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Arboretum Valley - Invasion of the Daleks


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I just noticed. We went through the 100,000 barrier.(edit=Views) WHO RA!!!!



                                                                      :dancer:  :danced:   :yahoo:  :danced:  :yahoo:  :danced:  :dancer:




 THANK YOU VERY MUCH to anyone who has viewed posted or rated  :sungum:

Edited by Jaz
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I think it's a Model E V which would date it to 1919-1924.  Looking at the original Langley casting I thought there was a pillion on the rear mudguard which made me think of the old Army BSAs.  That one came up in a search for BSA bikes & it was the shape of the fuel tank which made me think they were alike.


What's the 100,000? Views?  Congratulations whatever...

Edited by C&WR
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I think there is a marked similarity. I agreed the tank is long and thin. I'll use the search perimeters see if it helps get something close to the red one. 

Thanks for looking.

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Very nice    ...........................................     eerrr   ...................................................              ..............................................   ...........................................   aah  ....   Tunnel Mouths Jaz  ...     :derisive:

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Last time I looked at the scratch build police house I had got this far.....



Today I took the left sheet and started on two more...tamiya paints and a paint brush


wooden deck tan XF-78


some brown...flat earth XF-52



and some light sea grey XF-25 (it wasn't this colour before ...but I can't work out which one)

abd we have two more sheets



These need to dry.

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  • RMweb Premium

Yes yes it does it even had the black thing above the engine.Excellent reference thank you.Do you know what era it is?


Errrm - the black thing above the engine is the engine. The silver bit below the engine is the gearbox........

It's a mechanical  man thing.... :jester:



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Mechanics have never been my thing. Kal looks after that side of things...I had been going to say the black thing looks like a coiled springs....what is that bit anyway? ? ? :boast:


Kal fixes cars, motorbikes )inc sorting a loom change on a car, and on repairing one on a motorbike....he does ride on lawnmowers,(when the mood takes him) especially hydraulic leaks. He fixes washing machines and dishwashers. Computers.(Hardware and some software especially in the good old days of DOS) (well when we had PCs...he does not touch the apple IMacs)the odd phone.


Electrics,mechanics,one electronics... etc he does all that......except toasters for some strange reason....they are his bets noir.........those he pulls to bits....scratchs his head....then says ......not worth the trouble ....buy a new one.


He will attack, house electrics inc 3 light switches (shudders), plumbing, and carpentry. (I do plastering minor repairs and PAINTING).Years ago he drove our car over 200 miles without the clutch cable...changing gear when the speed allowed him to (might make sense to you). And one time on the motorway he pulled up on his Honda where we had been in the fast line 'giving it welly' he pulled up sharply across 3 lanes of traffic coming to a very sudden halt on the hard shoulder...I had ridden up his back and almost gone over the top of him (well OK not really BUT it felt like it!!!) I got off ranting what was that about I almost dismounted...and he calmly said the speedometer went blank (or some such words). And I'm like SO SO SO XXXXX WHAT....and he calmly repeated himself...and he shows me this cable thats just wiggling around....and then he says....if it had caught in the wheel  we would have stopped a LOT quicker. So he proceeds to safeguard said loose cable, the new calmly drive home. (No more welly) Earlier that day a woman with a new Volvo estate (police, then insurance Company who covered all costs and loses eventually) had knocked the bike over in a parking space in London.Luckily a waiter took down the registration and when Kal came out to the bike he called out to him and gave him the details. (He knew Kal because he occasionally ate there)

Any way mechanics, electric's, electronics.....never had to deal with them. Kal loves technology...he programmes remote controls, TV recordings etc.........

...... And I am happy to let him do his man magic thing.... :sungum: .......he also hogs all the fun when it comes to burning stuff......a time when the boys are very enthusiastic helpers....clearly more MAN magic. 


And hey I was right it was the black thing above the engine... :butcher:  This might explain why the passat estate I owned prior to going out with Kal ended up with the engine blowing up....If I remember correctly a piston shot up into the bonnet.....lack of oil.......Man magic.........But I remember sounds....like the high whiny squeaky one that means your battery might not be charging....and needs a little something  from my wardrobe to fix it.....  Apparently that bit of the engine slides on a bar which needs to be tight enough for the 'big rubber band' to turn the thing that charges the battery....see.....not a complete numpty......... :jester:  :jester:  :jester:  

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Police house. Annexe cut to width.


I used a scriber to 'cut' this


and I used this to size this


This might seem basic to regular modellers, but I am a novice on scratch build.


I cut out the door, and thought.mmmmm, the sides look awful....so got a scalpel


Now you can see the edge of the stones.

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hornbyandbf3fan......(nice to see you about again incidentally :sungum: )

If your desperate....go to .......


Top of the page..... :jester:


or seriously

Page one has an index on post 2. That links to a number of trains...and some with sounds.....and I don't just mean background music LOL

the videos at the end of post2


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While the sheet was on the green cutting board it occurred to me the doorway was not very 'square'



So I got out a small file and squared it up...better


and re-scribed the stones

both sides


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