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Is he rifling a handbag?

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It's a Zumba/Dance/ gentleman's relaxation establishment thing. The next thing that happens is one arches ones back while pushing one's forearms and fists forward together, while at the same time, ahem, 'shaking one's booty'. To use the vernacular.


I can only imagine that his trounsers and jacket are fastened with velcro round the back.


Normally the palms face forward, apparently.

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These have cheered me up, I need it, too. One piece of advice I now feel qualified to give to anyone is......


'Don't catch influenza AND the Winter Vomiting Norovirus at the same time........'





My wife knows how you feel, she has just recovered from the same, not fun.


Maybe this will help


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Based on the size of his head in comparison to his body, this must be an Arnie mechandising figure from the forthcoming 'Terminator' film.  Having materialised in a blinding flash of light at a railway station, this is a few moments after confronting a guard with the immortal lines, ”I need your clothes, your flag and your whistle".  :-)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,


We here think that he has been busy with that latest 4mm scale kit and he has just managed to stick his hands to his jacket with superglue. Therefore he is either:


A Looking for help.




B Looking to make sure nobody has seen him do it.


All the best,



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He's still a mystery after all the previous erudition!  Here is how he came out after painting and before and after weathering...







I've just called him 'Footplateman'


Thanks for all your suggestions, including the chuckles,



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just happened to be watching a video on youtube this evening and noticed 'yer man' leaning out of a signal box window - surveying the scene around him.  Video was of Spalding Model Railway Club's Exhibition 2012.  He appears about 7:12 just as the Hymek runs towards the box and comes to rest.


He looks quite natural in that position, but he could of course just be waiting for the next 'boom-tish' dance number to come on the radio . . . . . . . . .

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I just happened to be watching a video on youtube this evening and noticed 'yer man' leaning out of a signal box window - surveying the scene around him.  Video was of Spalding Model Railway Club's Exhibition 2012.  He appears about 7:12 just as the Hymek runs towards the box and comes to rest.


He looks quite natural in that position, but he could of course just be waiting for the next 'boom-tish' dance number to come on the radio . . . . . . . . .



Yes! Oh yes, thank you, for you I kill zee bull! Well done T'out.



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