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2 BIL to Blue BIL

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A brief update on the 2 BIL:


The replacement roof conduit which was made from brass wire has not proven to be very satisfactory having distorted over the past few months.  Yesterday I decided to change all the wire for plastic rod of 0.4mm and 0.5mm dia. as appropriate.


The light quality leaves something to be desired but here is a shot of the unit after the remedial work was done to change six of the conduits.(Two conduits were fitted with plastic rod the first time, so these have been left as they were.)




The 2 BIL's roof is  now fitted out in the same way as other units in my fleet, so that should mean distortion-free conduits from now on.





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  • 4 months later...

Hi Everyone,

       I'm sure Colin won't mind me reviving this old thread of his. Southern Electric modelling is not my top subject, i know the different types of units, but i'm very much "playing away" when it comes to specific details, which is where Colin has indirectly helped me on the finer points. Like many other members, i had a small number of unbuilt or part-built Ian Kirk 2BIL units, i had motorized a couple, but the bogie sideframes supplied were a stumbling block. It had been pointed out to me by another friend, that the Kirk 2BIL kits came with the two correct 8 foot inner bogies and two longer Driving Trailer leading bogies, when only one was needed, but not supplied with a correct motor bogie sideframe. I had intended to buy some correct castings, but never got around to it, so the kits gathered dust on the shelf.

        Years later, along comes the excellent Hornby 2BIL unit, but then Colin spots a problem. Hornby have also fitted motor bogie sideframes to the leading Driving Trailer, which is wrong, perhaps on grounds of economy, and of course many wouldn't notice the difference anyway. Having read Colin's comments, it occurred to me that i could kill two birds with one stone, by fitting a Kirk DT bogie to Hornby, and put the surplus Hornby motor sideframe on my Kirk. In fact the Kirk DT sideframes were grafted on to the Hornby clip-fit bogie, the Hornby were glued on to the older Ringfield motor bogie, with a spot of width reduction. Hopefully Colin will review my humble efforts shortly. Here are the first pics.    BK









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Hi Brian,

I've had a look through your pictures. The trailing pick-up bogie does look much better under the DTC.

However! You have constructed the Kirk side frames around the frame for a motor bogie, which is longer. This has resulted in the bogie pivot being offset to the wheelbase, pushing the bogie forward by what looks like 2mm. The Hornby Fuse holder is in the correct position - even if it is completely the wrong shape.
It shouldn't take too long to rectify. Do you not have the original Kirk bogie stretcher mouldings to construct the side frames on? (My Hornby 2 BIL was fitted with the Kirk type from my old kirk 2 BIL as a straight swap. Post #224 on page 9 shows how it was fixed to the chassis)

As Dave says, the shoe beam on the Hornby model is incorrect. The Kirk one certainly is correct, so copy that. There are some very good prototype shots of the beam and many other features, taken by Godfrey Glyn. to be found on this topic on page 14.

Since last posting on this subject, I have made a master pattern for the missing compressor on the motor coach chassis. At some point this will be produced, along with an etched cradle, by another RMweb member for his own use. I have also made masters for the MU fittings found on the cab fronts of 2 BILs and their like. I was making patterns for the heavy duty Spencer-Moulton buffers to have sprung heads, but events overtook me I'm afraid.

All the best,


Edited by Colin parks
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Thanks Colin,

      I attached the Kirk sideframes to the Hornby bogie frame, so as to re-use the clip-fit mounting, then i didn't even need to remove the body! I take your point about the offset Hornby pivot, i can't even cure that by turning the bogie around. I'll either refit with a Kirk bogie frame, or perhaps adapt the Hornby frame, to retain the clip-fit. I will also amend the conductor beam, as pointed out by both your good self and Dave. 


                                                                                                   Cheers, Brian.

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Hi Brian,

If you do modify the Hornby shoe beams, it is very easy to prise them off the axle boxes. The plastic used for these Hornby mouldings is solvent with Humbrol Liquid Poly, so it a simple affair to re-attach them once shaped. Take the excess material off the top edges of the beam and let the bottom edge well alone. I filed away part of the axle boxes on the Hornby motor bogie too to allow the shoe beam to sit a little higher once re-fitted.

It sounds like a fiddle, but once all this is done, you will have a much better looking model.

All the best,


Edited by Colin parks
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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...

Since last posting on this subject, I have made a master pattern for the missing compressor on the motor coach chassis. At some point this will be produced, along with an etched cradle, by another RMweb member for his own use. I have also made masters for the MU fittings found on the cab fronts of 2 BILs and their like. I was making patterns for the heavy duty Spencer-Moulton buffers to have sprung heads, but events overtook me I'm afraid.



Holy thread resurrection, Batman!


Colin, what happened to the compressor/cradle patterns/etches?

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Holy thread resurrection, Batman!


Colin, what happened to the compressor/cradle patterns/etches?


I happen to know the answer to your question, but will let Colin answer for himself. 


Just to mention that Replica Railways supply an injection moulding for a suitable compressor as part of the underframe details sprue for their MLV.  It is very modestly priced and contains a fair few useful details.


Hope that helps,

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Thanks for that, Howard. I did have a quick look at the Replica Railways site a couple of days ago, but wasn't quite certain which item you were referring to. Unfortunately, the site is now showing a "Not Authorized to View This Page [CFN #0004]" error.


Hopefully, Colin will come back into this at some point.

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Hmm - I got the same thing - it rather looks like some forgot to renew a subscription!  When it does come back up, I will see if I can find the reference.  Alternatively, if you are not in a rush, they attend most shows and have all the sprues with them to look through.

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Thanks for that, Howard. I did have a quick look at the Replica Railways site a couple of days ago, but wasn't quite certain which item you were referring to. Unfortunately, the site is now showing a "Not Authorized to View This Page [CFN #0004]" error.


Hopefully, Colin will come back into this at some point.


It is back, I was about to post in the Smaller Retailers part of the forum,but thankfully the website is back.


It might even have not been a subscription issues, sometimes servers time out, or go off line.


I can recommend their under-frame detailing packs, but haveused them in combination with some Comet parts for a couple of DMUs  I have made.



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Hi truffy,


Having messaged Howard, it sems that I did make a pattern for a compressor and sent it to him.  The part was to be made in cast resin.  Having been rather ill and on a lot of medication back then in 2014, some things have dropped out of memory.


If Howard recommends the Replica moulding for the compressor unit, then that is the way to go.  Replica have a good reputation for the quality of their parts.


I am still modelling, though the RMweb topic on scratchbuilding building a Bulleid 2 EPB is lacking in activity, there is a topic here on building a new train set.



Edited by Colin parks
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