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Examples of my weathering...


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David you have made me feel guilty now !


Brilliant idea of yours


Good progress on the KFAs.

Wheels treated

Detail parts fitted (fiddly). Fitted vac pipes to all and will the cut down

Airbrush of underframe dirt and roof dirt this afternoon, white spirit to some of the printed detail etc.

May get the buffers greased tonight.


Then wait for the containers (August)


Will put some rusting / streaking / scratching on the decks to the KFAs and maybe some rust around the locating points.


















And now ? An ice cold beer to drink, and some fresh air to breathe (I must have looked like Darth Vadar in the garden this afternoon with my respirator on... Heaven knows what the neighbours think is going on).


Off to York tomorrow for a train trip / NRM / spotting and the latest Pixar movie...

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Hi Bob.


(Thanks for the likes etc chaps)


Thinking white & orange (yellow ?) for the GMC. That's the initial thought.


The transfers appear minimal - probably just get away with the number and a few OHL stickers ?


Blue easier to do but have the board on the side (easy to do in plastic sheeting I guess)


Some more research required I think....

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Thanks for the absolution David.


Jamie - it was a conscious effort this time to improve technique - not just lash it with paint !


That said, the prototype wagons look very very dirty. So, I've used artistic licence and a "minds eye approach"


Doing all this in the garden at ground level now doesn't help of course (garden table broken after several years of punishment by the weather ...and weathering..


What I really need is a dedicated modelling area with suitable extract etc...



The smudge - thank you. Really appreciate the comments etc, it does add to the enthusiasm here and keeps me working on new stuff. Can't wait for some SPA wagons.... Saw a load at York today passing by in a real state.... Excellent inspiration.

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I'm just starting to weather my stock, i have never done it before, so it is a fun learning curve, your wagons are really great and the tips and hints you give will be really useful. Yesterday I weathered some seacows, now, because of this thread I can go back and enhance them further.

Cheers, Tom

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That's excellent news Tom.


I'm no expert, but if you need any help let me know.


I guess the things that tipped me over the edge were:


A. Realisation that you can do it yourself

B. Disappointment with buys - wheels not done for example

C. Rmweb for having alot of useful stuff on it / people prepared to contribute

D. Getting over the stage of "I can't touch that pristine model I've just paid money for..."

E. Realising that pristine models are missing one major thing - realism ! They need some attention - even just wheels (shiny ones REALLY annoy me). They never look like that even when just out of the works !


Either way, I enjoy it.

Don't see me ever building kits or doing some of the amazing work on here (you know who you are you lucky people) but who knows !

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My 3d printed binliner containers have arrived !!!


Now comes the tricky bit.....painting them.


Then comes the fun bit....weathering them....


Will let you know how I get on over the weekend.

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Plan is to have a couple of wagons without containers so I can see my lovely scraping and scratching on the decks (which I've yet to do..)

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They look great, 3D printing is really going to change this hobby, but its combination with long learned skills such as your weathering, is going to raise the standards of what can be achieved. Thanks for the photos, the next stage is going to be great to see.



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Thanks for the comments as always.


I'd wanted to get on with priming the containers today but "modellers block" has taken hold.


Reluctant to touch and potentially mess up, plus it's been windy so spraying would likely result in zero primer on the model!


Anyways.... I have researched which ones I'm going to try to model. So I've selected 24 containers - 4 of which are all over yellow, the rest are white & yellow. Got prototypical photos of all 24 and they all differ in condition which is good (a couple have graffiti).


The fitting of a flashing tail lamp looks a doddle as luckily they are hollow so I can fit the circuit board & battery up inside.


So, research done, its time to bite the bullet....


To add to my list of poor excuses I've had little spare time, running, carpet shampoo, lawn and of course F1. Chuffed for Lewis.


All I've done modelling wise is 16 discs to wheels.... Poor show !!

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We all have times like that, no point ruining things when you are not in the mood to concentrate, and sometimes things (usually beer I tend to find, but can understand F1 and lawns too) just need their time too. Hope you feel relaxed and had a good weekend.


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Well, I've been thinking about priming.... Needed some sort of apparatus !


So, here you go, fresh from the local Swedish furniture shop - the "plop":


Quality, I think you'll agree.....




Now, I see some head scratchers out there.....




So, I guess I've got to try this masterpiece now....



Edit - forgot to say that it moves ! One of those lazy things. Susan ?

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Update. 12 of the 24 containers primed now - easily thanks to the lazy Susan.


I'd been meaning to do the lazy Susan idea for a while now, useful as it spins and you can always make different width holders / remove holders. I mean..... It's a world beater ! (I'm joking by the way)


I'll likely use it again for the painting of the yellow ends - single container at a time though as I'll need to mask off.


I should have the primer finished by the end of the week, be great to get some yellow on at east one container over the weekend. I imagine several light coats will be required.


Enjoying this one, like all the other projects !

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I'd been meaning to do the lazy Susan idea for a while now, useful as it spins and you can always make different width holders / remove holders. I mean..... It's a world beater ! (I'm joking by the way)


Thought about Dragons Den Nick? ;)
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Lol !

Er....ashamed to say not yet!.....I've just started building a new diorama but the PCA's are moving up the list albeit slowly. After a bit of research I've decided on using Rail Grey from Railmatch as the Humbrol colours I tried didnt quite make the grade.


Great to see Lewis win on Sunday wasn't it?

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A big cheers RS4 for this tread just what I`ve been looking for in weathering inspiration, from the light everyday to the heavy dirty who cares if it does the job ideals. Having been in the UK & International haulage industry for 20+ years working along side rail networks. Your weathering excels in how companies treat their rolling stock just like haulage does. Either who cares if its dirty it`s doing it`s job to the must be clean because it is a company statement of clean professionalism etc. I shall be following your thread with great interest for my future weathering exploits (gulp). Keep up the amazing work.

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Hi Tase


Well, with all the doom & gloom predicted about their car I wasn't hopeful. Then it slowly started to dawn on me.... Then there were 20 laps to go and I'm edging nearer the edge of my seat.... The last 6 laps I almost couldn't watch (especially when Nicos car expired). Chuffed. He is a real racer, very fast and hasn't had luck championship wise, he should have 2 or 3 titles under his belt all things being equal. Off to Spa for the next race.... Can't wait to hear the F1 thunder and the way it bellows through your body.


I was gonna send you and Ess1 a seacow and get you to follow my rubbish techniques by the way - fancy it ? Virtual weathering !


Yorkie Pudd - very kind, I'm really only playing at this, but hopefully learning along the way ! Be great to have more time to do it though.... But then the job does (currently) pay for the insanity !



So, 4 containers to go, they'll be done about 645 tomorrow morning, rain permitting ! I have larfed is week, shaking the spray can up in the garden at that time each morning and then the "pssssst" of the spray.... Neighbours must be wondering who's "strikin' up the spray can" on their fence !


Happy modelling... Nick

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