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Metropolitan (Chesham set), + Other projects Coaches, in OO

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sounds good, would be nice if there was a set of 28mm wheel base ones, sadly ran out of luck on that front I have secured some RTR bogies, but I have a few people asking if the ones I get printed are successful.. they want a set... problem is finding a sustainable source of 28mm bogies, which should be fun.

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  • RMweb Gold

The bogies that Metromodels sell for upgrading efe tube stock are either 27 or 27.5mm wheelbase.  They have very small wheels but are very free running.  If you don't mind hiding these behind cosmetic bogie sides they might well do the trick.  I hadn't realised they're now £7 each (ie £14 per coach) - last time I bought a load they were 4 quid!

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Why not add the bogie side frames to your 3d printing project?


Very good looking progress so far by the way...I can only use dtp, templot software wise. Think I need to have a go at using some there are some very interesting projects shaping up...



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Hello Ian...

As mentioned its a bit beyond me, designing bogies... can just about manage the coach bodies taken 4 months to get to this point... As much as I would love to design my own bogies and produce them to go with the coaches... Ive had a shot but yeah hasn't work so far.. I'm limited what I can do, prefer a pencil and paper for desiging things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, Time for a small update, Been very quiet on these for a while as Ive been working on other things.

Ive mostly sorted the coach bodies, and all 4 are complete, with some small details to be added or changed,
The underframe / chassis, I've been a bit undecided on, whether to do the design for all the fittings and battery boxes or leave them off and put castings on the underside adding weight to the coach. After looking at a Hornby coach and seeing where they have fitted their weight, Ive followed the same route, allowing around 4x, 5g wheel weights, which will fit in a recess in the middle of the chassis.

 I think it will be enough, not knowing the weight of the coach overall yet, I can always change these weights later on.

So I have decided to design all the underframe on 3D, which thanks to a few people i know, for taking photos and sending other plans ect... to help Ive managed to make most of the parts which make up the underframe.

Apart from the bogies, which I am still struggling on, and trying to seek some assistance, or someone to do a bogie, as the 3 i have made.. are not worth showing.

anyway some screen snaps:









And a snap shot of a test fit to the all 3rd Coach body.

After a month of trying to design a bogie and the roof vents, I think I'm going to need some help... As I am limited to sketch up as I do not understand how the other programs work. Anyone willing / wanting to team up and help, let me know.

Edited by Bluebell Model Railway
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Thought I would share these latest images, of the bogies, that have been drawn up over the last few nights.

I believe there are still problems with these at the moment, around the axle boxes, and curved surfaces, which I will h

ave to seek some sort of help on, as mentioned I have no idea what I am doing... So any help or assistance, or checking if these models are ok, I would be extremely grateful.


I have made 2 types of bogies, 1 with a NEM pocket... hopefully at the right height, these are for the end coaches to attach to the loco.
The other has no NEM pocket these are for the center coaches, which I hope will be linked via a type of draw bar arrangement.

Brake blocks to be added...

Ive also modified the underframe. For the bogies in terms of the floor thickness, as the Size of the mock up wheel was going through the floor.







Drawn on Google Sketchup.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well after the last update, I was always going to struggle as it got a bit more technical, and went beyond my knowledge so I've not got any further.
So I've put the whole project off, and uploaded it to storage, hoping to try and redo what was originally intended when the project was started beginning of this year, with me not designing anything probably the safe option, of me just getting info and images... and checking the models over....



Edited by Bluebell Model Railway
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  • 2 months later...

I have made small progress... all though not much, and always the same result, same problems.
Been much helped by Tawe TMD or New_Expensive_Teeth whos been building his Rigid 8 Met coaches, who has been working with me on the Ashbury set / Chesham set, I have managed to get the chassis done, and bogies.... sadly the bodies have always had the same problems, even re-drawing them which I hoped may of solved some of the problems in fact made more problems, so until my self and Tawe TMD can figure out what exactly is the problem, all I got is a chassis which is printable and some nice pictures... so enjoy the pictures...









Until next time, which I have no idea when that will be... when ever it can be worked out... sadly not much to show for it yet...  8 months and counting...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Received the first few prints of the coach beginning of this week.



From first impressions, the bogie which accidently was printed by shapeways due to wall thickness issues, which is being redeveloped, and toughened up a bit, but generally it runs fine, wheels fit, which are the 14.1mm standard type you find on most Hornby coaches (R8234). Details have come out ok, but hopefully in the next few weeks I will print the other NEM style bogie.




The coach body, printed in Frosted detail, I was unsure of how this would come out, but it wasn't too bad, a few things need adjusting and changing, which have been started, sadly there seems to of been a print issue, one side and one end have come out, ok and are quite clean prints, the other side and end are rather distorted, Shapeways are currently looking in to the problem, and will know in a few days what has happened in the print process, but generally from what came out ok, I am pretty happy and results are encouraging.




The chassis, had always looked like the best one to come out ok, and it has, I test printed this in White strong and flexible, as money was getting a bit tight when ordering this lot, but I'm quite happy with the chassis, everything came out ok and is usable as it stands, I have only made a small number of changes, around the coupling for the other coach, as they will be linked by drawbars.
Shapeways are going to re-print the body after finding the issue causing the distortion was there fault. So will get another in a week or 2's time.
I have made changes to the model for another print but due to money and concerns if its correct and will print ok, I will have to wait till it can be looked at by someone who knows what they are doing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Following on from feedback from people interested in the project I have made some small detailed changes.


- Compartment walls:
Each wall has been altered with a gap made at the top in the middle, this has been done to allow people who like or wish to add lightling to their coaches, the ability to do so if wished.


- Detail:
The mouldings have been pulled out a bit more, from 0.17mm to 0.23mm, door hinges have been added with the groove around the doors made a bit deeper to make it a bit more visible.
Also added, are small drill hole locators for handrails ect... which should make it a bit easier.




- Seating:
Seating has now been removed. This has been done to reduce cost of the body, and also to aid painting and populating with figures. This option also allows printing in a cheaper material, there for making the coach cheaper to purchase.


Very small detail changes, making the ballast hold slightly deeper, and areas slightly thicker. This model is now being looked at, to be printed in White strong and flexible but also to enable it to be polished, as the prototype print was quite rough, so this is reason we are looking at it.



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Been communicating with Shapeways about more issues with a reprint as the 1st was faulty, and now the second which was a reprint hasn't printed to what was expected either.
So any progress has been delayed, I was going to look at getting them printed else where, but either the tolerances on materials are not the same so major changes would be needed, or the price is too high, or the finish not being ideal, so slightly stumped at the moment.

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If this is any help to you.

I have been looking into this new 3D printing company who are local(to me) and seem good for model railways. I have had to download a plugin to export the sketchup files into the format they wanted and I was recommended a free bit of software to correct errors in models by them too. Also they say they will reduce costs if you print more models so it could be good for printing bogies and save money. I have not printed anything with them yet but it may be of interest(I have no connection to them apart from as a potential customer).


Message me if you want anymore details.


Edited by OliverSR
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Hello Oliver,

That is Chris Ward of Practical plastics, who has previously posted on this forum, I have had 2 things printed with him so far, his quality is very high, but Matt may need to thicken parts of his print to over 0.7mm if he wants it to work on Chris's machine. What he (Chris Ward) has suggested for a coach I am printing is to split the model into the 4 sides instead of a complete shell to allow it to be made (much) more economically so may be worth considering. I will hopefully have a test print soon so can send you any information about how it turns out.

Hope this is of use,


Wild Boar Fell

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Hi guys, thanks for the replies may have a look in to him, walls I have are 0.84mm thick so might be ok, might be a pig to split it up but I will shoot an email off in the morning as well as some images of my problems see if he can do any better, as I had hoped to get one or 2 of these ready by October to display but... I have to say it may look a bit problematic to get one or even 2 complete, but I appreciate the info and guidance there and will let you know how I get on if at all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have attempted another print which I received yesterday, sadly more problems have arisen, despite not touching various bits on one of the models... The bogies and roof vents are ok though so have made those available, on via Shapeways.
The coach body still having problems with the sides, and one end, which are coming out very rough, I expected some printing lines on the rounded surfaces, but these are all down the sides, very serrated rough print lines... so I'm lost on that.... until a solution is found. I don't see any more progress on this one sadly.DSC02937_zps8f2a8a95.jpg



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I have attempted another print which I received yesterday, sadly more problems have arisen, despite not touching various bits on one of the models... The bogies and roof vents are ok though so have made those available, on via Shapeways.

The coach body still having problems with the sides, and one end, which are coming out very rough, I expected some printing lines on the rounded surfaces, but these are all down the sides, very serrated rough print lines... so I'm lost on that.... until a solution is found. I don't see any more progress on this one sadly.




Have you considered trying going the old North American Resin kit style of being a flat kit with four walls that you have to assemble to create the body?  If the issue is print lines from the 3D printer, re-orienting all four sides as separate pieces to be flat would potentially allow for them to be printed flat on the bed and hide the print lines from each level,  it wouldn't help with the lines on the curved roof, but sanding a curved and smooth roof is a lot easier than a coach side with details on them.

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Yes indeed I have looked in to it, but would make it extremely weak when assembled, originally I had no print lines on the body shell, a second test print / reprint came back with the issue. I have 2 sizes with pretty bad print lines or what ever it maybe, a roof which is perfectly fine. sadly I have run out of money for the project so cannot continue.

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I tried the flat approach in FUD for one of the Met rigid 8's I was doing. The surface finish was better but it was near impossible to assemble and promptly warped all over the place. The one part shell on the other hand was a bit rougher than I'd like (because it unavoidably needs supporting material) but stuffed over the WSF interior/chassis block stayed the right shape.


If you want to avoid most roughness you've probably got to do the sides in another material (eg brass) or design very carefully to have no overhanging bits.

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  • 5 months later...

It's been a while.... but much has happened.
Originally I side lined the project, mainly through lack of knowledge on the 3D Cad side, despite the year long research on them gathering drawings, measurements ect...
I contacted someone from RM web, who I had been watching as he had started doing Metropolitan rolling stock / coaches in N-gauge, so we had a chat reached an agreement that he could use them for N-gauge, and we can combine his skill and the research that I have.
So 5 months later, I have 1 complete coach, all the body shells have been worked on tweaked, changed, various design changes, input from public everything taken in to account, and I think we have something that looks like the prototype.
Many Thanks to Stephen, and many thanks to Shapeways for putting up with my endless questions, especially through the many problems due to it's orientation and placement in the tray... but hopefully all sorted.
The coaches have been completely redesigned from scratch for the change of material inspiration taken from another topic on here by Ben Racey, certainly has improved things, not only in terms of getting a print with no problems but also halving the cost.. which is always nice.




So that's all the body models, Brake 3rd, 2x Composites, and an all 3rd.

When printed with all the other parts, 2x bogies, roof vents, chassis and seating that slots in between the partitions, which have been fine tuned on every test print, and now slot easily in to the partition. Also worth mentioning I decided to ask for a hole in the top of the partition to allow if anyone wants to, to allow for lighting to be installed.




When printed out should have something arrive that looks like this:


And when painted, windows and seats installed, it should look something like this... although this is the all 3rd not the brake...


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  • 2 weeks later...

One has now become 2, I received the last print of the Brake 3rd which has now been finished and test run with the other, they both had 3 hours non stop running with no problems so I call that a pass.... and a step closer to making them available.
I also half finished another 3D print project, my GN Saloon... which is slowly getting towards being complete.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Hi there, I've just read your thread, and the coaches look great. I'm about to embark on a journey you've already taken, so it's been interesting reading about your setbacks and successes. Your finished coaches really look the business.

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