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I spy no MI6 yet.


I've lost track of the publication frequency but MI5 was back in September shouldn't there have been anothe release by now.

I have read that an MI6 was in the January BRM published in December but when is it going to be published here where it started?


I'm a little suprised it appeared in print in the mag first was there a reason for this.


Best regards

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Thanks Andy


Maybe you have such a big desk too many things are getting put on it for you to attend to.  I think you should get a coffee table sized desk that may help.


I can see on the MI5 download page it says that it is to be a bi-monthly publications, when is it expected that will become established. 


MAKE PLANS - SET TARGETS - ACHIEVE GOALS only works if they are realistic.


Happily retired playing trains :sungum:



Re-reading my post I should also have added that I appreciate all the hard work you do and was trying to recognise that in a humorous way.



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  • 2 months later...

Looks like that WONDERFUL BI-MONTHLY free digital read MI has fallen by the wayside as it's some 7 months since the last one.

Shame really as it seemed to catch on and be enjoyed by many.

Maybe a small team needs to be set up to put the guts of it together with AY having the editor right to tweak before going live, that way both MI and AY can keep going..



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The great thing about MI was that it worked (I could actually download it) and the content was always very much in tune with RMWeb.


I can't help the feeling that it is seen to conflict with BRM electronic version (which I cannot see) certainly in terms of content and of course editorial time.


I find it difficult to believe that the moving deck chairs of Andy's time are split so clearly as they once were between maintaining RMWeb, producing MI and other BRM "work".


Thankfully RMWeb has been pretty stable for quite some time now - though we never see or hear about the behind scenes issues, the lack of major outages and software improvements, must have feed up some time? Or is that time being grabbed by BRM for ulterior projects.

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My answer above still stands and it's also fair to say that it's not been 7 months since the last MI as there was an issue in January BRM. More time lately has been invested in using the MI approach to imagery to illustrate layout articles within BRM where there's the opportunity to build more content and text around the time invested.


Yes, there have been other projects too http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/69638-brm-live-something-completely-different/


Stability (or even recent short outages) doesn't mean I haven't had anything to do with server involvement either. ;)

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It is, perhaps, all to easy to see such projects as something that BRM has to concern itself with. Is supplementary to the magazine and its readership only and has nothing to do with RMWeb - indeed is in direct competition with it - that's the way I see it. This also is seeing RMWeb and its diversion into MI much in the way it used to be - a separate entity.


For me BRM Live is nothing of interest - don't get me wrong - I wish it well but a subscription only electronic magazine is not the same thing as a "free" and open model railway forum with essentially free and unassociated (with BRM or any other magazine) content. For me there is a clear difference. Unfortunately BRM, understandably, see this differently and are prepared to milk RMweb in return for keeping it going.


I always believed, perhaps wrongly, that MI was to be published on RMWeb first and then to become a paper supplement to BRM in the following month(s), potentially with some extra content to justify the price. Producing MI primarily as a supplement to BRM is of course fine for BRM but removes access to that content from the probably vast majority of RMWeb members who do not place BRM in the top list of their purchases.


One easily can see where the next step leads us - paid subscription membership of BRM to access RMWeb .... It would not be the first as I see that many of the old fashioned newspaper web content is going pay-per-view.

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  It is, perhaps, all to easy to see such projects as something that BRM has to concern itself with. Is supplementary to the magazine and its readership only and has nothing to do with RMWeb - indeed is in direct competition with it - that's the way I see it. This also is seeing RMWeb and its diversion into MI much in the way it used to be - a separate entity.


For me BRM Live is nothing of interest - don't get me wrong - I wish it well but a subscription only electronic magazine is not the same thing as a "free" and open model railway forum with essentially free and unassociated (with BRM or any other magazine) content. For me there is a clear difference. Unfortunately BRM, understandably, see this differently and are prepared to milk RMweb in return for keeping it going.


I always believed, perhaps wrongly, that MI was to be published on RMWeb first and then to become a paper supplement to BRM in the following month(s), potentially with some extra content to justify the price. Producing MI primarily as a supplement to BRM is of course fine for BRM but removes access to that content from the probably vast majority of RMWeb members who do not place BRM in the top list of their purchases.


One easily can see where the next step leads us - paid subscription membership of BRM to access RMWeb .... It would not be the first as I see that many of the old fashioned newspaper web content is going pay-per-view.


Not for the first time in recent weeks I have to challenge where you come up with some of these damned ideas. But now you've said it I feel compelled to respond:


No discussions have ever taken place or intent in any form to make membership of RMweb chargeable.


MI online was a nice to have but it doesn't pay the bills to spend so much time on a project just for people to flick through and say "that's nice, what's next" so me, more than anyone else, questions the time versus reward so it comes down to when I have time available to do something, inevitably that time comes from some late nights photoshopping and setting out as there's more than enough to be done in a working day.


Therefore my original still stands.


 I wish it well but a subscription only electronic magazine is not the same thing as a "free" and open model railway forum with essentially free and unassociated (with BRM or any other magazine) content. For me there is a clear difference. Unfortunately BRM, understandably, see this differently and are prepared to milk RMweb in return for keeping it going.


Of course it isn't the same; one's much more advanced than the other and has a lot more content. No-one's milking RMweb, yes there is more advertising placed on site which contributes towards the costs and some RMweb members have been invited to be contributors to the magazine but I don't see that as milking anything.


Responding to wholly inaccurate assumptions does take some of my time though.



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No discussions have ever taken place or intent in any form to make membership of RMweb chargeable.


I never said they HAD. just that I could see it as a logical future step as financing RMWeb has to will inevitably be re-examined by BRM. At the moment there seems to be an altogether altruistic intent but reality may well change that.


It appears then that MI has been condemned to the "nice to have but probably will not reappear again pile", certainly in the original intended format of bi-monthly? It has been replaced by BRM live that is a totally separate entity from RMWeb. Again, inviting RMWeb members to contribute to BRM-live is not a surprise, and without those same members first contributing on RMWeb those invites would have been unlikely. RMWeb is being used to talent spot, which is not a problem, just in the way that it is seen to exist.

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I'm sorry, but a certain Member's comments on here seem to me to be nothing more than a 'Dig' at BRM/Warners Group.


Andy York has quite clearly stated that he does not have the time due to work commitments, to produce another issue of MI at the present and that should have been the end of the matter.


Fortunately, I do not have to go to work anymore but to expect Andy to stay up late after a days work, ignoring his family and friends and also lose relaxation time to produce a feature-packed digital magazine for a few people is, in my opinion, completely unreasonable. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Hear hear Brian,


This is supposed to be an enjoyable pastime and of late it just seems full to moaning for the sake of moaning. As I put in a previous post on another thread things like this are not life or death situations. If you don't like something either be productive and help, or fall on 'ones' sword and leave.





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Please explain this posting for those of us of lesser intellect.


I was simply responding to Kenton's last point, where he appears to have a concern over the process of talent spotting, whereas I regard talent spotting as an entirely natural order of things.


For the avoidance of doubt, I have no strong views on the existence of MI one way or the other - it's Andy's call. I do however feel that Kenton's initial line of query was valid, in the context of accountability, to which Andy has now responded.

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I'm sorry, but a certain Member's comments on here seem to me to be nothing more than a 'Dig' at BRM/Warners Group.


Andy York has quite clearly stated that he does not have the time due to work commitments, to produce another issue of MI at the present and that should have been the end of the matter.


Fortunately, I do not have to go to work anymore but to expect Andy to stay up late after a days work, ignoring his family and friends and also lose relaxation time to produce a feature-packed digital magazine for a few people is, in my opinion, completely unreasonable. 

I'm guessing you are referring to a "certain member" as being me.


There is a lot of history to RMWeb that seems to have been lost in your response.


RMWeb survived and grew because of Andy's devotion, talent and dedication. For that he had a great deal of support from the RMWeb membership.


The site grew well beyond the financial capabilities and time of a single individual to reasonably manage and for very understandable reasons was sold out to BRM/Warners. I don't have any issue with that it could have been any commercial enterprise. But we are all in cloud-cuckoo-land if we believe that long term BRM/Warners do not want to see a return on their investment. In the real world that doesn't happen.


MI was another brain-child of Andy which generally received very positive support in the RMWeb membership. The original idea was perhaps very ambitious (and it was intended to be bi-monthly and nothing to do with BRM) At the time that set it apart from all other magazines in the UK as being unassociated with the mainline publishers and set apart by its purist contribution from RMWeb membership. For BRM it is obvious it could become something of an asset and competition and worth developing as their own.


I don't have any particular issue with BRM. I do not subscribe to it but I do purchase the odd issue. I consider it to be middle of the road in the modelrailway magazine stakes. That, is probably not at odds with the majority of the RMWeb membership.


Andy's role has changed slightly, he is now an employee of BRM. What used to take up most of his time as a hobby is no longer the case. RMWeb now occupies the time remaining after his commitments to BRM on whatever project they determine (one part of which remains RMWeb). We do not know the distribution of that time - nor should we - but we have to face it that it is going to be much reduced from what it used to be.


I think all that the OP was looking for was clarity on the continued existence of MI. To me it is very clear, now, that BRM do not want Andy to continue with it in their time but to focus on their commercial version. That leaves Andy with only his spare "non-BRM" time to spend on it. It is unreasonable for us to expect MI to continue as such and it will therefore be allowed to expire. Even if no pressure is placed on Andy to do so it seems only natural for BRM to welcome the outcome of removing the principle competition from within.

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To me it is very clear, now, that BRM do not want Andy to continue with it in their time but to focus on their commercial version. That leaves Andy with only his spare "non-BRM" time to spend on it. It is unreasonable for us to expect MI to continue as such and it will therefore be allowed to expire. Even if no pressure is placed on Andy to do so it seems only natural for BRM to welcome the outcome of removing the principle competition from within.



Sorry; that's not correct as they'd be quite happy with me working on MI material at any time of day but the reality is that there's normally some time-bound deadline that takes a self-disciplined priority. There's no question whatsoever about removing internal competition; it's all part of the broader mix of stuff we work on.


What shouldn't be underestimated given the continuing increased size and usage of the site is the volume of "lost this/broke this/can't find this/he said this/where's this/have you seen this/is this right/what's happening with this/did you find out anything about this/can I do this/can you do this/what's this" that takes place in and out of conventional working hours.

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It is good to hear that. But it is unreasonable for us to expect MI to continue as it was intended. I do accept that - for whatever reason. Perhaps your time is better used elsewhere.


What shouldn't be underestimated given the continuing increased size and usage of the site is the volume of "lost this/broke this/can't find this/he said this/where's this/have you seen this/is this right/what's happening with this/did you find out anything about this/can I do this/can you do this/what's this" that takes place in and out of conventional working hours.

I think we never appreciate this - possibly because we never see it or the reasons/cause of it.


There are a number of points on that list that I recognise simply happen but could perhaps be automated out and others that could be educated out. By which I mean if they were fielded on the forum the wider (and perhaps more experienced membership) could field. The membership really should not be consuming your time with things that are obvious search issues. The role of the Mods is surely to deal with the "have you seen this" and day-day moved/ill placed topics. I'm sorry if it sounds wrong but I'll say it anyway (as you'd expect from me) but I think your "out of conventional working hours" should be spent enjoying the hobby, contributing to topics as Andy and not as Admin, and in life outside all that. When in Warners hours you do what they pay you to do. If that is simply answering those admin questions, so be it, but I'd like to think they are employing you to vision the future of RMWeb and to continue improving it. If those are consuming your time beyond employment then they need to take full responsibility for that and perhaps employ another person to work with you to minimise the mundane.

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  • RMweb Premium

Me I am happy Andy got a job that let him keep RMweb going. From the first MI my worry was that he would be offered work in magazines that included the demise of RMweb in the conditions of employment.

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It seems reasonable to me that all things RM & BRM can't go on expanding, despite the desire to do so, without some more Indians to help out.


I notice the E-letter that has recently been released seems to be treading very near the MI footprint too and the promo for that list the bi-MI as the #1 reason to enlist to it.

I do think for sanity of the editors some rationalisation of all the RM & BRM titles need to be done, which blend into which I don't know but MI is to me a very strong title.  2 words yet they say it all.


I understand the work pressures that exist, luckily I'm retired from that game now, although SWMBO still finds a list of things for me to tackle.  It's just seems  not to be addressing reality by keep leaving all references to MI as a bi-monthly digital read.  Far better to say it will incorporate say Live TV &/or the E-letter thus reducing the title count but keeping all the quality and freeing up some AY time....... maybe..


There's an answer there somewhere I'm sure but to just run on in the expectation the work load will get less and some time will appear to make MI bi-monthly again is unreal.


This is by far the best site for information, knowledge, fun and all presented in a modeller friendly way whatever rail scale, period or location is modelled.

Keep up the great work. 



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Andy Y is simply a victim of his own success and that is it and there are no elephants under the bed ( maybe a few unfinished articles and kits there though :jester: )




I agree totally, although as I am a relatively new recruit to RMweb I can only imagine and appreciate the work that has gone into getting it where it is today. 


Given that Andy now (thankly) has a full time job it is understandable that he doesn't have the time to dedicate to MI. But perhaps if 'certain members' (and that might well be plural!) would like to step up to the oche and take over the role...???

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Guest stuartp

 perhaps if 'certain members' (and that might well be plural!) would like to step up to the oche and take over the role...???


You mean the ones who provided the content which helped get the forum to where it is today ? I think Kenton has contributed his fair share of that.

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He certainly has :D

and we established over a year ago that BRM couldn't afford to match my fees :D :D


It is not just the volume of content that keeps RMWeb such a lively place and it is not just that content provided by experts to guide us all, what has always kept RMWeb alive since the early days is its diverse membership and the more often than not delicate touch of Andy's admin team. Every member open to contribute in any discussion whether it is serious or humorous, whether it is a "I like that" first post or a brief answer to someone's problem, and long may it continue that way, no matter who is at the helm or paying the bill. Despite everything seen to the contrary I'm still a loyal fan.

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For what it's worth, I always found MI to be excellent both as a source of inspiration and as a showpiece for RMWeb.


I hope it makes a return, but obviously Andy knows what is needed where and we have to respect that. Perhaps somebody would be able to step into Andys shoes and help out with MI? I only wish I had the time/knowledge/skills required to offer something of value.



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