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Parkway Station and Engineers Yard (modern image)


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It's that time again! Layout chrisis time!! I think I've been spending to much time 'off project' and am starting to doubt what I'm building, as 15ft is a lot if space to use and if I make a pigs ear of it then I doubt I'll build a new layout for a while. Ideas guys?

I'm just about on topic for the ballast terminal. But I've decided with an extension it's too big. As the layout would be over 36 square foot with it! Too much! Please help!



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I find sometime taking a step back and looking at what stock you have and what real locations you like the look of and what trains you'd like in the space you have without over stretching yourself


Thanks for the help David. I'll try that

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I find sometime taking a step back and looking at what stock you have and what real locations you like the look of and what trains you'd like in the space you have without over stretching yourself



Totaly agree with this :no: wil keep your costs down too...

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  • 1 month later...

Wow I've been quiet on here....



So I've decided in the month + since the last update that I want the station to be more domminent. And for the engineers yard to be a bit smaller so the topic title needs to be edited to change it to Parkway Station and engineers yard... I've decided this through lots of back issues of model rail.... Problem is what region? It's was always going to be a northern layout but having read this topic called 'Matford' I am starting to bear into a sort of Tonbridge yard type of thing? Again any ideas? Southern region stock is bloody expensive though but Northern is over modelled...

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Write down exactly what you want ,

And alist of maybes if space,

Write a list of eras you like,

Write a list of locations you like,

Gradually use them as a flow chart to refine what you really want

Thanks Rob, that'll help :)

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.... Then when you have a couple of ideas....


Do a " reality check ".


IE will old oak common depot fit on my 4 ' plank ?

Do I want to swap to NE steam and thus have to sell all my existing stock ?

Is this idea future proof, or am I likely to change my mind ?

Can it be expanded in future if I find it too limiting ?


I wish I had asked myself these questions in 1999 when I came back to modelling. So far unfinished layouts, sold or swaped stock has cost me £1000ssss....

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... though but Northern is over modelled...


Don't be put of by what other people have modelled. Just because someone has already modelled it, doesn't mean you can't to it too! I also agree with Rob D2, some very good pointers there.





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Hi Swifty

Don't worry, I had exactly the same dilemma before Kyle of Lochwilliam was born. I think the same goes for a lot of modellers. After doing such a good job of those base boards I expect your thinking you want to get it right first time and not end up ripping it up again.

All sorts of things inspire us to build layouts whether it be certain locations we have a fondness of, certain types of traffic or even a liking of a certain type of traction.

I take it as you are doing a ballast yard you have a particular liking of engineering trains which I can't say I blame you with the wonderful selection of wagons on offer.

You say that you want to make the station more prominent, so you need to look at the types of passenger trains you want to run whether it just be units or loco hauled as well. Obviously the lengths of the trains will dictate your platform lengths. Once you've established this then it will then give you some idea how much space will be left for your ballast yard. Give some more in depth details of what you would like to achieve as I am sure fellow RM webers will only be to willing to help. All the best and good luck.


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Don't be put of by what other people have modelled. Just because someone has already modelled it, doesn't mean you can't to it too! I also agree with Rob D2, some very good pointers there.






Hi Swifty

Don't worry, I had exactly the same dilemma before Kyle of Lochwilliam was born. I think the same goes for a lot of modellers. After doing such a good job of those base boards I expect your thinking you want to get it right first time and not end up ripping it up again.

All sorts of things inspire us to build layouts whether it be certain locations we have a fondness of, certain types of traffic or even a liking of a certain type of traction.

I take it as you are doing a ballast yard you have a particular liking of engineering trains which I can't say I blame you with the wonderful selection of wagons on offer.

You say that you want to make the station more prominent, so you need to look at the types of passenger trains you want to run whether it just be units or loco hauled as well. Obviously the lengths of the trains will dictate your platform lengths. Once you've established this then it will then give you some idea how much space will be left for your ballast yard. Give some more in depth details of what you would like to achieve as I am sure fellow RM webers will only be to willing to help. All the best and good luck.


Thanks for your help! :) it is very useful.






- Station

- Engineers yard

- Lots of running potential. Or I know I'll get bored.





Through running (again, depends on track plan)

Possibly a repairs shed



The origional plan for the layout is for it to be mini Blackmill... That wasn't going to happen!

What I am thinking of doing is a station with a big 5ft fiddle yard at one end and then at the other a small fiddle yard. Which will only fit in a 3 car DMU. what do we think? Track plan ideas?






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 ...What I am thinking of doing is a station with a big 5ft fiddle yard at one end and then at the other a small fiddle yard. Which will only fit in a 3 car DMU. what do we think? Track plan ideas?...


Is there anything like a terminus with a few short through platforms you could model, bit like Manchester Piccadilly?


Are your fiddle yards full width? Another idea is the half station approach, with the station 'coming out' of the small fiddleyard? Like this,


I <-Fiddle-> I                        <-Platform-I-Fiddle-> I

I <-Fiddle-> I                        <-Platform-I-Fiddle-> I


Or the half width fiddleyard;


I <-Fiddle-> I                       <-Platform-I-Fiddle-> I

I <-Ballast sidings->            <-Platform in front -> I


Hope you can understand them. If your still stuck for ideas, visit model railway exhibitions and look at the format of the layouts. When I was planning my layout, I did a plan I was happy with, then though 'what if that goes there and this goes here' and created a better plan.


Hope my waffelings help!





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Is there anything like a terminus with a few short through platforms you could model, bit like Manchester Piccadilly?


Are your fiddle yards full width? Another idea is the half station approach, with the station 'coming out' of the small fiddleyard? Like this,


I <-Fiddle-> I                        <-Platform-I-Fiddle-> I

I <-Fiddle-> I                        <-Platform-I-Fiddle-> I


Or the half width fiddleyard;


I <-Fiddle-> I                       <-Platform-I-Fiddle-> I

I <-Ballast sidings->            <-Platform in front -> I







Yeh got it in one, It is 15ft in total so I think that should work! I'll see how it fits. I'll have a look at some layout threads and at sometime this week get a plan on! :)



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Yeh got it in one, It is 15ft in total so I think that should work! I'll see how it fits. I'll have a look at some layout threads and at sometime this week get a plan on! :)




How wide is it Swifty? 15x15 is an amazing space, 15x0.5 is far more difficult... ;)




EDIT: Nevermind, I found it in the first post on this thread... :(

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How about this for starters?




It gives you an engineering yard front & centre, with a 4' platform at the rear and a FY to shuttle a 3-car D/EMU service back and forth.


There is also a larger (5') FY which (because points take up loads of room!) I've suggested is configured as a traverser or cassette style fiddle yard allowing for (assuming modern image) up to 1 loco + 4 KFAs/larger goods wagons.





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If it's going to be end to end,

Think about how your fiddle yards will work - nothing more annoying than having not enough space or an awkward design.


Also consider ratio of scenic to fiddle - you don't want so much fiddle to get the train length , you have a 5 ' train appearing on a 4' scenic area.

I've made this mistake, looks just about ok as a freight train , looks a bit weird as a passenger one.


Have you considered half yard/ station concept like Waverley west ?

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Thanks Matt and Rob, the track plan is good, I think I've am ok idea on what I'm doing


FIDDLE. Main scenery and point Station. Fiddle


FIDDLE. Main scenery and point station and yard. Fiddle/ballast yard


FIDDLE Main scenery and point. Yard. Yard

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Playing around today, I came up with the following that will (just) fit in your space:




It's based on the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) depot in the US (http://goo.gl/maps/kBhxt) and was highlighted to me by someone on the http://groups.yahoo.com/group/small-layout-design/ yahoo group.






Looks good! But I want it to be a really scenic in terms of not to tracky...


Ive got an idea so I'll see what I can do



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You've got to think in terms of real track design as well, why would there be two head shunts on the right of that design - more complication, more maintenance cost I'd say.


There are some time tested tr.ack designs in the cj freezer books that can be adapted, or look at google earth as well.


One of the main things I see, is a short head shunt , running back to a twin road engine/ fuelling shed ......mostly unrealistic because most sheds in BR times for fuel were drive through not dead end to save the complication of trapped locos.


Even the basic facility at tees yard is drive through today

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You've got to think in terms of real track design as well, why would there be two head shunts on the right of that design - more complication, more maintenance cost I'd say.


There are some time tested tr.ack designs in the cj freezer books that can be adapted, or look at google earth as well.


One of the main things I see, is a short head shunt , running back to a twin road engine/ fuelling shed ......mostly unrealistic because most sheds in BR times for fuel were drive through not dead end to save the complication of trapped locos.


Even the basic facility at tees yard is drive through today




I agree that it's a bit odd to have two headshunts, however if you look at the prototype (and http://goo.gl/maps/9Zh5V is the view I used to try to recreate the track plan) you'll see that is how it is configured. I guess this is one of the issues with taking an American prototypical setup and translating it into a layout that can be used this side of the Atlantic.





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  • 1 month later...

Hello again,

Been a long time since the last update,

Basically, I have been planning the layout and have decided to go in yet another different direction.

Some of you will be familiar with my other layout Thornton Road,

We (me and grandad) have found a way to convert this new layout into a circular roundy-roundy layout. This means that instead of just having an engineers yard and I may as we'll just build the layout I wanted to in the first place!

I will be posting another update soon and a picture of the nearly finished bridge


There has also been some nice stock editions over Xmas including 60071 Ribblehead Viaduct!

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