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"Anything You Can do, I Can Do Better ! Robinson and Downes.

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Excellent work as usual Allan. Particularly like the window boxes and planters and the grass growing in the paving, the grain and colour of the timber in the sea wall, the colour and shape of the steps, ....

Cheers John

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I love it!  Started this today he says, and he's done more in a day than most humans can manage in a fortnight!    :banghead:


Is he really just another regeneration of the Doctor?  Does he time-hop in the Tardis back to get the original plans, and then linger on Gallifrey until he's completed the model?  :paint:


We should be told!  :dontknow:

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I love it!  Started this today he says, and he's done more in a day than most humans can manage in a fortnight!    :banghead:


Is he really just another regeneration of the Doctor?  Does he time-hop in the Tardis back to get the original plans, and then linger on Gallifrey until he's completed the model?  :paint:


We should be told!  :dontknow:

I was just thinking that - he puts a whole glazed shell of a building in the time it takes me to make a single window!

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Allan seems to build a village in a day! This model is based on the station building at Cressing in Essex and it has taken me since September to get this far. Built from Slaters and Wills parts, I hope to build the canopy and finish it early in the new year.



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It was asked on Your Model Railway Club forum - "What made you interested in model railways ?" and being a member I responded with this, the second post of two. 


Thought you might like it.


" "The Wren 2-8-0 and chewed trouser bottoms continued.

Not too long after the purchase of the Wren 2-8-0 and running out of plasticene in particular, I discovered something else that came with all accessories included and moved under it's own steam - girls !- so the former was swiftly abandoned for the latter after discovering that they had more interesting parts than I had and it was this biological arrangement that deviated from what I thought for 16 years was standard issuel across the genders that suggested if I wished to investigate further I should marry one which I did and much to the delight of my mother though not nescessarily to the delight of hers.

However, before that World changing event and the everlasting regret on her part, some of my relations and all of hers, this semi- lecherous fascination with legs that were better than mine and parts that nobody up till then had tried to explain what they were for and what I was supposed to do with them for many years were updated yearly as each new model became available. Some were an improvement on the earlier model, most were just last years model recycled - then, as I said, I married one, played at being a husband for a while then went fishing thus leaving my wife an angler's widow but who was deleriously happy with this God approved arrangement and willingly embraced her new found life when she discovered that it didn't include a full time husband, smelly socks and tobacco stains - well in slight moderation anyway.

One frosty morning however, iced into the bank of a large flooded gravel pit, a massive pike leapt out of the water, the only Pike I had ever seen in three years, in fact the only pike I had ever seen period, beached itself then bit me when I went to stroke it. Well of all the gratitude I thought after feeding it's entire species for nothing with only the best maggots and the left overs from the sunday joint a fine example of the wifes cooking that probably had something to do with not catching as much as even one tiddler in three years in fact it had everything to do with not catching as much as one tiddler in three years.

So, at this insult to my generosity, I packed up my gear, wrapped Henry up in cling film ( my faithful and unscathed worm that I was so fond of after three years of submerging him into every pond, lake and river North of the Watford gap and just as many South of it where I could be seen frantically throwing rocks at any fish that even approached him with evil intent ) then went home early.

"Oh dear " exclaimed an obviously disappointed wife "You're home early, did you actually catch a fish ?"

"Not actually catch in the strictest sense of the word, or even in the remotest sense of it come to that, but actually saw what a fish looked like - then it bit me "

"Ah well" she replied in fake sympathy and a hint of pleasure disguised as a frown "Never mind, we'll kiss it better then you can build your son a model railway, here's a book telling you how and there's a spare pig stye out side"

"A son ? " I asked as I tried to look delerious with excitement  and appear as a mine of intelligence in equal measure  but failed miserably on both counts "How and what's one of them and where did you get it from ?"

"Well it wasn't the milkman even though I wished it was at times - well all the time actually - which leaves you as the most likely candidate and the least likely choice " as she handed me a copy of the Railway modeller, directed me to the pig stye as she thrust a copy of Triang's catologue in my back packet along with a bag of nails, a saw and Cyril Freezers Plans for Layouts In Strange Places and, gentlemen, the rest is history." "


All perfectly true !




Edited by allan downes
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Bin a bit slow lately what with clambering about in the loft looking for boxes of wifey's christmas decorations that are kept in the garage. Straightening out bent drawing pins only to bend them again. Absolutely refusing to wear the Father Christmas rig again just to frighten the grand kids and send the wife into hysterics. Telling ignorant foreigners to PO in Morrisons and join ther queue. Getting beat up by ignorant foreigner for telling them to join the queues. Getting really pissed of with the whole idea of Christmas altogether so built these instead.



Allan, and hope you have a better christmas than me !







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Words fail me with how good the modelling is in this thread ,well done to you both




Thanks Brian, but has anybody seen the other half of both?


Come out Robinson wherever you are and face me like a man  !




Allan, and missing a good mate...sniff, boo, blub.

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I've had word from the greatest modeller who ever set foot on RMweb, the great man himself, Iain C Robinson, that he'll be putting up some new stuff later.


So, once again, Robinson masterpieces on the way folks. Yay !




Allan, and a very merry Christmas to you all.





(ouch )

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Watching Miss Marple (Joan Hickson version) this week, the most often heard comment from both SWMBO and myself was "Allan Downes built that village".


(Yes even our Gert has been an Allan fan since the early 1980s todeller articles - she even bought me a can of Colron for my birthday one year ...)

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