 weeks later...

She has finally escaped, regrettably before we've had a chance to do the sign writing.


It is planned though unsure if will be E87711 or E87872 as both numbers have appeared on her in the past.


On to the next projects already: LNER Grain Wagon at Ludborough for repaint into LNER Freight Grey and a change of tack on the modelling front with 1/350 scale HMS Roberts




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Nearly right chaps.


From L to R Powsides 1plank, Port Wynnstay GNSR Van (have a bit of a thing about these fellows, done in 4mm and 7mm with another 2 to do! Just a full size one to have a crack at?) and Parkside LNER 6plank.


The Grain wagon kit (3 again) is in the to do pile, which is enormous and needs rationalising i.e. all putting on e bay according to Sue. Not helped by a large box of Meccano that materialised recently.


Fortunately Garden Room is self contained for when I get sent off!

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  • 1 month later...

Rather busy with work and garden but managed a bit of playtime and have had some help from the carriage chaps



Grain wagon in for a sand down, spot repair and complete repaint into hopefully full LNER livery as per the image in Tatlow book


Felt a bit guilty as the SR brake van should be where the grain wagon is currently so as it was dry we got on with the veranda repair.




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  • 1 month later...

Frustratingly busy and was even recently spotted at the Worksop 1/2 marathon (I said was 100% retired but my daughter wanted me to train with her) 2h 8m for me with a stop to check on a "downed" runner and 2h 29m for my daughter. Overall a lovely scenic, but lumpy, route round Clumber Park.


Anyway back to the real world.


Sign writers have been busy


The SR Brake van veranda is a bit more presentable now. Should have been easy job, lift off top rail and slide T+G in, but no the dowels were swollen and had to be drilled out and top rail put up a stubborn resistance even after that due to swelling of the wood in the mortise joints.  







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The SR Brake van veranda is a bit more presentable now. Should have been easy job, lift off top rail and slide T+G in, but no the dowels were swollen and had to be drilled out and top rail put up a stubborn resistance even after that due to swelling of the wood in the mortise joints.

That's what restoration is all about. ;) The end results look good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very brief update as unfortunately other things taking precedence.


The sign writers are busying themselves and just the italics to finish on the other side too.  


Slapped some primer/undercoat on the veranda end and thinking about a kick board to cover the bottom join. Downside it will possibly block some drain holes and thus make things worse.  Also repainted the short footsteps that have seen increased use recently.


Next plan is the big shunt (I wont steal the coach boys thunder) into the shed and a re-floor job for the SR Brake van




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